Your Least Favorite Levels in FE

Ah, Furry Hell CQ and BR edition and Prince Ryoma’s Patient Revenge. All of them hellish for various reasons…

Maps like these make me wonder what the hell Kaga was thinking sometimes. This looks more like an FE4 map than anything…

Technically, it’s all optional IIRC… but considering what it gives you for completing it, well…


It’s just as bad in SOV as it is in the original.

I don’t like sand… it’s coarse and… rough and irritating… and it gets everywhere!

Not like here… here everything is soft…

and smooth.


Bismix’s Ashen Wolves video pretty much sums up everything wrong with that map tbh…

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All of Revelation fits the bill but I have say the snow plowing chapter is easily the worst. At least the other bad gimmicks do something somewhat interesting. That chapter just exists to slow the game down.


You know what, I agree. Although the stealth mission always gets me…

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Perhaps I’m misremembering, my bad

If I offended anyone I am sorry about that but look at this, just ******* look


The elevator map from Revelations has given me ptsd for life. Mostly because I spent several turns not understanding how it worked.
The boat map in Revelations with the dragon veins is close second because of how tedious it is, you can cheat that one with fliers though at least.

The problem with Revelation’s maps is not that they tried to put gimmicks.
It’s that those gimmicks only exist to waste the player’s time.

If they could open up strategic opportunities to clear the map faster or at least give some defensive advantage, while also being something that you need to keep an eye out (Like that escape map in conquest where you have to get out of the place I can’t mention, but you can use a dragon vein to create a duplicate and kill the boss), revelation’s map design would be A+.
(Of course, it had a lot of other problems, but eh.)

You mean Fuga’s Wild Ride, Rainbow Sage 3x, Snow Village level, Promo and Depromo floor, the JAIL LEVEL, Takumi’s Wall, Duplication Level, Platforming done wrong, Takumi+Takumi, 2part Xander+Leo hell, isn’t all fun smart ways to make levels? Are you telling me those levels are bad and gimmicky? By god those are the most fun I’ve had since every desert level in Echoes, Nuibabas mansion, everything in Celicas route past ch.1. All great… fantastic… well designed…

For those who missed the sarcasm, just look above it’s all there.


Doesn’t that just mention the desertlevels twice as the only ones are in Celicas Side of the game past chapter1?(Everything wrong with the game is basically Celica. At least nuibabas nonsense can be cheesed)

I think he also means the boat map arc.

What map is that? Is that TLP’s geneaology chapter?

Desert map PTSD, huh?


In terms of fully completed hacks with supports, why isn’t Requiem mentioned often? Well for reference this is prologue, and your units are two swordies with 6 GREEN units.

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TLP chap 26 which is my worst nightmare because I can never cleared it.

Oh god. That map is the reason why I never even tried the rest of Requiem… and remember, this chapter is a Rout map too…

Yeah I’ve heard that Requiem has good story and characters, and MIGHT have better maps later, but with a prologue like this…

The prologue’s probably the most important part for someone who wants to try a hack.