Current release goes up to chapter 2.
Hiya. I’ve been working on this romhack of FE8U. There’re two things I’ll focus on in this romhack:
- Eyecandy. Custom game intro, custom chapter intro, flashy battle animations, etc. None of these things are necessary in a romhack. Unfortunately, they're really fun to make. Considering the letter-count is the same, I'm still considering re-naming the project to FE Eyecandy.
GimmicksFeatures. Danger radius, backup suspend saves, Lights Out puzzles, etc. Some (most) features may be familiar from newer FE titles. Others have taken inspiration from elsewhere.
I’m trying to use these focus points to serve the motto:
Let's make something unique that could pass as another official FEGBA release.Granted, that's probably far too ambitious to be realistic, so I'll mostly prioritise the "unique" part, with the whole "pass as another official FEGBA release" coming in as a distant second.
Download the patch here. Just pick the newest release and click on the
file to download the patch. Use NUPS or some other patcher to patch the patch to an FE8U (Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones, North America region) ROM.
- Backup SuspendSave: The game autosaves after every action you take, however you can make a backup save which you can return to a limited amount of times. Whilst autosave won't overwrite your backupsave, you can freely overwrite your backup save whenever. Just like FE8's autosave, your backupsave will be deleted if you save in-between chapters.
- Press select whilst hovering on an enemy unit to display that unit's danger radius. Press select again to hide their danger radius. Press select anywhere on the map to either display every enemy unit's danger radius, or, if any danger radius is active, hide every enemy unit's danger radius. Mind, having too many danger radii active at once might slow down the game. Danger Radius is cleared when resetting the game or when player phase ends.
- A few Lights Out puzzles. Only the first one you'll run into is mandatory.
- Custom game intro and chapter intro. Those things you'll probably skip most of the time, but they're there.
- SkillSystem, so skills are a thing. Player units will each have a personal skill. Some classes have a class-specific skill. Player units will unlock their class-level up skill at level 5 and every 10 levels from then on. Generic enemies won't have any skills.
- RNGRandomizer: RNG sequence is iterated every frame. This should make it a bit harder to RNG abuse. Still using 2RN though.
Known issues
Could potentially change a lot, so I’ll just refer you to the README.
Not everything shown here is currently available yet.
Can be found here.
I like eyecandy and implementing features, but building chapters is not that interesting to me. I also expect real life could get busy soonish. Releases will be quite infrequent. Sorry.
This is my first full-fledged hack, or intended-to-be at least. It’s also early days yet, so I’d appreciate feedback. Whilst pointing out weak spots and leaving it at that is still helpful, I’m more likely to change something if you provide suggestions on how to change/improve it, especially if they’re small changes.