Why tiled is better than mappy

Why would he not link to Mappy? If it’s his program of choice, providing a link to it the mapping competition seems like the thing to do.

I thought he liked tiled

The destruction of the floodfill must be stopped

I think you might be misreading his posts ):

the sadness :<

Oh well, I interpreted “why tiled is better than mappy” as implying he liked tiled, whoops… It’s been too long since I read the first post lol

everyone in this thread is fucking around so hard they forgot that they were fucking around

I read the OP last night but I literally forgot it was disagreeing with the thread title (this forum not loading the OP past a certain number of posts doesn’t help on my crap internet lol)

Wow, I actually need to spell it out.
I have no problem with Mappy and I wasn’t hating on you for using it. Both programs accomplish the same thing. You posted several issues that you have with Tiled; I posted “hey, some of those aren’t even there”. /That/ point is where it seems like you’re being serious. Then you say that I’m the one being serious when you seemed really eager to start shit (excuse me, “watch the fireworks”) in the first place. I wasn’t taking anything seriously until my “hey Tiled does this too” nudge was met with “you don’t want to do this”, which I actually don’t because I generally like to stay out of internet arguments (especially when I know they’re unwinnable because whoever has been in the community longer always has the advantage).

But hey, thanks for reminding me why I don’t post on forums. Make a joke, get attacked.


If no one is mad we should have a party

I will go get the cake

Warning, I will eat it before I get back


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shutting this down. @dancer_A your passive aggressive “joke” threads are not appreciated

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