Why tiled is better than mappy

I aligned my system files so that the Disk Defragmenter colored blocks make a map, then I print screen it into MS Paint.

I create a GUI interface using visual basic to track the tile addresses

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what does the link have to do with anything though?

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cries internally cause uses tiled for all of my maps

though on a more serious note the only reason i actually like to use tiled more is because i feel more comfortable with its interface, if mappy just didnā€™t feel as awkward to use id switch in a heartbeat because opening tiled files is a pain in the ass.
nice not to have to worry bout the tile changes but still.
probably gonna make maps for hacking purposes in mappy now cause im pretty sure tiled is being a bitchy program and screwing me up.

you been watching too much TAA dude

Personally I used mappy before like most eastern hackers, and then I read Markyjoeā€™s tutorial one day so I turned to Tiled. I think I have an open mind to new things. :grin: After all, at the beginning I followed the old tutorial on ChinaFE and edited maps by a hex editor,which was a pretty hard work. Then I learnt Mappy from UT, a really convenient tool. In fact I donā€™t care much about their differences.

Did you have a reason for posting some rambly, poorly written MRA shit?




(Also: wat)

i go wild for tiled

mappy does not make me happy


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[quote=ā€œghast, post:30, topic:755ā€]
i go wild for tiled
[/quote] Ghasts Gone Tiled. Look at the size of those tile changes!

edit: also, addressing a few things:

Because that fields map will look great when you switch it to plains&castle.

[quote=ā€œdancer_A, post:15, topic:755ā€]
or the fact that it teaches people that spamming tiles is good
[/quote]TIL tile spam didnā€™t exist before Tiled

[quote=ā€œdancer_A, post:15, topic:755ā€]
or exporting an image without grids
[/quote]Tiled does this

[quote=ā€œdancer_A, post:15, topic:755ā€]
or the amount of layers
[/quote]not sure what the complaint here is; is it that itā€™s more difficult to manage a layer per tile change than manually entering them in hex or whatever it is you do with Mappy?

oh ho you donā€™t want to do this

try switching your fe7 field tileset to the fe8 one to see how it looks

itā€™s more the paint bucket is screaming JUST USE ME

not without a lot of work

it was referring to someone a while ago(not here) saying tiled can support 10 layers whereas mappy has been supporting 100+ since day one

idk why you think this thread is serious though, iā€™m just watching fireworks :o

I think Tiled is a bit better because itā€™s user-friendly and does the tile changes for you (Which is very tedious to do it manually).

Last time I used Tiled it had a checkbox to save the image without the grid.

Some men just want to watch the world burnā€¦ :Y

The paint bucket is a sin?

-flashbacks to filling in the canvas in yetipaint accidentally-

ā€¦Yune was using the paint bucket. Iā€™ve figured it out. She tried to fix Tellius, and floodfilled ocean by accident.

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[quote=ā€œdancer_A, post:32, topic:755ā€]
try switching your fe7 field tileset to the fe8 one to see how it looks
[/quote]No need because I have made a map with the FE8 field before and inserted it into a rom that uses FE7 field and it worked fine. Iā€™ve done the same with an FE7 plains&castle map where the rom used the FE8 tileset as well.

[quote=ā€œdancer_A, post:32, topic:755ā€]
itā€™s more the paint bucket is screaming JUST USE ME
[/quote]Grass tiles scream JUST USE ME in general to newbies who are already up to the monumental task of swiping the paintbrush across their map in the empty spaces. Itā€™s not the fact that thereā€™s a paint bucket; itā€™s the way of thinking of the type of people who tile spam.

o no how unchek box so much work help plox

[quote=ā€œdancer_A, post:32, topic:755ā€]
it was referring to someone a while ago(not here) saying tiled can support 10 layers whereas mappy has been supporting 100+ since day one
[/quote] I probably wasnā€™t around (and have never run into a layer limit in Tiled so I assume that itā€™s been improved by now)

[quote=ā€œdancer_A, post:32, topic:755ā€]
idk why you think this thread is serious though, iā€™m just watching fireworks :o
[/quote] You seem pretty hurt that nobody got your joke when in reality everyone was being tongue-in-cheek in the first place.

Iā€™m baffled as to why you have such a chip on your shoulder. Is it because customers want their maps in Tiled format or something?

Edit: oh, were you /serious/ when you said that my hashtag sounds like Iā€™m a hater? Geez louise, dude. Here I was thinking that it was common knowledge that hashtags outside Twitter/Facebook are taken as anything but serious and figured that your response was intended just as jocularly as what it was responding to.

We all know why Mappy is better, the name is cuter :B

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yeah tiled is next level and mappy is super not

this makes so much sense.

The hell does a random video on youtube have to do with menā€™s rights activists?

Edit: LOL. I meant to post this. I have no idea why that link didnā€™t copy XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hcywf9mwF5U


I didnā€™t say wait until you need to, I said try it(because you canā€™t)

when you give them an easier tool to do that, it gives the wrong idea

more work than mappy ;>

it hasnā€™t but no one even uses layers other than me

lol bite me youā€™re hilarious
iā€™m so tempted to care
if you actually paid attention to what I did, youā€™d realize I donā€™t care what people use(else why would I link both programs and say ā€œuse what you wantā€ in my own mapping competition), there is no chip.

oh totally

iā€™m done with you though, you take stuff too seriously hahaha

ā€¦why would you link to mappy? lol You really should just link to tiled at that rate.