Why Three Houses Actually Sucks

Assuming from her weapon having 00 uses that this is modified somehow

Plus Catherine and Hilda being playable in Crimson Flower

Yeah, I didn’t even notice those. What the hell’s going on here?

And Byleth having Dark Creator Sword and sword of Seiros

Okay, that’s enough. Stay on topic.

I’d argue that’s any FE game though. It doesn’t excuse that some classes/skills are not particularly well-balanced. Like Zeta alluded to, outside of the beginner classes, the choices become lopsided (ie mage’s fiendish blow vs. priest’s miracle).

I personally do not find three houses engaging because it feels like a very loose thing to me. No, it cannot even be that I dislike all of the concepts because echoes aside from celica is my favorite fe and that works similarly.

maybe it has to do with the maps being so big and then there are the huge session in the academy. I know those are largely optional, but they do not feel like that on a first playthrough because it just throws one into it with a general “if you want to succeed, do this shit”. somehow, I feel as if a fe6 remake would be a game I would enjoy more if they fixed the stupid stuff with thrones and ambush spawns since it is very fe in nature(I mean, it basicly recycles a lot of the things the kaga game did in one way or another)


I’ve really wanted to share my opinions of this game.
My feelings boil down to “The game is good and a lot of fun, but i really hope that future fire emblem games follow this trend.”

I miss classical recruitment that you see in all of the pre 3DS games as well as older mechanics like rescuing and weapons not being repairable.

I feel as though the warriors engine was a terrible choice for three houses because animations are so limited in that game. I’m not a fan of fates and awakening but even those games had more animation in their characters then Three Houses. It just felt uncanny. For the past several months, i’ve been pondering what a Genealogy of the Holy War remake would look like and all i do is worry. GHW is such an emotional driven game that i worry that all of the dialogue and animations will seem stale and lifeless. I can picture the seen where Arvis betrays Sigurd in my mind and all i see is a bunch of people standing around screaming “nooooo” while none of them move. The scene in the game that really REALLY made me angry is when Byleth gets crushed by rocks and everyone is just standing there saying, “oh noo…” with no emotion whats so ever. On top of that, the game is so laggy that i worry that the engine wouldn’t even be able to handle a map that big. .

In regards to the school, I really don’t like it. It seemed weird that all of the students would hang around the school for a whole week and instantly travel to another part of the continent in a day. It made no sense that they would even be able to do that. Like, why does it take the students 1 day to travel to the place where nemesis is, but it takes Nemesis 1 month to get to the school? It makes no sense.

Once again, i feel like most of the characters are one dimensional like every character from Awakening and Fates. There are several characters i do like but all of them just seem so one sided and boring. I feel as though the only complex characters are the Lords, Seteth, and Dedue. Yah there is probably more but i sure didn’t notice.

My last complaint is Byleth. People say Kris is bad, and he/she is, but DEAR LORD Byleth is not much better. Just because his/her character is written to be emotionless doesn’t mean it was a good idea. I just really hope they axe all future avatars from the games. I don’t give a single care to Byleth and her story. However, I do care about Dedue, Dimitri, and Claude. I want to see more of them, not Byleth.

I know my points were really scattered and don’t get me wrong, I do love this game a lot, It’s because I like it that i’m criticizing it.

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I really enjoyed Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and honestly I’d say if I didn’t have a soft spot for Awakening it’d easily be my favorite game in the whole series. I think the biggest annoyance I had while playing it was the re-using of the same few maps a lot, which was more something I noticed on my second time playing (did Golden Deer first, then Blue Lions). While it was kind of weird and grating, it didn’t ruin the experience for me or anything.

Gender-locked classes was also kind of grating especially after Fates let you literally be anything, and my desire for male Pegasus Knights was crushed, but it does seem consistent with most Fire Emblem games. Ah well.

I do want to say that I think it’s very easy to overlook a character if you don’t play a route with them or get some of their supports. Example, I really don’t think Caspar is anything to write home about (his design is :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: though), but I also haven’t really used him and have only seen one of his support lines. I’m sure if I were to use him consistently and unlock more of his supports I’d have a better understanding of his complexity though. Or maybe he’s not very complex, and actually that’s okay. Some characters have to take the backseat in the narrative and become less relevant as the story goes on. There’s a reason each route has its main lord plus their retainer, and then a few characters who stay on. This is a game that’s designed to have you lose characters and not totally destroy the story if you lose them.

Actually I think the characters, in terms of students at least, were written really well? Each one is unique and while some of them are kind of trope-y, they all go beyond their basic first impression personalities. Personal favorite and best example I’ve seen would be Marianne. I love her, but she does come off as just “oh another quiet girl who lacks confidence” at first until you see more of her depth and then later how she changes. So yeah, three houses does an awesome job in the character department for me.

Oh, and finally, not super please with how some of the same-sex S supports ended up. Don’t even get me started on how disappointing Alois’ ending was…smh…

EDIT: I realized that my wording while discussing characters could be confusing, as there is a distinct difference between a deep and complex character. I’ve edited for clarity.


I would assume that they will make the next FE more dynamic graphicswise and animationwise because that was the only problem a lot of people had with the game. The more interessting thing to me is which remake will come next. the engine has aspects of fe4, a routesplit mechanic like fe7 and 8 and an unused movement growth like fe5(It does work according to a hacker I know, but it is always set to 0 by default). there does not really seem to be any mechanic that hints at fe6 tho, so rip me

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why would they even CONSIDER

I still have the theory that they did not, but instead only put it in to prepare for an FE5 remake

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I unironically think mov growths are a good idea.


I think most of the graphical issues come from the game being rushed. According to interviews, development didn’t begin in earnest until 2017. That’s only two years (probably less!) to come up with as much content as they did, all while sending their game off to a localisation company so that they could achieve a global release, which is an achievement in and of itself.

It’s a travesty that the game looks as bad as it does when games like Astral Chain exist on the same hardware and look incredible, but it seems to boil down to “we didn’t have enough time to animate the 3D models properly, but isn’t this better than static portraits?”

The next game, whether or not it’s a remake, is bound to look far better, as the developers become more familiar with the hardware and have to spend less time trying to develop a new-ish engine. If it’s another remake, then that also means less or no time having to develop a new story, which as all of us hackmackers know can be a huge challenge.


I have not played three houses but this thread has swayed my opinion against it.

It is still worth playing. I had a great time my first run through it.

Like any FE game, it has its ups and downs. I wouldn’t let this thread completely shape your perspective.


3H is worth the pricetag for a first time playthrough at least. The flaws started to be really glaring later on for me but I still felt it was a worthwhile experience.

Nah, don’t take the thread the wrong way. The game might have significant flaws but it’s still worth playing. Actually, let me list things I like about 3H:

  • It’s very player phase oriented, and gives you a lot of options on PP. Enemy quality is high and enemies will destroy you if you’re not careful (context: first run is ‘maddening blue lions’).
  • While the monastery is far from perfect, I love being able to walk around and talk to all the characters in between chapters.
  • The way class base stats work is cool. They prevent you from getting too stat screwed and can let you do builds like magic Hilda that you probably wouldn’t be able to do otherwise.
  • The monster mechanics are neat. They’re not presented well, but they definitely feel like they add to the game.
  • The setting is interesting, the writing is mostly good, and the general atmosphere is well done.
  • Divine Pulse makes long maps less tedious to play through and makes the ambush reinforcements merely ‘annoying’ rather than a deal breaker

Are you really letting the options of random people on the internet sway your own opinion about getting or not getting a game? There’s a strong reason that you weren’t going to get the game in the first place

Isn’t this the entire point of online video game reviews (such as this one)?

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