What would you like to see?

Anyways, now that I have my mandatory Mod Diss track, I do not believe with the notion of needing to be held back by decorum in order to voice an opinion.

It is a truthful statement that one of the pivotal points of Fire Emblem is its Perma-Death mechanic tied to unique individualized characters (to the point people like @FuriousHaunter say that Ironman is the intended gameplay).

Casual and Ironman as their “intended” gameplay are a contradictory statement as is.

Additionally, criticizing the concept of Casual modes as is is something entirely valid - as one can consider that it removes one of the pivotal stakes of Fire Emblem - mistakes taking a toll.

Thus it is, in my opinion, fine to hold Casual players/Easy Mode players on a different light when they put any arguments in regards to difficulty or how playable a hack is, as the ‘vanilla’ difficulty (or as intended) can be left unplayable as a consequence.

Some games take different outlooks on perma-death lately, with some holding all characters as a game over condition, while some instead asking you to keep everyone alive - and others giving you enough replacement tools in case your plays are suboptimal (ironman-friendly games)

Chastising Classic players due to them not being forced to respect Casual players despite games changing entirely with a mechanic change or stat swings is not justified behaviour.

Lesk out