What would you like to see?

The title explains itself. What do you want to see? Can be in the making of fe hacking or official games or something along the lines. For me, I want to see a remake of gaiden. Not sacred echoes, a remake of gaiden. Sacred echoes is a favorite demake of mine but it’s mainly me wanting to experience the difficulty of gaiden but modernized ever so slightly. A faithful remake as you will. That and I wanna see a monster hunter emblem hack in the foreseeable future. Maybe a Shin megami tensei devil survivor type of hack, who knows?


I want to see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch


more PMEs popping up every 3 days fr fr


you post in the right section


I want Project Balder to be done, or at least have a patch out.


I want more games akin to Berwick saga, or in general with a similiar design philosophy to kaga.
I want less information on the battlefield and a game actually designed around that, with scouting being very important to figure out enemy stats.
I want no more avatars.
I want another FE game with the same Artstyle as Radiant Dawn.
and most importantly, i am somewhat tired, so i want to sleep now


I’d like to see


:eyeglasses: here you go. I hope these help


I can see oh my god

So anyways there was this discussion about glasses-

Now that jesting is over, I want to see Fire Emblem games/romhacks that favor fucking around and finding out. Screw optimal plays, screw leaving a guide on the thread. I want to play games blind and for that to be the intended experience - with missable events done so that they can be found without reading three pages of a word doc - where missing those events isnt even a huge deal.

Hell, a game where units dying isn’t a heavy deal as long as you can make it out of it.


dude you’d love this hack its called IRON EMBLEM its kinda epic

anyhow what feu really needs more of is quite simple. more pmes.


A remake where fe7 has actual playable dragons or ninian doesnot die and or a lot more dragons to fight


played it fully pretty early on, ye


You might actually enjoy my hack

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More ANIMATORS muahahaha


Diverse lord types (in both rom hacks and main FE), like give me a true Manakete lord that doesn’t have their main weapon/fire emblem weapon tied to swords, a healer lord (we almost had one but it got canned), a wyvern riding lord, a lord who uses knives, a mage lord who uses two types of magic, pls no more basic lance, sword or axe lords.
More Manaketes or Beast units w more creativity behind them:
I feel like FE doesn’t truly go into its beast units or Manaketes as much as they did back in the day w being able to utilize different stones that granted different boons and the what not. Also the characters themselves fall into different tropes and don’t really have any complexity to them. Like give me an actual child Manakete who wants humans to worship them, an Adult Manakete who has a different view on life due to being immortal, a Wolfskin or a Kitsune that doesn’t just have dog in human clothing as it’s personality (love you Keaton, Kaden, Selkie, and Velouria). Like they need to take some inspo from the Laguz (even if I think they’re incredibly overrated but good lore wise) .

A visual novel game that doesn’t require a ton of money for you to actually complete it.

No more avatars in FE.

Pokemon to implement other types of careers for trainers to be in, I’m sure not everyone wants to be Champion and I think the games should implement that.


A Shining Force II demake in a FEGBA style.
While it has certain elements that may not be able to translate well into a FE hack, the gameplay is for the most part similiar to a FE game, so it wouldn’t be hard to recreate. Maybe is a pretty ambitious idea, but a man can dream.


Oh god… Where do I even begin? Then again some of the items imma list here are things I am planning to implement in my hack anyways. So if nobody is gonna do it… Imma do it myself.

  • More branching promotions for lords

  • More Hybrid classes (STR/MAG Based classes)

  • More uses for different types of Dragonstones/Beaststones

  • More identity for Light and Dark Magic

  • Lesser fears to make secret events

  • Harder choices in terms of who to bench and who to bring

  • More story-gameplay integration in general

  • More classes to have the armored property (I need my Armor synergies)

Thats all I can think off the top of my head


My bad for doing that

Shouzo Kaga finally admitting he made Super Thracia


Complete nitpick about assets that are generously donated, but I do wish more F2U portraits had goofier smiles. Some smile talk frames are so subtle that you might not even notice them while playing. Smile frames are one of the few presentational tools a hacker gets to play around with, so it’s always a shame when I can’t use it to its fullest extent.