What 'bad' units do you like using in FE?

In FE10 I babied Meg and took her to the tower. It was fun seeing her destroy everything with Alondite. 2nd most kills.

Fe6: Lot and Bors. They kept my army alive in the late game, so I have a soft spot for them.
Fe7: Bartre and Rebecca.
Fe8: Colm I guess. Not sure if he counts as bad, but younger me thought assassin Colm was good.
Awakening: Donnel. When I think about it I had to really grind him, but I remember thinking the guy was busted.

can donnel be considered bad? Sure he’s a pain to level but since pair up can both keep him safe and give him exp you can easily stick him on Kellam to either beef up his defense or give kellam some extra chip which also gives donnel exp, and yeah, Donnel can be one of the craziest units in awakening he snowballs so hard thanks to his exp boost and with his high luck growth if you make him a mercenary he gets a skill that can essentially stop him from using up weapon durability late game (forged glass sword anyone?)

Personally I really like using Sophia in FE6, Nino in FE7, Sothe in FE9, and Meg and Fiona in FE10, along with Rhys in both Tellius games.

Not sure exactly where Nephenee ranks in FE9 PoR, but I gave her pretty much every stat booster. Boots, Angelic Robe (I would’ve given her two if I hadn’t given one to Ike), gave her two Energy Drops I believe, and a Goddess Icons.

Also gave her Vantage to go along with her Wrath.

Besides that I tend to deploy bad units like Rolf and Rebecca (instead of e.g. Titania and Marcus, but I also let Jill and Oscar sit out a few chapters after they were promoted), but honestly I don’t even like using them, it’s more like falling for pitfalls even when I know about them is compulsory, it’s in my Gamer blood…

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Are Ests really bad units?
If so why IS bother to make them?

for me :
Rickard , if he can promote he can surpass Samto/Samuel

Cecilia, just because.

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Ests are considered bad units because FE tier lists are based entirely on efficiency and availability and Ests provide neither of those.

Intsys continue to make them because they know a good chunk of the playerbase does not give a single frick about efficient play and enjoys seeing weak units grow into unstoppable godslayers.


most of them, yes.

Donnel? It depends

Donnel isn’t a est though. He comes very early.

oh yeah, I guess I got Donnel pretty late in my first awakening run so I associated him with late game units

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Because not all units should be equal in any game ever. Some units are made worse than others but they still have their uses + are perfect replacements for dead units. Oh your barst died? Use Cord then, he may have spd issues but hes still a axe fighter with high Axe rank.
Ogier is worse than dieck but if your dieck died, Ogier perfectly replaces him and can hold himself up pretty well in the western isles and the rest of the game.
Literally the Kaga games were made around not resetting. Radd is bad Ogma/ bad navarre but he is a replacement Merc with a niche even if they are alive.
If everyone is equally good then no one is good or stands out. Trying to make everyone great almost never works out.


I don’t think it’s good design to have a character that is a ‘bad’ unit I believe every unit should have strengths and weaknesses, this is what I hate about binding blade, few units are usable in hard mode if you don’t want to slow down for the bad units

Hmm bad units i love using…
Gaiden: Est (The only game where she’s good so this is cheating i guess lol)
Fe5: Shannam, Tanya, Marty.
Fe6: (Disagree with those being called bad but i’ll go by popular opinion): Barth, Lot, Hugh (Underflow go brrrrrrrr), Geese, Fir? (Normal Mode Fir is garbage, Hard mode Fir is really good and i’m rating all of them on hard mode soooo?), Ogier, Bartre? (People dislike him idk why).
Fe7: Devil Axe (EwE)
Fe8: Innes (Very useful in a LTC draft)
Fe9: Lucia (Enjoy is a little far fetched here).
Fe10: Ilyana (Transfers go brrrrrrrrrrrrr), Makalov.
Fe11: Sorcerer Roger, Tomas, Solidus Snake, Roshea.
Fe12: Samto, Berserker Wrys.
Fe13: Kellam (Priest go brrrrrrrrrrr).
Fates: I don’t find any unit to be bad in fates (Besides maybe Rev Nyx and Rev Odin) Rev Nyx (Adventurer backpack 10/10).
Echoes: End my suffering.
3H: Gilbert.

(I think that’s all? Might have forgotten some)

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That is not true. As someone who has done multiple Fe6 Hard Mode Iron Mans, Every unit is usable at base (Besides Sophia). I don’t see which Fe6 people play that makes some units unusable. Hell a base geese without 0 levels when insta-promoted held his own on chapter 21 Hard Mode and he is considered to be pretty bad.
Now sophia is very unusable i agree.

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Obviously you can technically use the characters however you do have to slow down, unless you immediately swap your good unit for the worse unit they won’t hold up, unless you train them from when they join onwards they won’t be useful. Wendy gets bodied two chapters after her joining time and bors isn’t even much better, armor knights should be able to tank hits but neither can. Scrub squad Ogier, Wendy, and Barthe can barely hold their own in their joining chapter. Meanwhile you have Percieval who can solo the game at base and Melady who is more tanky than the armor knights and has more move and more weapon types. You can’t use the bad units or binding blade without some of the good units, Roy can only get kills because marcus has an iron sword.

also Innes is far from bad

He is a 2 range locked unit in a enemy phase focused game. If you can’t use Javelins or Hand Axes in Fe7-Fe9 then you are pretty bad. This however is not the case in player phase games.
So if he was in Fe6 he would be really damn good.

You’re forgetting how strong he is at base, at base he can one round most of the enemies he is up against in his joining chapter, he also comes with a silver bow which allows him to get big damage in when it’s necessary, there are also a lot of winding halls in fe8, halls that can easily be walled off, giving innes safety while he one rounds enemy units, he’s not a great unit however he isn’t anywhere near bad

lute is bad? lol ive never heard this

…did you just call levin bad lmao

I like using Douglas because of his badass beard.