WANTED: Anyone willing to lend a voice for a first time FEE3 submissioner?

Hi there, name’s Silvio and I’m looking to submit a trailer to my LT hack for FEE3 this year. I’ve never done something like this before and believe you me, the nerves are working overtime. I’m not gonna lie it’s a bit frightening even but I shall persevere!

I’m making this post because I have an idea for my trailer that requires speaking lines, and I’m looking for volunteers who are willing!

I’m not looking for professional voice acting or anything like that so please don’t second guess yourself if you think you might not have what it takes. If you think you might want to try, please send me a submission! I’m truly humbled if you wish to help, really I’m scared about all of this because I’ve never DONE anything like this as I’m typing right now.

Below are going to be 3 links to scripts on my drive. They should be able to be accessed by anyone with the link (so if there’s an issue PLEASE let me know, just give me a break if I can’t fix it RIGHT away, I’m at work still and I’m a second shifter. Not getting out til’ 2 cause of OT but I digress)

Again, if you’re interested please send a submission or 3. Tell me which part you’re voicing and we’ll go from there!

…I don’t exactly know how to end this so I’m going to drop the links to the scripts now. Boy this is nerve wracking.

Narrator Script - Narrator Script - Google Docs

Male voices Script - Male Script - Google Docs

Female voices Script - Female character script - Google Docs


How do you want us to send you the audition?

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Good question. If it fits on discord, you can send it to me there. My discord tag is silvio_nightwind

If it doesn’t fit, you can reach me by email which is silvio.no.ken@gmail.com (I made it back in high school, rip)

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Cool! Ill try and record something this week

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Accent preferences?

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I send a friend request to your discord, I can try my best

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None particularly required per se, more so looking for tone than anything.

I got it, and I believe in you!

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This isn’t related to the topic, but may I ask, what is FEE3?

FEE3 is an annual event where people can submit videos of their hacks to show off to the community.

FEE3 submissions for 2024 are on currently.

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I think this is awesome, and I’m totally going to record something and submit if only to use my blueyeti for something haha.
You can also check out my FEE3 video from last year for Fate of the Fallen, where me and the lovely and talented Yasako flex our voice play acting muscles by reading out all the lines in character XD

any deadline for submitting audition clips? (other than the FEE3 submission deadline of course lol) i’d love to record for (possibly all three) roles!
Oh, and a pronunciation guide for names in the script would be super helpful for recording!

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Glad you mentioned this because I totally spaced it, thank you.

I’d say audition clip deadline will be Friday August 9th, this way I have time to listen to them all and make my choices there (because a surprising amount of people have been interested, I’m touched really)

As for the pronunciation of certain words, I have added a pronunciation guide for the scripts that needed it, thank you for bringing that to attention.


I also just wanted to add this because I’ve gotten some wonderful submissions already: If you ever want to send in retakes, you’re more than welcome to. That’s why I added the deadline.

Also for the Narrator, I forgot to mention it but anyone can try out for the Narrator role. I’m even considering layering two voices, Male and Female over the final line if there are submissions for it.

One final thing before I head to bed in this early morning (since I just got out of work), thank you all so so much again. Everyone who has looked, everyone who has shared, everyone who has sent a submission so far. I am truly humbled and in awe of such a wonderful community FEU has.


think of it like a yearly nintendo direct for fire emblem fan content (hack, animation,etc.)

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And submitted.

Once I got over the whole, “ugh I hate my voice” of recording yourself, I had a great time lol

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Ill definitely submit something before the deadline

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I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who’s submitted so far, I really do appreciate every single submission I’ve received. I also wanted to take this time to remind you guys that the deadline where I’m cutting off voice submissions is THIS FRIDAY, AUGUST 9TH.

I’ve gotten a lot of submissions for the Narrator and the male lines, just looking for some more female line submissions to help with decision making. So if you guys have anyone you know that would like to voice a line for a trailer, let them know!

Again, thanks so much guys. I’m touched to have gotten so many responses, submissions and general interest in my hack. It means a lot. Until this Friday!

submitted my auditions as well! i only had time to do 2 of 3 roles today, but i’ll see if i can get the last one done before the deadline!

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I wish I could help rope in more female auditions, but I unfortunately already turned mine in, which is about as much as I could do lol.I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you though :crossed_fingers:

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