WANTED: Anyone willing to lend a voice for a first time FEE3 submissioner?

geez ok fine


Finally able to send something over

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Just wanted to give a quick update for everyone: Tomorrow is THE LAST DAY FOR SUBMISSIONS. You’ll have until the end of tomorrow if you’re interested. Gmail is being a little weird so if you can, send it via Discord (Don’t worry for you Gmail submissions, I did get yours so you’re good)

I’ve gotten a lot of submissions, with a lot of good voices. You guys are making it hard to pick, and it’s a shame I can’t pick everyone but I’m getting closer to narrowing down the voices. Once tomorrow is finally done, I’ll take an extensive listen to all submissions and make my final decisions there.

On the trailer front it’s going quite well, it’s basically done! Just barring some final art pieces from a couple IRL friends of mine, all that’s left are those, the Credits card and the title card really. (Would you guys believe it’s REALLY hard to find the Modern Fire Emblem font? Part of me is wondering if I should even bother but I digress).

I wanna thank you all again. Each and everyone of you, you’ve made this beginning experience to FEE3 for me memorable already, and I look forward to the event with all of you in the month or 2 away from now. You’re all an amazing community, and I’m happy to add my small contribution to everyone else’s.