The Ugly Mug Character Writing Contest

image - @Smokeyguy77

Name: Thanos (not a Marvel reference)
Class: Warrior
Backstory: Thanos was born and raised in Ishoban (supports with Nibbles?) and joined their small army, where he met his best friend. They loved doing bets on their free time, one of which resulted on him dressing as her. The next day they had a big battle against [Kingdom], swinging his axe recklessly resulting in fatally wounding a third of the enemy army… and his friend. Drowned in guilt, he decided to don her looks for the rest of his life, not knowing it was all a ruse by his friend, who faked her death and defected to [Empire]. Nowadays he’s part of the army of the very same [Kingdom] he fought against… But never lost his old ways.

Traits: Reckless, headstrong, a man of his word

Likes: Risk, poultry
Dislikes: Thieves, hail
Age: 25
Height: 199 [cm] / 6’ 6"

Give him a Devil Axe.

image - @Smokeyguy77 again

Name: Diber
Class: Bard w/Anima (there’s an unused Bard slot in FE8, so it counts)
Backstory: A young dwarf from [Remote Village]. He loves playing the musical instruments his parents own from their travelling band days, abandoned but not because of him. Unluckily for Diber, the village elder saw his magic potential so he was forced into the local magic school, where, while successful, was also infamous for his pranks. Now he has to move to an advanced school in [Kingdom], but [Assassins] are on the way to take his life and saving him is up to [The Party].
Traits: Naughty, naïve, optimistic.

Likes: Intense music, violence
Dislikes: Birds, lentils
Age: 10
Height: 51 cm / 1’ 8"