Tactile - SRPG Game Engine (and FEXNA)

I mean I was able to see the classes and stuff. Maps seem editable as well. Other than that not too much work put into it tonight but I’ll give it a go this weekend.

Alright, all of the immediate issues with content should be fixed. Windows was having issues with files downloaded from the internet that it didn’t trust. You may need to open your new project in Visual Studio before it will execute, but that’s not needed to get the editor to work.

Links in the first post are updated.

At least a few people have gotten their game running. Hopefully this should solve the problems others are having.


I have a request.
I would like to have sample project.

At first, everything is empty, so I’m having a hard time understanding what I need to do.
I think it would be easier to understand if there was a simple sample where there is one main character and about three enemies, and you just seize them and it’s done.
I can also run it to see what you can do.

Also, the white background of the editor is bad for our eyes.
For the sake of our health, I would like to see black background support.


I tried to download the engine again, repeating the same procedure, when building the project, I get the same error again:

the strange thing (I think) is that the editor starts, I try to compile, but instead everything seems to work (the basic FEXNA project works without apparent problems, or at least I have not noticed any)
Is that error message more of a warning than an error? Was I wrong to redo the procedure? (would be the one I listed in my post above), should I uninstall everything and then try again?

thank you very much for your support and for sharing this great engine

7743 in the FEXNA package folder, there is a subfolder called “Tutorial Shenanigans” from the quick reading I gave them they seem to be small starting tutorials, I don’t know if they can help you

So when the editor builds the game code, the way I checked if the build succeeded is to look for the text “0 failed” at the end of the output.
Which obviously doesn’t work if your computer language isn’t set to English :B
It seems like the process should set an exit code I can check for, so I’ll try that instead. Should be fixed in the next update. For now, if that build failed window pops up, but the end of the text log is == [4-8] completed, 0 failed == then everything succeeded and you’re good to go. :+1:

You want to get the FEXNA link, not the Tactile one. I’m avoiding distributing the FE assets on my site or the GitHub repos, and without a set of generic assets I have a license to I can’t really put together a free to use sample project to go with the editor.


You’re right, forgive me I didn’t think the text was in my language and not English :sweat_smile:
Anyway I did a bit of various tests and everything works without problems, again thanks a lot for the help and for the future support :smile:

There are sites that distribute free materials for RPGMaker (RPG ツクール) and Wolf RPG Editor (ウディタ(u ditor)), so you can use these materials to make samples.
However, since these materials are designed for RPGMaler and Wolf RPG Editor, it may be difficult to process them for SRPGs.

I am sorry to say that this is a Japanese site, but there is a site that distributes tilesets that can be used free of charge.

There is a site that distributes Portrait that can be used free.

Similarly, there are sites that distribute music that can be used free.

I think there are assets made in FEU for units and battle animations.


In the Japanese environment, it will be displayed as follows.

The was an error building TactileGame

(1>------ ビルド開始: プロジェクト: TactileLibrary, 構成: Debug x86 ------
1>  TactileLibrary -> Z:\Tactile\123\TactileGame\TactileLibrary\bin\x86\Debug\TactileLibrary.dll
2>------ ビルド開始: プロジェクト: TactileConfig, 構成: Debug x86 ------
2>  TactileConfig -> Z:\Tactile\123\TactileGame\TactileConfig\bin\x86\Debug\TactileConfig.dll
3>------ ビルド開始: プロジェクト: Tactile, 構成: Debug x86 ------
3>  Tactile -> Z:\Tactile\123\TactileGame\Tactile\bin\x86\Debug\Tactile.dll
4>------ ビルド開始: プロジェクト: TactileGame, 構成: Debug x86 ------
4>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Microsoft.CSharp.CurrentVersion.targets(100,9): warning MSB3042: 名前空間またはクラス定義が、ファイル "DebugMonitorForm.cs" の条件付きコンパイル ディレクティブ内で見つかりました。これは、リソース "Source Code\Debug Monitor\DebugMonitorForm.resx" のマニフェスト リソース名に対して不適切な選択を導く可能性があります。
4>  TactileGame -> Z:\Tactile\123\TactileGame\TactileGame\TactileGame\bin\x86\Debug\TactileGame.exe
========== ビルド: 4 正常終了、0 失敗、4 更新不要、0 スキップ ==========)

Apparently, the “==========” in the footer is universal, so you might want to get the next next number after the “:” present in this line.

Would it be like this if I wrote it in a regular expression?


7743 thank you for your links! I have the impression that our different speaking communities have the potential to grow together; especially in terms of assets. It’s almost impossible for me to grasp, what is there already and what is “freely available”. If you have more to share, please do so! We all would appreciate that a lot! :slight_smile:

I already started with collecting assets (especially for Tactile) you can use (ans also redistribute) for free. The map you are pointing to has two downsides:

  1. it’s 32x32 (@BwdYeti how hard would it be to implement maps in this size? I think it would be great!)
  2. on itch.io it’s stated that redistribution is not allowed. That is obviously a deal braker here.

The faces (https://blog.goo.ne.jp/akarise) are nice to see. Are they licensed?

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iirc changing tile size is a config number, so not difficult at all
but you’d need to re-adjust everything else to accommodate for this x2 zoom (screen resolution, map sprites, etc)

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exactly :slight_smile:

Would it be hard to change everything else? Is there a way to adjust the map editor?
What is it I’d need to change exactly?

Thanks in advance!

I had this same problem, but the editor seemed to work regardless of it. As Yeti already mentioned, that’s because your system language seems to be in italian (mine is in portuguese).


What did I mess up? Thanks in advance

2021 is already a way better year, no matter what’s thrown at us.

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very good

This is a bias, but painters often create complex licenses. LOL.
But the site I mentioned is a pretty generous license.

pipoya.net”'s tileset is available for redistribution.


その際、可能でしたら素材ファイルの配布とともに、授業用の教本かテキストファイルなどに提供元である本サイトのURL「ぴぽや https://pipoya.net/」を記載してください。
Redistribution of Materials
Redistribution is permitted in case this site becomes unusable for some reason.
However, redistribution or sale of the material for a fee is prohibited.
Redistributions must be free of charge and unconditional (i.e., no compensation is demanded) along with the terms of this agreement.

Redistribution for the purpose of teaching or club activities for students in schools, computer classes, workshops, etc. is also permitted.
In such cases, please include the URL of this site, "Pipoya https://pipoya.net/", in the textbook or text file for the class, along with the distribution of the material file if possible.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

akarise(ゆうひな)'s Does not allow secondary distribution.

Terms of Use
Basically, if it is not for secondary distribution, any kind of modification is allowed.
Please feel free to report DLs to us. If you do, it will increase the motivation of the administrators by 4 gauges.
No secondary distribution only! Absolutely! If you do, you'll have to pay for it.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Indeed, converting to FE portrait and distributing it seems to be a problem.
If there is a way, I think it is to develop software that can directly import this image format.

I think they are just afraid that people will reprint their drawings and sell them on paid material sites, or that people will lie and say that they made them without permission.
However, there is no other way but to follow the rules.

I have created a similar function in FEBuilderGBA. (MENU->Tools->Portrait Generation tool)
However, I have given up on using it because it introduces a lot of noise when reducing the color to 16.
If Tactile were not limited to 16 colors, this technical problem would disappear.

Other wiki.

vip is one of the 2ch (5ch) message boards.
For English speaking countries, you can imagine a site like 4ch or reddit.
Since the author of vip is unknown, I don’t think there are any restrictions.


So I’ve been messing around with the editor for a few days, and note that I haven’t changed the code in any way. Just vanilla, opening things up, make a few classes or actprs, and every project I’ve tried to create, at some point or another, ends up with this error that completely borks the editor.


This usually happens when navigating to the Classes or Actors tabs, and once it happens, it seems that whichever tab triggered the error becomes completely useless for the entire project, even after closing and restarting the editor or rebuilding the code, and thus the project is pretty much gone and starting over from scratch is the only option. Once navigated to on future openings of the project completely freezes the editor if the option to Continue is chosen.

This particular instance came about after adding only 2 classes to a blank project. Also note that this has happened on at least 4 projects now, with 3 out of 4 of them ending in a corruption of the Classes tab, the remaining 1 being a corruption of the Actors tab (oddly enough, that being the time I tried to import the FEXNA content pack). I figured after this many attempts it would be pretty solidly in the range of editor problems, though I can’t completely rule out user error somewhere down the line. But, as mentioned earlier, I haven’t edited any code. Just a few number and text fields in the vanilla editor.

Here is the full “Exception Text” that I am given:

************** Exception Text **************
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: count
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(Int32 start, Int32 count)
at q!YxOL.)()3c%<lo6k|x!&i2$.‮​‭‌​‎​‫‍‮‎​‍‬‫‏‬‮​‎‎‮‫‭‍‌‫‏‮()
at q!YxOL.)()3c%<lo6k|x!&i2$.‍‮‭‫‪‌‫‍​‪​‭‎‫‌‌‫‍‎​‍‫‮()
at q!YxOL.)()3c%<lo6k|x!&i2$…ctor(String , String )
at 02*VToO3Q2:l?wI@JO*Svrz/!.​​‭‭‮‍‫​‭‬‬‬‪‎‏‌‏​‮‮‭‫‮(‫​‌‏‎​‏‌‮‬‭‎‎‌‫​‭‪‪‮‌‌‮‮ , String )
at 02*VToO3Q2:l?wI@JO*Svrz/!.‏‌​‏‌​​‏‪‫‫‌‭‭‭‭‌‫‫‏‮‮()
at 02*VToO3Q2:l?wI@JO*Svrz/!.‍‪‌‪‬‌​‪‎​​‭‭‌‮‏‬‮‫​‍‍‬‮(Object , EventArgs )
at System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.WmSelChange()
at System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Any help on this is appreciated.

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Yes, this is still the open beta, so we have to expect some errors. That’s exactly what it’s for :slight_smile:

Anyways I also ended up with some things not working. When downloading the FEXNA+Tactile package it works for me some reason. So maybe try that for the time being. But I haven’t been able to test much since the release.

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True about the beta thing lol. That’s why I figured it’d be best to go on ahead and report it now. I’ll try some more things and hopefully figure something out as to what keeps causing it. For now I’m editing some other tabs to see if I can somehow unlock the frozen tab o.o

EDIT: So adding a weapon type fixed it somehow. Of all the things. Yet other projects I’ve tried putting together (including one that used the FEXNA content package) have had this happen as well, and they’ve had all kinds of stuff filled in. visible confusion

Also I feel bad for my first post about this editor being an error report so I’m going to say it is very cool that this engine is actually happening. Hopefully once more gets added and some bugs get fixed this will start to pick up more traction within the community.

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For the record, I do -NOT- recommend using the base Tactile-only package. Get the Tactile+FEXNA package since Yeti’s included assets will reduce the likelihood of a crash or a bug by a huge margin. The barebones editor is also going to be harder to learn since you won’t have any existing assets to look at for reference.

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