Stop Naming Everything Knight

Before this thread gets cancelled, I just want to say, on a serious note, I agree with what you said. However, I would like some ideas of what to use instead of Mystic Knight or Holy Knight (even though I named those class for a reason.)

Otherwise, it seems like this topic was just to complain about something that most people won’t really care about; myself included.

Nothing wrong with those names, but depending on what sort of style the character is (or the animations you’re using), perhaps a Mystic Fencer or Mystic Duelist may be fitting. Holy Knight could be a Paladin in the D&D conventions if you change the default FE Paladin to some other name (Exalted Cav.?).


Might turn into a wall of text, sorry.

While I agree with not naming everything “knight”, and assume you mean well with your intentions for this post; when someone reads what is written people have tendencies to not simply take text as is. If there is a certain tone to the writing despite its good intentions, the readers might pick up on it.

For example, if you tell someone to stop naming everything knight, they might find it to have a condescending tone. Whereas if you suggest alternative names to “Mage Knight” and the like, they might be more open to a constructive discussion.

Because we are only reading text, we have to try to find the tone of what is said unlike when we are speaking face to face. In an in person conversation we can read facial expressions, tone of voice, and other things. But on a forum we only have text, so wording is very key to delivering your intent and receiving the response you want.

OP reads more like a rant and doesn’t actually have a good hook into continuing into an actual discussion.

(not saying this community isn’t trigger happy with the shitposting, either, mind)

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knights served kings and queens which were the main types of monarchs that supported slavery and the institution of barbaric caste systems. There is nothing cool or honorable about being a knight.

But why am I being lambasted? What I said was not wrong and thats what you need to focus on. Manonahorse != knight.

Eg. Instead of Mage knight, name it War Mage. That name takes on a totally different conotation than mAGE kNIght OwO


Y’all just gonna forget about social knight?


You’re pretty much nitpicking on something people don’t really fuzz about, honestly.


That definition is preposterous and baseless. Knight itself can be traced back to Greek hippeis and hoplite, and Roman eques and centurion of classical antiquity. Read your history.

I don’t care if you’re an FE veteran or some important person irl. If you want people to show respect in your thread, then at least make your thread deserves respect. Your initial post sounds more like a joke or maybe even far-fetched sarcasm.

So yes, I will be locking this. Draft your post better if you want a constructive discussion, nevertheless you can rant elsewhere.