I am developing a Sonic x FE fangame, made with the Tactile engine. I wanted to make this project because I like both Sonic and Fire Emblem, but foremost, because I wanted to use Terra Battle music lol. It is still a very early work in progress, but I’ve recently become motivated to work on it again, enough to be able to show some progress.
No playable release yet as it’s very early, but hopefully soon I will have one for you.
The premise is that Eglane is preparing for war against Spagonia. Cream, from Eglane, is currently studying in Spagonia, so her mother secretly hires a small time mercenary group to recover her before the war begins.
Everything here is subject to change!
There will be an emphasis on character interaction, so expect lots of base conversations and talks! Gone are the days of all character development for the supporting cast being stuck in 3 short supports.
This means that there more be more dialogue than usual, so feel free to skip the stuff if you want.
There will also be swearing, but I really like swearing. Not Crowe levels, but it’s there. There will also be some dark themes, something the Sonic franchise has never shied away from, so be prepared for that!
Gameplay Changes
There is no limit to supports, but support bonuses are severely reduced, as is the support bonus range.
Criticals do 2x instead of 3x. Some weapons will allow 3x damage.
Effectiveness is 2x, most noticeable against fliers. Your fliers can now take 2 bow shots per enemy phase instead of only one. Some new weapons will have 3x effectiveness.
Each character will have only 1 personal skill.
Thunder magic is 1 range, Fire is 1-2 range, and Wind is 2-3 range. Thunder magic gives a defense buff to compensate for the range reduction, with the strength increasing by tier.
Poison does slightly more damage and reduces Power, making it a useful strategy against enemies while also making it an actual hinderance to your team. Applying the Regen status cures poison, and applying the Poison status cancels Regen.
Brave weapons reduce the equipped unit’s avoid by 15 and Killer weapons reduce DEF and RES by a certain percentage.
Promotion level is 15.
Bows have triangle disadvantage at 1 range, but have triangle advantage over everything at 2+ range.
Per Tactile default, ballistae have to take a turn to reload, letting units approach them much more easily.
Silence staff is a guaranteed hit, but the Silence status only lasts a turn. It also severely reduces RES, so it can be useful against non magic units, too.
Mend heals everyone around the user, but it is only useable by Clerics and Bishops.
Only Clerics, Troubadours, and their promotions can use healing staves, but all magic promotions get access to weak Regen status staves. To compensate, healing items have been buffed.
Healing and magic weapons use RES for their stat.
There are three Anima users, each one promoting into Sage, Mage Knight, and Baron respectively. Sages can use Wind and Thunder, Mage Knights fire and wind, and Barons thunder and fire. Barons are armored mages. All three classes can use staves, but per an above bullet, none can use healing staves except Regen status.
No more chest or door keys. They have been replaced with skeleton keys that all units can use, but thieves do not need them to open doors and chests.
Steal experience has been increased. Thieves now get experience for opening doors and chests.
Stat boosting items can be used twice. Seraph’s robe can be used three times. But their effectiveness has been reduced, so you can spread out stat gains, if you wish. The net increase from regular GBA FE is the same.
There are held items that modify growth rates. They work like Crusader scrolls, massively increasing one rate while reducing two others.
Credits will be ever expanding, but here’s what I’ve used in the project so far:
Hero - Nuramon
Archer - Flasubon, DertheVaporean
Assassin (Leila) - Greentea, DertheVaporean
Assassin (Jafar) - Greentea, Nuramon
Cavalier - Team Salvaged
Dragoon - MercenaryLord, NYZGamer
Swordmaster (Lloyd)- Greentea, DertheVaporean
Swordmaster (Iaido) - Me
Marshall - Nuramon
Female Fighter - Black Mage
General (Cannon) - Me
Knight - Team Salvaged
Cleric (Lissa) - BatimatheBat
Nomad - eCut
Myrmidon - LeoLink
Paladin - TeamSalvaged, HyperGammaSpaces, Me
Light mage - LeoLink, L95
Necromancer - TytheBub
Ephraim (Crossbow) - DerTheVaporeon, Pikmin1211
Ephraim (Staff) - Me
Harbinger (Magic) - Nuramon
Harbinger (Staff) - Me
Pegasus Knight - Flasuban
Falcoknight (Black) - shadowofchaos
Flacoknight (Bow) - Flasuban
Sniper - Nuramon
Soldier - Nuramon, Flasuban
Male Valkyrie - Me
Valkyrie (Priscilla) - Greentea
Male Troubadour - Me
Troubadour - Pikmin1211
Thief (Throwing Knife) - Me
Warrior Repal - Pushwall
Elise - Atey
Eggman - Abzel
Sonic characters - Me
Chris - ZessDynamite
Old man - me
Errant - ErrantShepherd
Ischilendrig - Me
Anna - me
Big - me, and thorn
Map Sprites
Female Fighter - Alusq
Hero - Nuramon
Dragoon - Pikmin1211
Swordmaster - Me
General - Blademaster
King - Blood
Knight - Salvaged
Wyvern Knight - Leif, Eden
Wyvern Lord - Flasuban
Great Knight - blood
Hector - Me, edited from IS
Cleric (Lissa) - BatimatheBat
Black Falcoknight - Me
FE Heroes
Atelier series
Final Fantasy series
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
Sonic and the Black Knight
Cyberdimension Neptunia
Sakuraba Motoi
Oematsu Nobuo
Go Shiina
Miyake Nazunori
Tada Akifumi
Terra Battle
Terra Battle 2
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
Lost Odyssey
Tales of Legendia
Shining Force EXA
Blue Dragon
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
Witchblade (anime)
Chrono Trigger
The Last Story
User Interface
Sonic and the Black Knight
Please feel free to ask any questions, but I’m probably going to ignore any meme stuff.
I hope this pique’s your interest or your contempt!
Here’s a link to a server for the project: Sonic FE
Here’s the first release: SonicFERelease - Google Drive