Some Fire Emblem Battle Sprites I'm working on

A few posts up has the more recent ones, others (Like Gladiator/Sky Knight) have not been scripted for FEBuilder and thus dont quite exist yet.

Don’t forget the unarmed dodge animations.


The bird in this looks really cool!! It reminds me of a Final Fantasy bird whose name escapes me right now. I like the sketches as well.

Do you think maybe the axe animation on critical should have a homerun hit like motion? A full follow through swing.


Necro Dragon

Mini Draco Zombie wip.


Aww, it’s so cute! Can I adopt it?


Class Cards for Gladiator and Sky Knight! They ain’t the prettiest, but they will suffice!

Class Card

Class Card

Now to just pack everything up and I’ll be ready to share the FEBuilder files!


Link to Gladiator files:
HandAxe_anm Lance_anm Unarmed_anm Axe_anm

Gladiator - Class Card Gladiator - Standing OW Gladiator - Moving OW

Link to Sky Knight files:
pakm_sw1 Unarmed_anm

Class Card Standing Walking


Just to verify, are these animations, map sprites, and class cards F2U/F2E for the community, and would you be comfortable with them being added to the repo? I know many of them are already in the main one, but @redlightning expressed some uncertainty as to whether or not you actually wanted them added, and I concur that I made an assumption based on your decision to provide the source files for the battle animations that your intent was to make them available for the community to use without actually knowing that that was the case, and I apologize for that.

If these resources are not F2U/F2E (or just if you want me to for any reason), I will happily rescind my edit of the Gladiator map idles in accordance with your wishes.

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Yup they are all free to use and if anyone wants to convert them so they’re compatible with the Repo’s file formatting they are free to do so!

Its just the way I set my files up are not in sync with how the Repo wants them and I’m to lazy/stubborn to change all that myself.



Thanks for your reply, and for sharing all these cool sprites!