Snake's Pit of ASM (and Other Stuff)

New Anti-huffman Patch

I noticed something the other day that was VERY naughty…
Seemingly due to a mistake in overwriting a bit of the vanilla pool here, you’ll see that the old anti-huffman patch does illegal reads and writes! (Not only is it an invalid address, it’s not even aligned. :roll_eyes:) In vanilla, these are supposed to reference gCurrentTextIndex presumably for optimization to avoid decompressing text more than is necessary.

This shouldn’t affect any functionality. Though I wouldn’t want to leave a loose end like that lying around, so I’ve whipped up a quick and more modern version of the Anti-huffman patch. (Credit Hexator and Nintenlord for the original version.)

I don’t even need a spoiler for this. Just downaload the files from my link in the OP and include Antihuffman.event. That’s all.

Quick note: This still uses the bit of space at 0x464470 just like the older version to preserve functionality with Autonewline.