(Script until prologue part 2) Fire Emblem: Eagles & Lions (updated 24-3-2021)

good idea, I may include it

And then make him realise it was all a farce at the end but Rhea kills him and makes him into a martyr.
(As we haven’t been told how Loog died, but judging by it being the HOLY kingdom of Faerghus, he might have been proclaimed a saint)

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Fits with it, now I have to think how to include Loog’s descendants

Make him older, like Sigurd and already have children. Easy!

Surprisingly good! thanks for the ideas

And his son becomes the first king and is told by Rhea his father died a martyr and easily puppeting the boy.

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Clasic plot from 3H

I think modeling it after a classical tragedy would work.
(yup, FE4 gen 1 follows the formula to the point!)

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Thanks for reading.
I’ll fix those problems that you pointed when I’m able to.

I’ve read your stuff and I have a question: Why did you write that only the Emperor has a crest?

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Only the emperor is known to have a crest

Wait… Weren’t crest a common knowledge? To a point the houses were a activelly pursuing marriage between people with crests?

I want to introduce It after the war

I don’t think it makes sense TBH. The crest were a major part of Fódlan’s culture from the begining.
Maybe just have it so that the Empire has the weapons locked somewhere?

Having that in mind, I’ve rewritten your entire text.

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Thanks, I’ll read it when i’m able to

Hi! I have a couple of questions before I start with the part 2 prologue part of your script:

  • Would you like feedback on the opening sequence as well, or was it only to clarify some things?
  • I haven’t played or seen 3 Houses, so if this is in the same universe, there may be somethings I’m not familiar with. Will that be okay with you?

After reading it,

I think the changes you made fit correctly with the story, but there is a detail I must point:

  • Lambert called prince to loog, when he’s just a nobleman, as the holy kingdom of faerghus wasn’t created yet…

About this, I have a better Idea, why not making Seiros to be his wife?

I just left what you’ve written, you’ve called him a prince first.

Do you really think him banging the Archbishop is a good idea?

look at Dimitri and F!Byleth

-Feel free to leave feedback also in the opening sequence.

-If you haven’t played 3H you give me other point of view, so no problem

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