Report.7z! Need help with data expansion, characters, animations, patches for skills, stats&growths, and downloads(all help and or tips are welcome)

  1. Characters can’t be extended. Classes can be extended in FE8 if you apply EMS, all you have to do is enable it in options.
  2. The battle animation editor is where you edit those. Otherwise, the question is vague.
  3. In FE7 you can set them from the character editor. For FE8 there’s a patch that adds that functionality, and you can set the animations in the Editor version of the patch. Otherwise, the question is vague.
  4. I’m not sure I understand the question, but if you’re looking for patch recommendations there’s this topic. What are the FEBuilder patches considered "QoL"
    If you mean editing unit stats in-game, then use the Set Unit Status patches.
  5. It’s been a while since I downloaded anything from there, but I used to use DownGit and never had problems with it.

All that said, I recommend reading this topic as it addresses common questions and gives newcomers advice: UltraxBlade's #febuilder-help FAQ

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