Project ember for fe7 theory

I think that a project ember type overhaul for fe7 in particular could be amazing, potentially even better than project ember. There was a project called project anima or wildflower (honestly its hard to tell) that tried to do this but unfortunately it seems the creators have given up as unfortunately the hack itself seems quite hard to even find anymore for some reason. Anyway project anima failed for a variety of reasons likley due to how many more changes that would would need to be made such as map edits. Fe6 i would say falls into the middle between player and enemy phase focused as it changes by map and sometimes by turn. As such project ember didn’t need to do as much to make the game player phase focused as a lot of it was already there such as map design having limited choke points with fliers and balistas to stop choke points. However fe7 doesn’t tend to do this as the game has a lot of choke points that the player can take advantage of with units like hector, marcus, and oswin. As such more changes to the map layout would need to be made to fe7 for a player phase style to flow properly. In addition fe7 tends to rely on enemy spam (something that is rather rare in fe6) so in order for player phase to work the number of enemies would need decreased and the strength of each enemy increased. Fe7 also tends to give stronger prepromotes than fe6 with titans like pent and harken, most of the prepromotes would likley need a nerf as opposed to fe6 where prepromotes needed a buff to be viable. Because of fe6 being partly player phase anyway project ember doesn’t really change how you play that much aside from the fact that every unit is viable, somthing fe7 was much better at, however due to the complete shift from enemy phase to player phase in fe7, a project ember style overhaul would take a lot more tweaking and changes to work however due to the complete shift, people would drastically change how they play fe7 as characters like marcus can’t solo the game due to better enemies and pent not being the Jesus of fe7. The change in phases would also help characters like lyn, eliwood, and any other sword or bow locked unit and change the fundamentals of fe7 to a point where it would feel like an entirely different game while still being fe7. Tldr i think a fe7 version of project ember, while tough to do, would be so much fun and bring a new way to play fe7.


a fiery animation for legendary eliwood with durandal is what i’m praying for everyday


Project Anima and Wildflower were separate hacks. They shared mostly the same problems, though. Prf spam, stat inflation, lack of playtesting, and a variety of other things.
Honestly, I don’t think FE7 Ember will ever work, because Project Ember was trying to appeal to the people that liked FE7/FE8 and disliked FE6 in the first place.

A proposition I have…is to make FE7 rebalanced to play like FE6. FE6 weapon stats, FE6 promo gains, worse growths, etc.
I know a lot of people that would probably love that. I would try it but I’m just an ideas guy. I lack any sort of motivation to try anything more than a few days.


I don’t want to self-promote too much, but I have tried to do almost exactly that with my FE7 rebalance (Blaze and Thunder).

I put the most I could of FE6 into FE7, weapon stats, WTA bonus, promo gains, hard mode bonuses, higher level enemies and ambush reinforcements, but I didn’t touch character stats.
Added some other “frustrating” balance choices, and Bam, now the game feels somewhat different on normal, and fairly challenging on LHM, EHM and HHM… but I wouldn’t put it on the same league as project ember or the other big rebalance projects around.

But on topic, I agree with you, project Ember is a rebalance of FE6 for people that don’t enjoy FE6 normal/hard… so a “FE7 project ember-like” should be a rebalance for people that don’t enjoy FE7 normal/hard. The question would be… what game would you turn FE7 into then? And for who?

The thing is, for FE6 the things that frustate most players have a certain level of consensus. But for FE7 different people will point to different small details that bothers them but don’t bother others, the most common one “a 10 chapter tutorial” and “you have to play 3 times to unlock HHM” has been solved a long time ago, other stuff is kind of relative to what kind of player you ask.

Even stuff like “Pent is broken” is relative, his stats are not too different from Saleh in FE8 or Bastian in FE9, yet they don’t cause the impression Pent does because they don’t get a chapter about murdering hordes of bandits by themselves.
Or stuff like “Athos with Luna makes the final boss trivial” is relative, most FE bosses can be trivial one way or another, I’m sure I have seen 1 turn strats for almost all FE bosses around youtube.
So in the end, I think what is missing for a “FE7 project ember-like” is not so much that someone has the right ideas to do a big rebalance, but a consensus of what is exactly broken on FE7.