Project Credit Requirements and Guidelines

Since some further edge cases have come up recently (these have also been added into the FAQ above):

Can I splice pieces of F2E sprites into my own work?

  • Yes, with the following caveat:
    • The creator of the original work must be credited by you and anyone that uses the derivative work. In other words, if person B makes a mug using parts from person A’s F2E work, then both A and B must be credited by any downstream users of that mug.

How do FEU’s crediting guidelines apply to commissions?

  • If said commissions are posted on FEU, then they will be treated like any other creative work and held to the same guidelines. Otherwise, ultimately, what you choose to spend your money on is up to you. Buyer beware, and so on.

Can I use F2U or F2E assets in my commercially-licensed game?

  • “F2U” and “F2E” are terms for FEU-internal use only, and do not constitute or replace a proper license on the works in question. We make no guarantees about the legality of any works released under those terms as they pertain to any real-world intellectual property statutes. FEU is not the venue under which to sort these issues out, talk to your lawyer (and the artist!).