Pikmin ASM

[FE8] Block Status Screen By Unit

Prevents the status screen from being opened on any defined units.


Geez, you’ve been on a roll.

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I’m probably doing something wrong, but whenever I try to install this onto a clean rom, it ends up crashing immediately. I even tried downloading a new copy of this hack, a new copy of event assembler, and a fresh rom online, but it still crashed. Any ideas?

you need to install to freespace


You know, I left the community just as buildfiles began to become popular, so I still completely forget about having to do stuff like that. Thanks!


[FE8] Fixed-range Warp

Not putting up a link for this since it’s incredibly minor.

ORG 0x1E380
SHORT 0x20XX 0x46C0

Replace XX with the range you want (01 for 1, 02 for 2, etc).


[FE8] Mag / 3 Range

Replaces all instances of Mag/2 with Mag/3 instead.


[FE8] Red and Green Summons

Once again not long enough to warrant a link.

SHORT 0x2540

ORG 0x244AA

Allows for summons to be made into green units. You can also swap SHORT 0x2540 to SHORT 0x2580 for red unit summons if you’re some kind of evil mastermind.


I love how there is no tangible interest in why someone would do that.

[FE8] Phantom Customization


Allows you to set a list of parameters and their % chances of occuring while summoning a phantom (by character ID). This includes:

  • Class
  • Inventory
  • AI

Setup is a bit complex so I left my testing case as an example. Please note that your percentages per list need to total to 100 or you might break the game.


[FE8] Staff BGM

Earlier, I created “Custom Heal Amounts” to add in more healing staves. But what I didn’t notice at the time was that the healing staff BGM was also hardcoded! This once again sets up 2 bytelists - one for items to use the healing staff BGM, and one for items to use the status staff BGM.


So I decided to use the phantom customization asm, and it turns out that any phantom that makes it to the next chapter doesn’t despawn. They are carried to the next chapter like a normal unit. So any chapter that have a battle prep, you will have to add them in as a normal unit.
If all I said above was correct, you could create a phantom army!

Are the phantoms suppose to level up? Last but not least, do you plan on making a way to differentiate what character spawn what type of class? Love the asm btw!

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I believe those things (removing from party and leveling up) are hardcoded to the Phantom class, but I can take a look at making them more modular.
The type of class is determined by the phantom’s unitID, so you can associate to character based on what phantom said character is summoning.


I forgot that the phantom have a lot hardcoded stuff. I also tested that you can trade with any phantom that isn’t the phantom class. Again I know that is hardcoded, but do you think there is a way to add those traits to the character id. I have no experience with asm but its a thought.

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Yeah, trading should be an easy fix. I think what I will do is have all these things check for units in the phantom summoning table to treat those units as phantoms instead of the phantom class ID.


[FE8 ASMC] Add / Subtract Fog Range

You can use the event command VCWF to set fog range, but there is nothing to check the current fog range. Rather than using event spaghetti, I created these two simple ASMCs that will add and subtract the current fog range by 1.


You should also make one that simply returns the current fog in 0xC imo. It might be useful.


Sure, why not. Added it to the folder.


[FE8] Reorganize

Adds an option to the item menu that allows you to move an item up to the highest non-equip slot. Useful for any passive held items with order-importance.


Hi @Pikmin1211
I’m here to report a little bug I encountered using your “prevent rescue” code, in particular the modified version to make the code work with respect to the IDs of the class and not of the unit
it’s just a small graphic bug practically in the box that comes out when you try to rescue a unit an iron sword icon appears but it’s just a small mistake that doesn’t involve anything with the game
here are some screenshots
SkillsTest.emulator-3 SkillsTest.emulator-4
I hope you can see from the photo (the second one), that there is the silhouette of an iron sword mixed with the box’s pallete
I just set it up my mounted unit can not be rescued by other unit
and at end of the day this work fine
i don’t think i did anything wrong, because i tried the unit id version and work without this glitch
(and for testing it I used SkillSystem Buildfile)
SkillsTest.emulator-0 SkillsTest.emulator-1
in the end it is nothing that the problem, so don’t worry, but I still wanted to report it since no one had done it, or at least here on the forum
I hope I am made to understand, because I am not good in English