More Information of Rules

I don’t really get the rules of Plagiarized Content, and Mature Content I’m just unsure about what qualifies as Plagiarized Content, and what disregards it.

  1. The Animations I use.

Someone stated that if it is part of the Repository then it is free to use, but using them to change the animations are prohibited, but is Recoloring off the table, or is it fine because the only animations I changed to match the Color Limit were the Long Haired Larum Dancer Animation by Momo and changed the Shoes’ color, and the Orion Special Animation by TytheBub but changed the Hair’s Color only, and with the Greil Hero Map Sprite by an user I can’t find the name of, I only changed the hair and the Gloves’ color, is that permitted or should I use something else?

  1. Mature Content.

I already discussed about the Black Dragon drama but I don’t want to get into Drama for the sake of my mental health, but I do know about gore, nudity and sexual themes is strictly forbidden, but is mild swearing or censored words prohibited or permitted?

  1. The Portraits

All the portraits used are spliced from the Vanilla games, is it normal rom hacking behavior or is it a horrible idea?

Look at the end of the day, Rom Hacking can be either a fun project you want to do, or a step to become an Indie Developer.

  1. Mature Content

Someone can come and correct me if I’m wrong, but I remember seeing Rom Hacks/Lex Talionis games containing mild swearing in them. So my best guess is it’s fine, so long as it’s mild and not like, for example… a character saying a curse for most of their dialogue.

An example of “okay” swearing

“Ah fuck, looks like Lady Aurora’s forces found us.”

An example of “not okay” swearing

“Fucking hell, look who it is, fucking Lady Aurora’s forces. We need to fucking move now.”

Pretty sure that the same thing goes for censoring. I’m sure that the rating you give your game can change how this works, which is why I said that people are welcome to correct me, if I’m wrong.

  1. The Portraits

Same for this one, someone can let me know if I’m wrong.

That’s 100% normal behavior, I’ve seen hacks that are first starting out, use portraits that are spliced together from portraits from the vanilla game. Hell, if you look close enough, you can see some portraits in finished hacks/Lex talionis games that use some parts of vanilla portraits.

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  1. The Animations I use.

Battle animations on the Repo are free to edit.

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