(Mini-Rant) Info Houses

Does anyone else actually get practical use out of locking information alone behind houses? Personally they just feel redundant when you can simply visit them to get the info you need and then just restart the map (or even simply save-state before visiting them and re-load the save afterwards). I get that they’re supposed to be an investment of your time and Mov into better knowledge about stuff, but I dunno. They just feel really awkward in comparison to more easily-accessible Base events.


I mean
That’s sort of the reason you would visit a house to begin with - for story content.
I’ve also used them for gaiden checks in the past, as well as gaiden/recruitment hints.
Fe7x and other tactile projects also typically give out exp to the visitor as well.


It’s better to put some info scattered throughout houses sprinkled here and there, than shoving all that information into a 30+ minute intro to every chapter.

Talking from experience :sweat_smile:


I think info houses are still good design. They can provide information on your current chapter or upcoming events cough fe7 rain cough.

Also they can guide you to secret events. The main reasoning to have this before a base event is it fits better then reading everything at once through several then going into the chapter.

Fe7x and other tactile projects also typically give out exp to the visitor as well.

I’ve never actually heard of this. It’s a good way to incentivize making use of them, though, so respect for those games. :ok_hand:

The thing about info houses is that they’re often inconsistent on usability.

Even within the same project, one chapter might have loads of small houses that don’t do anything, while another has small houses that are your only hints towards useful secret events.

I feel like projects should generally at least try to be consistent with these houses, or just state them in boxed text before the chapter or something.


Just give these houses completion flags and a universal event that heals the unit 5 - 10 hp & awards 10 exp. Makes it so you can use them decoratively while map making and have a slight purpose.

As you make your game, you can add conversations if desired and CALL EVENT to to do the healing / exp award.