[LT]Telephone Recruiting: Project Chaos [3/31?]

Yeah, realistically I should be good for any chapter, just preferably after Feb. I’m pretty busy leading up to this new award show thing lol

Me and wii are fine for any chapter number the unit we make will change depending on location tho.

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yeah, i just also want to make a freeroam chapter and im double checking if its allowed or not, i want to clear it up as my brain is a bit foggy rn

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Whats freeroam again ;-;

BIt late, but freeroam is a feature in LT that allows a selected unit to move around without a cursor. It is used to create chapters that are more story/exploration focused.

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Hmm got an idea.

I guess I’ll sign up. What could possibly go wrong? :smiley:

Oh ya question how would X chapters work My plan will run really smoothly if I can claim/ask for a guiden chapter.

Optional Gaiden chapters won’t be implemented, although I suspect that what you actually want to do is possible. Feel free the DM me with further questions.

How will the order of chapter assignments be determined?

Will we be allowed to look at unit/class/item/skill data, as long as we don’t directly look at the maps or events of previous chapters?

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I will decide personally, based on the movements of the stars and the cosmos

The Development Repository is made for the convenience of the devs. Everything within the dev repo is free to look at.

For reference, this the dev repo for Chapter 4.

(Chapter 3 has a real name, I changed it for obvious reasons)


can’t wait for our place @Shadow_the_halberdier ideaguy’d some cool ideas… as for me, i have some of my own…

Trust me when I say there be a good reason why I dont make bosses hehe

Let there me a tip from me:
I am not saying have the start of each chapter be a complete plot synopsis, but try to keep details.
This is like a strategy I learned from playing real telephone, trust me even with this the story will go off the rails, especially since it only takes one person not taking this advice for the plot to be forever lost but try to make it somewhat connected. Plus this allows for details to become major plot points, it makes the chaos more organic.

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what if i put goku into the telephone what would happen to the plot? nah, but good advice and i do want to put a (male) character from a different franchise in this telephone to throw people off

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So you want to suddenly throw in a new protagonist with the other people from previous chapters seeming like side characters to this new guys tale.

Okay that sounds funny.

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And me(as im working with wii) am planning to add something fun while making challenging bosses(you heard me right) :3

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Fun bosses? In my fire emblem? Next thing you’ll try to convince me the sky is green!

Oh they will be “fun” hehehe >:3

if anyone does this i request to be immediately placed into the next chapter to ruin this plan completely