[LT] Server 72 [COMPLETE]

Sorry to keep spamming, but memory always has to be lower than your level, right? It seems like my level 7 units can use grafts to get to 10 memory, but they can’t use the item mastery scrolls.

Also, minor floor 20/21 things


L2’s oos graft gives kinda a weird error message, it makes it seem like her not being able to use it is unintentional when it is very clearly lampshaded. Also, though this might not possible, I feel like her character select text should change to something other than “A noob to the tower looking to get through it by being carried.”
Also, not sure if this is intentional, when you first select Orchid, Dazzle, and Hero, you get an explanation of their class, but DD doesn’t have one.

Also, is there a list somewhere of the banner effects, or a way to check it in game? And are the effects different from using the weapon with raise flag and attacking with flag strike?

The whole logic scene on floor 20 is excellent, by the way. It is a genuinely good mystery that really tests how closely you’ve been paying attention to the banter in between floors, which also, so far has been very well written, I must say.

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Loonie’s OOS graft and the memory limit-exceed have been addressed in an patch, but I’ll be uploading a newer one in a moment due to another bug that was found, so you should pull that latest one. I’ll start posting patch updates here lol, didn’t want to spam but it’ll be good to notify people.

I’ll give DD a clue text as well, idk how that slipped my mind.

The effects are not different using raise flag and flag strike, and the only way to check is to use them. However, many of them are intuitive, and you should be able to pick up the general idea once you’ve used a few.

EDIT: patch up

Just reached Chapter 21 and I have to say this is easily one of the best fire emblem experiences I’ve played. Haven’t had any issues so I just wanted to say great job on the game and I can’t wait to see the rest of it.

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Just made it to floor 29, can I have a quick hint?


How are you supposed to beat the floor 29 boss (the dude with 6 stacks of +5 to all stats)? I assume I’m supposed to stack a bunch of auras together to survive, but unless my math is way off, there aren’t enough auras for hero to survive turn 1, even if I dumped my 9 remaining points on him in defense.
The boss deals 62 damage per hit with the axe, -5 for Dazzle’s auras, -2 for commander, -2 for barrier, -6 for the defender sword, and -6 for abjure, for 43 damage per hit before defense. Even assuming hero is supposed to die to the second wave of hits, hero needs an absurd amount of bulk investment to live.
I feel like there must be something I’m missing, because Zelg doesn’t do much better, you can’t leave the starting platform, and debuffs don’t work since he cleanses at the start of every turn.



Yeah that’s a bit of an inflexible one, it’s got only one really feasible solution to it that doesn’t end up with you gambling on something actually just insane (like I tried @ first LOL)


The big joker’s trick with that level is that the main question for the map’s NOT actually “how do i tank his hits” but “how do i keep him from reaching my units in the first place?”

As you’ve said, debuffs get cleared, so ask yourself, what else can keep him from reaching 'em?

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Alright I actually feel a little bad that I trolled everyone with this now so I’ll release an update that at least gives a hint.


If you do not attack any enemy on the map, the boss stays completely still.

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Just a heads up, the 10-14 build contains a crash

=== === === === === ===
*** Lex Talionis Engine Version 2023.07.24a ***
Main Crash 'GameState' object has no attribute 'target_system'
=== === === === === ===
A bug has been encountered.
Please copy this error log and send it to rainlash!
Or send the file "saves/debug.log.1" to rainlash!
Thank you!
=== === === === === ===
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "lt-maker\run_engine.py", line 68, in <module>
  File "lt-maker\run_engine.py", line 54, in find_and_run_project
  File "lt-maker\run_engine.py", line 24, in main
  File "lt-maker\app\engine\driver.py", line 105, in run
  File "lt-maker\app\engine\state_machine.py", line 241, in update
  File "lt-maker\app\engine\general_states.py", line 909, in begin
  File "lt-maker\app\engine\skill_system.py", line 419, in get_combat_arts
AttributeError: 'GameState' object has no attribute 'target_system'

May want to make it not tell me to DM rainlash lol


Whoops, thanks for the catch. I’ve scrubbed that version of 10-14 and a fresh one will be up momentarily.

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Wait that’s the intended solution? Oh my god that makes more sense than what I was doing LOL.


I honestly thought it was using Shift on one of the Mogals and then on the boss to keep 'em trapped while the stacks drop down. Especially since she’s actually got enough magic even at base to pull it off with some positioning antics.


This is an insane solve and genuinely hilarious.

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Floor 10


is Morii supposed to lose his Unbroken skill when he teleports to the throne?

i thought he still had the skill and was very confused when Philo one shot him with a crit and the floor immediately ended


Yes, this is intended. That skill used to be a stack I manually removed (and that didn’t decrease on its own when a unit reached 0 HP) which is why there’s the legacy event here where I just remove it. I can probably change that in the future to avoid confusion.

Also glad you’re playing this lol I used like a billion of your mugs for this (slight hyperbole)


thank you :flushed:
I see fire emblem sword art online and the fee3 sketch and immediately knew i had to take a look

cool game, it’s been pretty fun so far (mfw Floor 12 only), everyone except Zelg is a glass cannon bc I only leveled Str/Skl/Spd (plus like 1-2ish HP upgrades when they started to get one shot by steel weapons), not sure if I’m playing suboptimally lol

Philo is a god tho, cosplaying draintank Robin and murdering everyone that dares walk up to her


Do the status tome use your full magic when calculating damage? Just had part 2 axe unit take 17 damage from a pacify tome, kinda wild

Edit: Also, is it just me, or is that unit kinda awful? I feel like you don’t get enough stat points per level to make them good at anything but crit-fishing: Their bases are weirdly distributed and the fact that


They join with all their stat points already invested

does them no favors.

Idk, maybe I’m missing something? Their OOS is really good, at least


Yup, status tomes are basically weird 0 mt siege tomes, held back only by their monumental mana cost.

I would offer advice here but the one thing I wish to avoid is talking about my ideas when building units, since it might hamper peoples’ personal creativity. One thing I will say is that I personally found the axe unit to be very strong.

Yeah, that’s completely fair, wouldn’t want to spoil the fun.

Sorry for another bug report, but

Spoilers floor 30

The boss, Fifth, has imperial in his second phase, but it doesn’t let him counter my units, which I assume is because he only has an AOE weapon. I attacked at 1, 2, and 3 range but he never hit back

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This is, I shit you not, because of a typo. I’ll have a patch out shortly.

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Saw this in the console log when playing floor 5:

Floor 5

This shows up when fighting the boss.
'<' not supported between instances of 'method' and 'float': Could not evaluate condition unit.get_hp < unit.get_max_hp() / 2 for skill Adaptive_Armor
Also, I think if you turnwheel while the boss has the Defender sword equipped, the boss will have that defender status even when he switches to a different weapon. At least I THINK that’s what happened on one of my runs. Caused me to reset the floor, but the floor is pretty short so nbd.

Really enjoying this fangame so far. The level of creativity on display here is astounding. The game is not afraid to break conventions, and that’s awesome.

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Thanks for playing/the bug updates. I think you just cracked the case on a weird equip bug I’ve been hunting down. I’ll have an update out fixing it in general hopefully sometime soon.


So, quick crash report, I guess.

Floor 40 spoilers

The hack played as intended through phase 2, and the first turn of phase 2 worked fine. Then I attacked the boss with Paradiso with Philo (equipped with encroach), and when the boss countered her, it displayed “no damage” for a second and then crashed. She had the targeting thing from the other miniboss and had a crit banner active near here, maybe that contributed?

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