[Lex Talionis] Fire Emblem 8R (Playable monster units and MyUnit Test update out now!)

Hello! Thank you for reaching out about the project! I appreciate it. :slight_smile: Unfortunately, the LT Engine is currently not playable on Android right now. :confused: If the devs ever figure out how to get it playable on Android in an easy way, I’ll be sure to get that up too. :slight_smile: In the meantime, FE8R is playable on PC, or stuff like Asus Rog Ally, and other Windows based machines. By the time you have a laptop available, I hope to have the final Beta available and feedback will be much appreciated. :pray::pray::pray:

Thanks for the info ill be sure to try it when i get home tomorrow. :grinning:

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You’re welcome! Anytime. :slight_smile: Sounds good. :slight_smile: I will admit, it’s pretty unbalanced in it’s current state, but once I get all the features implemented I’m going to crackdown on making it a more tightened experience. :v:

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Got all the paired endings written up! :slight_smile: Hopefully should work with my logic. :thinking: Now just need to make the ruins and more base convos then can finally move onto part 1 of the final Beta. :grin:


Ok, got the Ruins basically implemented! :smiley: Just gonna put a little intro and outro for the ruins. :slight_smile: After that, just gonna try to make a base convo for each chapter then the part 1 of the Final Beta will be released! :smiley: Hope to getting it out by the end of this week. :v:


Hello, I just wanted to say that I really like your game and I can’t wait for the final beta to come out. I just wanted to point out that for some reason whenever I’m on the six floor of tower and try to break the walls they don’t disappear. It worked the first time I arrived but not after.

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Hello! :hugs: Thank you so much for your kind words! :smiley: Also thank you for letting me know on that bug. :3 I think I may know what’s causing that. :thinking: I’ll try to get that fixed for the Final Beta that should hopefully come out by the end of this week. :slight_smile:

Life has gotten pretty busy this week and all the time I’ve spent has been making sure the ruins are set up properly. :sweat_smile: I don’t think I can make a base convo for each chapter in time by weeks end. :sweat_smile: In the case I don’t, would you guys just want the patch released with what it has? Or want to wait until later to have all the base convos?


I feel like it would be fun to have the patch released as is, there are already tons of amazing features I and many others are super excited to try out, and that way balance can start to get addressed, which I don’t feel like base convos will have as much as an impact on compared to like the new weapons and items, mini-bosses, updated bosses, etc you’ve already added.

And then maybe you could share your ideas for Base Convos to here and discord, and get some community feedback on what kinds of interactions/base convos would be cool to see. :thinking: Maybe make a poll or two for some chapters or kinda unexpected talks between two characters that didn’t interact in the regular game but people want to see interact, or like a story element maybe even about a new feature/item you added talked about and addressed in a Lore kinda way.

Apologies for typos my cat is lying on me making typing hard.


I’ve already answered on the discord, but just wanted to show here that I’ve also answered haha. :sweat_smile: I’ve got two votes to release, and if the majority vote stays that way, I’ll release the patch on Friday. :thinking:

I do think having submitted items, or character interactions could be fun. :slight_smile:


I’ll wait for the base convos, there’s nothing more annoying than having to start a new game because you lack a feature. Thanks for your hard work! this game is looking better by the day.


Yeah, that’s fair. :sweat_smile: That is the most annoying part with updates. :sweat_smile: At least it’s pretty easy making the base convos when I have them planned out, it’s just having a good idea to make the cutting room floor haha. :sweat_smile: You’re welcome and thank you too so much! All the support is a great help. :3

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The Final Beta part 1 has been released! :smiley: If you have time, please feel free to enjoy it! :slight_smile: The link in the OG post has been updated so click there.

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Wow that was quick! What is not done yet? I want to know if I can play without restarting.

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Thank you! :slight_smile: There is still a lot that is not done yet haha. :sweat_smile: This first part of the Final Beta is gonna be mostly bug fixes and figuring out what needs to be balanced. If not interested in that, I would say wait until the official V1.0 release. :thinking:

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Thanks for the quick reply! I’m mostly worried about base convos or items added at chapters that I cleared being changed later, but if we’re talking about bugfixes and balancing issues I’ll enjoy the game while informing if I find something. Thanks for your hard work!
EDIT. Why are there other modes apart from fixed? I though you took out the metis tome and the stats boosters.
Are you planning to include another difficulty aside form normal?

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You’re welcome :slight_smile: Ah that’s a good point. :thinking: Looks like there is a quite a few bugs that need to fix, so any help is a big help to me haha :laughing:

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I’ll say this in case I’m misunderstood but I don’t like the metis tome or the stat boosters, fixed is my preferred mode but other game also proved that hybrid mode is half-decent so I can compromise with that.
Regarding difficulty is really up to you, though a hard mode with just better stats would do some people also choose change enemy positioning and reduce ally deployment (hate it).

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Sorry, I got busy haha. :sweat_smile: I gave the option for the other growth rates since some others wanted said they wanted to test it with the other growth styles. It’s just a toggle so it’s easy for me to turn on and off if people don’t like having the choice. The stat boosters have been enhanced with other uses, if something else better comes along I’ll change it. :thinking:

Difficulty choices will be nice down the line, but I don’t feel confident yet with having them yet until I can focus more on it. :thinking:

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First bug fresh from the oven. Chapter 2 I killed the leader before the last double unit, and when I killed the first of the two the chapter ended with one unit alive.

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