Oh interesting. Yeah, I’m thinking the LT Engine might consider the paired up units as one, so it’s giving that issue. I’ll ask around in the LT Discord for a fix for that.
I though that might be the problem but I’m no expert so I can’t confirm but it sounds logical.It’s not a game-breaking thing so don’t take it too hard.
Yeah, it’s looking more and more like that is the case. At least there are some work arounds I can think of haha. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
There was a game breaking bug again for Ephraim’s route. I updated the game so it should work now, but will have to do a full restart in the new game download to work to do Ephraim’s route. Most of the other bugs found just a few hours ago were also fixed.
The body ring… increasing Con in the 5th slot is good but the “increased growths” part bothers me a lot. Are other items like that? Increasing the growths of characters can make balancing a living hell.
Yes, all of the items change the growths to some extent along with their bonus effect/skill. Though Body Ring is the one I had trouble coming up with anything for. All of these are subject to change, I haven’t started my own playthroughs yet to see how they feel haha.
I’m ok with a certain amount of unbalance as long as it’s in the player’s favor and/or fun.
The unbalance is among your units, because if you include growth modifiers then low level units using them are going to be OP as hell and later units will suck in comparison. So either keep the items as they are and make all units start at level one with one of those items or take away modifiers completely.
I personally hate scrolls/metis tome and growth items because they force you to plan your level ups and take away a lot of the fun, I’d rather have those items give you extra stats or even a skill rather than introduce the boring and annoying growth increase.
Well, I’ll do my playthrough and see how I feel about it. You do have valid points, however there are people who do have fun with the scroll like items, growth alterations, etc. I’ll try to think of some sort of compromise in the mean time. Also, the main project it pretty easy to alter itself if there is a personal change you would like to make if I ever make a decision your not for.
I understand I can simply choose to not use those items but that’s boring, I guess I’ll have to wait for your decision, but if you choose to use growth items please make all characters in their base class and level 1 otherwise the only choice left for the player is to cheat status and that would kill the game for everyone.
Yeah, I do agree not using the items would be boring. I’ll think about it for a bit and see if any other feedback comes in and see.
Another version update on a couple of minutes to fix some more bugs.
I feel like this might be a little harsh. I mean yes you can choose to plan growth rates, giving them to the lowest level unit for optimal play, but you also don’t have to. The default is casual mode, there’s a lot of fun features. I think a lot of the items do increase stats while being held and also some give skills, haven’t gotten very far. So yes it also increases growths, slightly, just looking at Con ring, but it’s only 5% for most stats, if you’re playing random you may never even see a big payout on that, and if you’re on fixed, you’ll only have a payout once in 20 levels. I’m sure it’s different for each item, but I don’t think 5% is super OP. And you may personally hate them but not everyone does. Nothing wrong with giving an opinion, but I guess try to be aware of how it comes off.
And like FE7 Dragon says, you can debug to get rid of that. Or if it’s cool with him, you can also open up on LT editor, and get rid of growth rate changes for items there. Which is pretty cool of him, a lot of creators don’t like you messing with their game like that. Personally, I enjoy the extra growths, the fact that CON ring gives you a CON growth is dope to me.
Don’t worry, it’s a proper argument.
I don’t know the exact rates those items have but if they are that low there’s even less reason for the them to exist, as you just said they won’t make that much of a difference in the end and giving them skills or even better stats makes them more interesting to use than growth rates.
Hating growth items is my personal bias and I don’t try to force that on anyone but I will try to convince the person using them if possible.
It’s really cool of the dev to allow players to edit items but I hope it won’t come to that.
They are good, how can download this and where can i play this?
If this rom can play andriod i dont know how many repeat can play HAHAHAHA. But sadly its not available on gba android. But i hope soon can play on android
Anyone give me tutorial how can i play this rom and what device? I know its not available on gba android so please tell me im really really want to play this Fire emblem because im fan of Fire Emblem Sacred Stone/ Sacred Trilogy or anything related to FE8 so please tell me and updated me if someday can play on andriod😭
Hello. This project is playable on any Windows PC.
The link to download is in the first post of this thread. Or it’s also in the Resources channel of the FE8R Discord Community.
If you need help with download and getting it to work on a Windows PC, you can DM me anytime or ask the FE8R Discord Community for help. If an Android version ever becomes available, I will change the main title to show it is available.
yea just download the file, click extract, and then just run the doubleclicktoplay.bat file. Like Dev said above the thing only works on PC (Windows and possibly Mac idk)
Sorry it’s been a while since given any update over here haha. I’ve been doing a playthrough on my end and been having a blast so far.
It’s been good seeing what I need to touch up more, what works, what doesn’t, etc.
It’ll probably be a while before the next update, but it should be more refined.
Thanks again for everyone’s help and support! I’m super happy with how the project is turning out so far!
And it’s only gonna get better from here on
Long time no see again! I took a little break to play some modded Engage, but I’m back and got a little update in the meantime before I do the bigger update!
Though next update will be out by tomorrow morning!
Sorry that I don’t have a change log this time, I’ve been bad on keeping up with that this time around.
The biggest ones are some big bug fixes, a lot of skill reworks, and T2 enemies being buffed so they aren’t such cakewalks midgame.
Tomorrow I’ll try to see what skills I did change and put down here what the changes are. Thank you everyone for your patience and support! It is very much appreciated