I’ve started this project about almost a year ago and now getting closer to the official release. I was inspired to port FE8 to the LT Engine after playing FE7Lex, but this project has evolved over the year and has become it’s own thing. The story has very minimal changes, but trying to add base convos, paralogues, etc. to try to enhance the story (though I am not a professional writer so I’m not trying to do anything too grand.) I’m always working on game balance, but as long as it is fun and more in the players favor than I’m mostly ok with it. Here are some of the changes/features I’m implementing (Note a lot are based off of personal taste.)
3 Tiers of promotions (Trainees are Tier 0. Then goes to 1, 2, then 3)
Every promotion has 3 branches to choose from.
Casual mode by default for Normal mode until can get everything coded out.
Fixed growth mode by default for normal for now.
Swords are light, increase speed based on weapon rank, and give a bonus attack if your AS is 5 more than your enemy’s
Lances reduce damage based on a unit’s SKL/4.
Axes reduce defense by 2 per hit until next turn. Higher tier axes reduce more.
Light has range from 1 to 3, and easier to Crit.
Anima is 1 range, but deals splash damage. Higher tier spells deal more splash damage.
Bows have 2-3 range and have advantage over magic.
Dark is 1-2 range, and reduces Res by 2 until next turn. Higher tier spells reduce more.
Promotion can occur automatically when a unit levels up past LV. 20 (EXP is increased to compensate.)
Status Boosters and Promotion items now are accessories that increase stats when held.
Pair up and Attack/Guard stance are in game.
Each class gets two skills.
-Each unit has a special personal weapon multi-item that grows as the unit gets more proficient in those weapon types.
****Certain weapons like Javelins, handaxes, killer weapons, etc. run on a cooldown system with the number on the right indicating how many turns need until can use again. You must manage what weapons you should use on either phase and can bait enemies out of their weapon. Normal weapons have a higher value for both phases now.
Also, optional playable monsters and basic MyUnit test build now available! 
A Couple Screenshots
Credits are very important to me. I want to give credit to each person that deserves it. So far all the resources have been found from the FEU Repo. Special thanks go to Beccarte, Vicious Sal for inspiring me to do this project. Please try out their projects that they are making for this community
If there is any questions or suggestions please feel free to reach out. Thank you so very much!
If a character on the world map doesn’t seem to move, click on the character and other nodes a couple of times and then it should work.
[Test Build]FE8RMyUnitTest.zip - Google Drive
[Link to join the FE8R Discord Community Server]FE8R Community Server
Hey! Love the concept for this, big fan of tier 3 classes and messing around with weapons and mechanics to make them more interesting. Definitely going to be trying it out!
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Thank you so much! I appreciate it a lot! 
My friend pointed out the original link didn’t work, so I’m updating it now so it should work. If it doesn’t please let me know! It should be updated to the end of Chapter 8 as well!
So trying to think of all the thoughts I had. On chapter 4, gotta say I’m absolutely loving it. The modern weapons with no uses, spells, and pair up and attack/guard are all awesome features. I’m a big fe10 fan so three classes super cool, and like how it’s only a level for trainees so you don’t have to slog training them as well as them being able to promote in map.
For bugs, my game has randomly crashed a couple times. One was when looking at supports and the other was when just playing the map. It’s hard to know though because my computer is older and it was hot so not sure if it’s game-related or user error. I thought there was an issue with throwing weapons because of the “0” uses but I’m guessing now that’s a feature so they can’t be used in enemy phase which is really intuitive.
So only real error I’m picking up right now is that you can see Ephraim and Fado in the preparation screen. With Ephraim it shows stats and his prf weapon, with Fado it just has 0 on all stats.
Ok so you can deploy Ephraim which I wanted to see and so far no issues to the game running when you do this. But this led me to discover when you click “load game” you can see your latest file, but when you hit “restart chapter” it shows me chapter 1, not 4 which is my current chapter.
So I seem to be hitting a game error. Chapter 4 ends for me when L’arachel and her peeps show up. Don’t know if it has something to do with deploying Ephraim, but wanna say it happened even when he wasn’t deployed.
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The save file issue is new to me, so thank you for pointing that out.
I’m not sure what is causing that. I might have to ask the discord group about that one. Might need to have two save files just in case. The demo also ends right at the end of Chapter 8 just FYI. I am done with 9A and staring on 9B to see if the path splitting works correctly. I can get about either half a chapter or a whole chapter done in a day all by myself so I hope to be done by January or so.
Also there may be a file in the folder called the debug.log that might help figure out what the crashes are
I’ll have to double check. If not, just kind of keep an eye out for when it does. I know a common one is animation crashes 
Thanks again so much! You’re the first to give me any feedback and it has been very encouraging for me to keep going 
Glad to help projects like this one are amazing and happy to be a part of it.
Unfortunately, I made another save to try and get past the L’arachel point in chapter 4 but I haven’t been able to, still crashes whenever it prompts here to speak I think so can’t play past there for the moment. I’m looking for a debug.log file but unfortunately can’t find it. Can’t wait to play more of it though and if I figure out how to get past that or find the debug file I’ll post it.
Had this thing on the side, looks like its an error loading L’arachel’s portrait.
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Yeah, I’ll just rush through the beginning again. No big deal. Definitely curious to see how path splitting works, anima magic, new promo options, etc. Loving all the different skills, especially armor march, making Gilliam one of my faves
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Soo, running into a little error and cannot seem to get past the world map loading for chapter 2
. But I did try to import saves before I ended up deleting them to start a new game, tomorrow I’ll redownload everything fresh and see if that fixes it 
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Yeah, the overworld function on this engine is still really buggy unfortunately
I believe because you’re using the imported saves it doesn’t take in factor the other overworld stuff to be unlocked in the code. So starting from the beginning should resolve those issues since it will unlock the nodes properly for the code to run later. 
If it still does that after restarting from the beginning then I’ll take a look at it and see if I can fix that haha 
Also, I believe that restart level issue may be due to my test saves when I’m debugging the game. Those files seem to influence the game when I export them. I may have to send you a file where I clear out my debugging saves to see if that clears any other issues.
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Ahh good to know about the debugging saves
. Unfortunately, I restarted it fresh and I’m still getting the overworld issue
. It’s weird because I didn’t get it the first time so I don’t know.
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Yeah, that is weird.
When I get on my computer I’ll see if I can recreate it and fix it.
Good thing I woke up early this morning and got most of Chapter 10B done already haha xD Just need to do the outro and I’ll have more time to work on other stuff like supports haha
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Ok, I think I was able to fix the issue. I had to update the engine and then it seemed to work for me after that. The link will be updated now
This one now includes chapter 10A/10B as well.
I swear the overworld map is gonna be the death of me haha ^.^;
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