Hello, FEUniverse! I am THE 1

This has been a long time coming…

Hello, everyone! I am THE 1, creator of the hacks Fire Emblem: The Second Scouring and Fire Emblem: Accursed Fate. I have been lurking for about two and a half years, since development of my first hack began.

My interest in FE romhacking initially sparked from my many replays of FE1 and FE6, which prompted the question: “What makes these games so special?” in addition to “Surely there must be a simple way of rearranging the pieces to create games of similar caliber?”

The answer to the second question is obvious. I made some google-searches which led me to FEBuilder and the rest is history. As for the first question, the answer I found (as well as many of you, I’d wager) is the fact that each playthrough creates its own story. Certain characters may need to be sacrificed for others to progress; unexpected characters may be RNG blessed, creating previously unavailable strategies; an important item may be lost due to poor execution or bad luck, and so on so fourth. This is what turned an otherwise completely bare-bones storytelling like that of FE1 into something engrossing and highly memorable. The fact that each chapter constituted a puzzle of moral and strategic dilemmas, and more often than not had several possible solutions, made the gameplay dynamic and timeless.

And so I had my answers and set out to create a “third” game of equal caliber, which culminated in The Second Scouring. To be clear, I initially had no intention of sharing my work with the world.
I hacked FE6 purely for my own entertainment, with myself as the only intended audience. It had (and still has) many rough edges, but I consider them part of its identity, much like the many apparent flaws of FE1 and FE6. Multiple replays and thousands of downloads later, I found myself validated in my decision-making.

So why create an account now, you may ask? Well, the answer to that question is three-fold. The first and foremost reason is the “death” of RHDN, which prevents me from sharing updates to my work. This forum thus became the most obvious choice for sharing any future updates as well as my upcoming third hack, Fire Emblem: Twisted Heart - Rise of the Demon King, whenever (and if ever) it completes. The second reason is that my full time job and personal life no longer eats away at my spare time like before, allowing me more time to work on my hacks and participate in discussions if I’m in the mood. The third reason is that this forum has come across as levelheaded, with registered users, on the whole, favouring positive discourse over rage-bait posts and other disruptive content - a quality that should never be taken for granted.

I’m looking forward to getting to know this community on a deeper level. Thanks for reading my story, and have a pleasant day! :slightly_smiling_face:



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Welcome THE_1.


Welcome! Is Twisted Heart related to FE8 or is it an original hack?

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Big fan of the second scouring. Since it wasn’t on FEU and I wanted to let people know it existed, I wrote a topic about it a while back.


Thank you! Happy to be here :slight_smile:

Twisted Heart will provide an origin story for the Demon King, with two different endings. Which ending you get is dependent on moral decisions made by the player.

Only one character from FE8 will be present in this story, not counting the Demon King himself. Otherwise its a whole new cast, though I’m staying true to myself by mostly repainting and piecing together Intelligent Systems’ portraits.

I should also note that I am aware of a different hack by theghostcreator which has a similar premise. I became aware of it after I had already finished my story outline. From what I have seen, however, their hack luckily seems to be very different in terms of themes and gameplay, so there shouldn’t be much overlap. I have, however, not played it.


Thank you for spreading the word! Much appreciated :+1:

I will probably make my own thread if an updated version of the hack is made, but it won’t be in the near future. Thanks for holding the fort until then. Always happy to see people enjoy my work :smiling_face_with_tear:


@THE_1 I played both ur hacks and loved them, u should really post them here too for more exposure to the FE community, also i look forward to ur 3rd hack!



Aww, thank you for the kind words! I’m glad you liked them :blush:

While much has been done already with my third hack (map layouts, story outline, most portraits and character profiles, various pieces of dialogue including for the late game), there is still a LOT to be done. So, in short, don’t expect a release any time soon. I’d say a year from now at the earliest. I am however considering releasing the first two chapters as a teaser at some point, but we’ll see.

And yep, making a post here for Accursed Fate is next on my to do list :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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Welcome THE_1 hope you enjoy your time here.

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