So, a few months back I found an alternate graphic for Normal-Hard-Lunatic instead of Easy-Normal-Hard (help credit to Vesly) and used it in a personal joke hack, and it worked wonderfully. Cut to today, and that all changes, as when I try to start a new game, THIS happens:
It affects none of the gameplay, but just look at it! I triple checked the patches, all the graphics should be in the right place, but it still won’t get fixed. If anyone has similar woes and/or knows how to fix them, this is a plea for help.
This is a palette issue. Make sure whatever program you are editing the graphics in keeps the palette order (e.g, usenti), or else you will end up with this.
To reiterate what Ditto said, you essentially ruined the palette. You should use Usenti or Aseprite in order to keep the palette order the same when editing the image. If you use a regular program like MS Paint, the palette will be lost.
Here’s an idea, for map sprites FEBuilder will give you an option to rebuild the sprite if the palette numbers don’t line up. If I were to use the color reduction tool in the patch menu here:
Open a vanilla ROM
Export the graphic
Open it in Usenti or Aseprite
Paste the new graphic over the vanilla one while still in this program
(This will keep the palette order)
Import the new graphic in your desired ROM