Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade 'Remake' [FE6 in FE8] [COMPLETE]

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Like this but at the start when the game shows the different regions of elibe; there’s like a few pixels of the blue highlight that’s a bit off from what should be highlighted as a part of a specific region

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Regarding bugs with skills, I heard somewhere that if you want prepromoted units to have their previous skills you just have to include it in the promoted version at lvl 255 so they have it automatically when they are loaded, other than that unit lvl only matters to acquire new skills.
Shops and secret shops accessible from the world map or limited to the chapter?

I’m honestly sad that Trek isn’t able to use axes. I couldn’t help but feel like it’s fitting for him.

A-Support between Dorothy and Perceval uses Shanna and Cath’s portraits.

The new shops are a mess, like a shop with one or two items…
I recommend less shops with progressive quality, like all the iron and steels first+ Tier 1 2 range weapons, then anti-armor/knight and reavers+ tier 2 range weapons, then killers and silver etc…
Making a shop with decent equipment in the last 2 maps is plain evil, I though the point of making fe6 in fe8 was to enjoy the world map and tower to grind but right now the shop selection is even worse than vanilla.

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Been playing this and I have only one thing to say:



Bors Emblem.


Just beat this hack and wanted to give a few thoughts. Overall reception is pretty positive, but in a very silly way.

  • There’s a very good reason as to why Awakening doesn’t give class skills to generics, and this hack shows us why. Not being able to kill Clerics in one shot and generic Mercenaries having 21 AS is distinctly a Not Okay thing to do.

  • The Phys/Mag split doesn’t really serve a purpose. Some swordies can eke some extra damage out of the Magic Swords, which I really appreciate being buyable early, but no tome unit has any use for their Str, which is baffling considering Raigh has 40 Str and 40 Mag.

  • Clarine’s personal skill is also a class skill of Troubadours, and it doesn’t stack. Similarly, Sophia’s Eternal Tome doesn’t stack with her personal Bracing Stance.

  • While I do like Galeforce as a unifying theme among the generals and lords, giving it to too many units is a little excessive. It’s also somewhat arbitrary; why doesn’t Guinivere get it?

  • Some of the personal skill choices are bonkers. I did see that some of them got changed, but I want to talk about what I played. Killing Machine shouldn’t be on any unit, nevermind Rutger. Even Critical Force might be too strong on him. He was routinely walking around solo with 80 crit, and got 100+ crit with 0 crit weapons when near Clarine. Aptitude on Shanna is also extreme overkill; you could just buff her growths normally.

  • Capture feels unintentional. I stole some things I probably should not have access to. However, I think this is extremely funny and shouldn’t be fixed. That said, I think it could use some tweaks; give the Eight Legends alternate weapons to steal so you can’t just get two copies of the legendary weapons, have enemy Prfs able to be used by your units (Runeaxe on Melady? Icy Fimbulvetr on Guinivere? Commanding Axe on Lilina?), give Fae Flametongue and Firestone animations, et cetera.

  • Elffin needs… something to do, for lack of a better word. I 100% get not wanting two refreshers, but as-is he feels somewhat superfluous, especially as the vast increase to EXP income means you’ll probably get promoted Light users around that point. I’m not sure what he could do, but he needs something to stand out.

  • I see in the thread that Zeiss used to have Blossom, but without it he just sucks. 25 spd. All I need to say.

  • Florina and Lyn not having Prfs really stands out compared to the others. The Mani Katti is in FE8 already, just give it to her. Florina in general is kind of a liability; she should come with the Delphi Shield, especially when the other one is pretty missable.

  • Speaking of treasures, Reginleif still has the Ephraim Lock on it.

  • The Fire Emblem being anima magic is cute but Roy should get a proper Anima rank, especially when you lose the Fire Emblem for the Binding Blade. His Mag growth is pretty pointless otherwise.

  • Re-Move is a skill that neither your dancer nor Cath should have. Absolutely insane skill.

  • Some of the prf classes are also sort of weird. Sophia and Igrene are functionally identical to their original classes. They should get unique skills or secondary weapon access or something.

  • Durandal is in dire straits. Between the Binding Blade, Echesachs, and potentially Hartmut’s sword, it’s way past outclassed. Armads is also not in a great place but at least it’s the only S-Rank Axe.

  • Can Recruit>Halberdier Gwendolyn still Triangle Attack? I legitimately brought all three armors through the game because of the synergy between the Triangle Attack and Armor March.


How can I recruit Galle? I have Melady and Zeiss talked to him but he still refuses to join like in Vanilla.

If you’ve done that, make sure he survives Chapter 21. If he does, he’ll reappear on Chapter 23 and you’ll be able to recruit him.

Yes, Re-move is too powerful…

On a dancer it can be nice for added utility, but on Cath it’s a pain in the ass due to her also being hostile towards your troops.

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Exactly! I learned that the hard way!

in fact, it is quite simple to restore Mani Katti, the only problem I found when I was doing a small personal hack for Fe8 is how to put the sword as a Prfs for someone, because it always gave me an error of 6 more characters being able to use it the weapon, not just one, even putting it in FEBuilder to be just one. Maybe Zen knows how to do it better, if he does it one day in a future update for Lyn, of course.

Bug report: when klein talks to tate she becomes playable but when thany talks to tate after becomeing playable she becomes a npc and wont join u.

I m sure this happen because i talked with tate with thany after klein when it was to be other way around but still i need that 50 exp on a promoted thany man :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Can’t believe I never asked this earlier, but is the support limit still 5 per character?

Unfortunately, there are still only 5 per character.

All good, that’s what I thought.

Amatures! Just kidding. But

I have 19 res with no items given
Truth to be told i grinded at arena i sware i DID NOT SAVE STATE abuse

I had the shittest luck and had to watch like 9 swordmasters proc 2dmg astra (astra was proc like 19 times and poor me had to watch it with agony).

Special thanks to sol procking heroes and greatshield procking generals to make things even slower


Another portrait fix on a support conversation: Sin and Zeiss (C Support), the latter turns into Geese.

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I actually used Awakening as a way to have an idea of how I should distribute skills to the enemy. I played the game on Lunatic, and I happened to see a lot of Avoid +20 and Hit +20 skills on the enemy generics. The main reason why I added those skills like Miracle and Ready Stance on enemies is so the difficulty of the game would be increased. Also, since some classes have the Rally skills and enemy units can’t use them, I made it so enemy generics have seal skills for their respective rally skill instead. Though, I agree that 21 AS is a bit overkill. I noticed that when I replayed the game on my newest patch, the enemy mercenary would ALWAYS double if enemy phased.

I wish I could remove the Str/Mag split, but it’s part of the Skillsys and I can’t remove it. I’ve thought of adding in tomes that use their Str stat and calculate damage from def instead of res, but I couldn’t really think of anything.

I didn’t know that they didn’t stack. I can change the personal skill of Clarine and Sophia.

I’ve actually thought of this. Galeforce is a very broken skill and I’ve tried thinking of another skill I could give to the lords for their final skill. Aether is the level 5 skill which is already really good. I can’t think of anything else that could top that for the level 10 skill.
The Galeforce skill was given to the Etrurian generals as a unifying theme, that is correct. The reason why Guinivere, Narcian, Brunnya, or Murdock doesn’t have it is because I made it so Bern natives don’t have Galeforce. Galle is a Bern Wyvern general, but the reason he has Galeforce as his Personal skill is because he’s not a native from Bern. I just thought it’d be nice to have as the Etrurian Generals are supposedly the strongest in the land.

I try to give personal skills to units based on what their personalities are like or what their known for. I literally told myself so many times with Rutger that Killing Machine fits perfectly but it really is broken. I can’t think of anything else that would fit him. But it is really fun to use Rutger. Something I thought of doing do to balance Rutger a bit is to lower the Str of Rutger at the very least. Also for Shanna, since she’s a pegasus knight in training, and aptitude is a skill known for it being on essentially characters who are new to combat like Donnel or Cyril, I gave it to her. I could lower the growth rates of Shanna a bit to balance it because I still think Aptitude fits Shanna.

I can make it so the Eight Legends have the “Watchful” skill so they can’t be captured or stolen from. I never even thought about the duplicate legendary weapons lol.

I used Elffin in my playthrough of the ROM and I can say he’s one of my favorites to use. He should be looked at as a Psuedo Support unit. His re-move skill is very useful when getting around the map and his Rally Mov and Night Tide skills help a lot. Not only that, but he has some offensive prowess with him having Adept and Rightful King. His Spd and Luck caps at 30 so he’ll be able to dodge almost anything that comes his way. I recently made it so he can use S rank light tomes.

I mostly made the custom classes for them so they’d have their own unique animations. Not so they’d have their own custom skills. To me, I didn’t like how Sophia used the vanilla druid animations. Same with Igrene and the default Sniper animation. But I can make it so they stand out from others if it’ll make someone choose over the other.

I tested it out and yes, you can still Triangle attack with the armored trio. However, the Triangle Attack animation is a little bugged.