Howdy there folks,
I’ve come to present a project to you!
Searching For Light:
(Hack Download)

- Follow 3 Routes with 12 chapters each!
- 44 Playable units!
- 8 post merge maps resulting in 44 total playable maps!
- Deflation!
- A story somewhat heavily inspired by Hajimari No Kiseki!
- 22 Stat Caps!
Why did I make this?
This project was spawned after I had finished my playthrough of Hajimari No Kiseki, and thought ‘What if I did that with an FE hack?’
And well here we are!
Extra Notes
- At some point I plan to have most portraits be splices done by me and not F2U resources.
- This was tested on Mgba so please play using Mgba

If you would like to post about playthroughs or other such things about my hack, please
do so here!
Special Thanks
Moris for being an epic person.
Vyland/Enjin for being an awesome playtester.
You, for playing this hack.
There’s no need to make four posts in a row within an hour. Please edit your post when you need to update in quick succession.
What are all the classes for this game
Hug Ass Text Wall
- Veteran
- Thug → Champion
- Seer → Adept
- Protege → Valkyrie
- Light Cav → Light Paladin
- Heavy Cav → Heavy Paladin
- Armor(Sword/Lance) → General(Sword/Lance)
- Armor(Axe/Bow) → General(Axe/Bow)
- Mercenary → Hero
- Myrmidon → Swordmaster
- Thief → Assassin/Rogue(Depends on unit)
- Archer → Sniper
- Ranger
- Mage → Sage
- Troubadour → Mage Knight
- Shaman → Druid
- Fighter → Warrior
- Pirate/Brigand → Berserker
- Wyern Rider → Wyvern Lord
- Pegasus Knight → Falcoknight
- Cleric → Bishop
- Light Mage → Bishop
- Soldier → Halberdier
- Outlaw → Trickster
- Staff Mage → Sage
- Blademaster
- Bard
Please don’t ask questions like this of me again, I’d rather you find out by playing my hack, please.

P resent to you:
The map for Chapter 2A: Dawn’s Sorrow.
Thats all for now I guess.
On the other hand

A new portrait for my personal favorite Lord, Teddy.
And a portrait for another character who will appear later in the story.
Sorry for the radio silence!
Here’s a slight progress update:

A new status background made by yours truly.
I didn’t particularly like the previous one, and this one looks better in my opinion.

Wake up babe, new Gold splice just dropped.

Heya, its your favorite nuisance here.
I’ve got something a little different here for you.
The goods.
SFL map themes
This is something I just wanted to make to satiate anyone’s curosity. Map themes are in order of use as well.

I may be doing a something else however…
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Good morning or afternoon or evening or night gamers.
I have finished the something else I was doing.
Sunny got a rename and a new mug!
So as you may have seen if you were in my Discord server, or a few other places, I am almost completely redoing Chapter 1 and 3 and rewriting chapter 2, this is because I am not proud of chapter 1 or 3 in the slightest, whilst chapter 2 I quite enjoy still, and it just needs some rewrites.
So this next update will take a little while longer than I had initially intended, life is just busy+mental health has been in the dumps recently so please expect slower progress.
But rest assured, this project is going to be finished some day!
(Just a little screenshot to prove I am still working)
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Just wanted to come here to clarify the obvious.
No the project is not cancelled, I just don’t have anything interesting to show on the forums.
Hey howdy hey again!
Please ignore that last post, as I’ve decided to make a bit of a call to arms(?)
I’ve been struggling to find people willing to playtest for this project, so right now, I’m asking for anybody who is interested in being a long term playtester.
Please join the discord, and DM me here or at Goldblitzx#9123 on discord if you’re interested, and we’ll go from there.
Have a lovely day!
Hey howdy hey ya’ll!
Just thought I’d show some of the things I’ve been working on pertaining to SFL!
The first and main thing I’ve been working on is shifting all of the player units away from using F2U resources, and in to using splices I’ve made for them.
This is to give my hack more of its onw identity.
Below I’ll show some before and afters:






The next thing I have to report is that I’m working on redoing the content I have currently released. I know I have said that before but I thought it would be worth it to restate it. Please expect a release before I go back to School later this month.
I love ya’ll, and whatever it is you’re having, I hope its a good one!
Those splices looks quite nice, especially the one of Shiloh, can’t wait to see more !
Hello all,
Every splice for all player units up to chapter 2 have been done.
I can now resume progress on making actual maps.
Currently I stand at 33/47 total mugs made for the entire playable cast.
So uhh,
have a good rest of your day?

New objective for Chapter A1!

- The new unit placement(and a sneak peek at the map)!
Two weeks later…
Haha, no this hack isn’t dead, school just started up and I’ve been busy with my Eagle Project for Boyscouts, but I’m still working on this!
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Hack still isn’t dead, I’ve just found myself indebted to making portraits for other people’s projects, but uh, rest assured this is still being worked on
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