Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc)

I made something and i hope that all of you will love it, it’s not much but it’s based off of marlon’s transformation animation for both Ninian and Nils, with the dragon being a fusion of both the fire manakete and myrrh. I’m also introducing one of my personal class. It’s called the Dracodancer, the sprite itself is based off of Larum by RedBean, with the dance itself being based on Larum, since I’ve only seen a few people use Larum. I hope you all enjoy using it, and I have to mention that you have to use the bin instead of using the text, since it cause a few problems, but i manage to fix a few. Also the name of the dragon is called an Arcane Dragon, Similiar to both ice dragons and mage dragons. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Transform and Revert


I’ve come to share my mug splices!

I made these almost a year ago now, I currently have 4 (5 including batch 0) batches of mug splices, and I will be working on batch 5. Will be sharing the rest at a later time!

Insertable Versions Here:




Orignal: ねねるね(nenerune)
improved version: Red Bean

Script: 7743



I made it based on DerTheVaporeon’s War Cleric.





It’s not a big problem, but the avoid motion of the staff was a little strange, so fixed it.


Here’s Batch 2 of my Mug Splices!

Batch 2

Rimuru here is my first mug made from scratch, It’s not the best but It works

Insertable versions here:


Mia T1, T2 and T3 animations

Credits for these to Redbean, I just scripted them (thanks to 7743 also for the new tool).


Hello Again, Here’s Batch 3 of my splices, subtitled “Fantasy”, despite only 3 of them being fantasy themed lmao.

I got these idea after making Rimuru from the last batch. I thought for a fantasy series fire emblem doesn’t really have a lot of fantasy races, we only have manaketes, beast kin, undead and demon thingies.

So here’s a night elf, troll and orc races seen the warcraft franchise

Batch 3

Insertable Versions Here:


A post was merged into an existing topic: FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Who here liked Chapter 11A of FE6, where you recruit Echidna?

Who here wished you could make it into a desert map?

I’ve got a custom tileset that does just that. It consists of the FE6 Frontier Village tileset, given desert tiles, sandy cliffs, palm trees, new wall and indoor options, and more! Use it it in either its original FE6 palette or one that closer matches FE8 and Gamma’s Desert Bastion.

Download here. F2U and F2E, as long as you give credit.

In addition to me, credit goes to HyperGammaSpaces, Zoramine, and Vennobennu for their work on the Desert Bastion tileset I took much of this from, and Pushwall for palette help and miscellaneous tweaks.


you know why im here lets just cut to me showing you everything

Armored Male Brigand-

Female Berserker Sword/Lance-

Male Berserker Lance-

3 Armored Male Brigand anims, originally by Teelvade again, although I took the creative liberty to axe the armor pads on the dog since it made it too complex. 2 Female Berserker anims of a Sword and Lance, and the same Lance on the Male Berserker.

Moving (7) Standing (2)
The Brigand found his shirt (for use with the Armored variant)
Hound Rider (Armored)-1.png
And a funny class card for my boi.
Also, a minor fix to the Berserker Moving portion of the map animation - the axe clips into the sprite above it, and I wasn’t going to fix it until I posted here with another dump of Bandit/Berserker related stuff. Because of course I would.

Go get it here ya heckin nerds


I find rather strange that the regular bael: the giant spider, had no ranged animations. But i managed to fixed that, so it’s thanks to Teraspark that I was able to make it. So have fun with it.

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[Ephraim-Variant] [F] T1 Lancer by Memae
This motion has a broken MISS motion.
Please replace it so I can send you the corrected version of the data.

And I think the author’s name is memai, not memae.
I think I heard that in the past.
I don’t have any proof, so you don’t have to change it, but I’ll write it down just in case.

1 Like

Advance Wars Battle Animations Minor REWORK

No previews this time :v, I changed some code lines on my animations, wish the best!


FF6 Celes Chere
base: [Sage-Custom] [F] Gaiden Priestess by Gamma
reskin: 7743





I used SNES images and social game dots as reference.

why Mogutan?

If you use the bug in FF6 to slip past the enemies and not make Celes your party, her name will be Mogutan.
Whenever the events of the cave scene after that occur, she joins the group under that name.

This is because the data from the first half of the scene where Mowgli helps Rock and Tina is still in RAM.
Therefore, if you do not overwrite her name in the event that you make her your friend, Mogutan’s name will be carried over.

Many players were impressed by the gap between Mogutan’s dour name and her dignified lines.
For this reason, she is called General Mogutan by her fans.
The traitorous General Mogutan, who betrayed the empire.





It’s Bow in the setup, but I feel like I could have them use Anima.


Hello, I made some new animation reskins.

FE6 Style

FE7 Style


Ladies and Gentleman, for too long Baels have suffered in fire emblem, no 2 range, crappy stats, low tier monsters. BUT NO MORE I say NO MORE!!

Behold!! Part 1 of what i call the Bael Expansion!!

The Bael Rider!!




Now lets just say working with legs are a lot of pain and these are not perfect but hey, it’s a cav on a giant spider!!

now for some…

Flavour Text/Lore

Bael Riders or Bael Knights are seen few and far between. It takes not only masterful handling but also a fearless rider to truly become effective as a Bael rider. It is a dangerous profession as well, as unlike Horses, Pegasus and some Wyverns breeds, Baels are truly dangerous and intelligent monsters.

It is a false assumption that the rider controls the Bael, rather the Bael has respected the rider enough to let them be in control. Those who fail to remember this has ended up hurt or worse, eaten by the Baels they try to ride. Wyvern riders might have a slightly easier time then other mounted soldier to transition, as the strength you need to ride a wyvern could at the very least give you a basis on how to treat Baels as a mount.

In exchange of this difficult and often dangerous process however, those who succeed are granted access to all the full might of a Bael, it’s towering high ground advantage over other mounts and excellent and adept mountain traversal, only topped with getting a lifelong and loyal companion. As when you earn a Bael’s respect you earned it for life. In fact there have been some reports of riders who have grown old or fallen in combat and their Baels curling up beside them and passing along with.

As always you are free to edit/use this with credit and you can download it from here:

Download my Creative Stuff Here!!

Also thanks to Zoramine Fae on helping with advice on this project and they’ll be dropping their own version of this animation soon, So look out for that people!!

Sneak peak of part 2 of the Bael Expansion


That’s right I strapped a ballista on a Bael!! a Bael-lista you could say


And by soon he means right now.

On top of repaletting, I decided to improve the original animation for the Sword and Fang, along with making sure the ranged attack on the Sword actually uses the starting commands to indicate it’s an attack. I’m also providing the Class Card and Map sprite. The Lance I didn’t do from burnout.


image-2.png - 2022-08-08T221406.130
image - 2022-08-08T223333.335image - 2022-08-08T224937.351

Are they bad? Yes. Were you expecting anything different for a man riding a spider?

Here’s the link to my version and the class card/map anim.


Here is Street Fighter 6’s Juri Han design. An experiment in a different pose to standard FE poses. Planning to expand this one beyond just a portrait and into either a half body or a full body.

Street Fighter 6 Juri Han
FE Juri Han


Female Great Knight finally complete. While it took a bit of effort, it was actually a little easier than I thought. I’ve tested it out in all 3 FE games and everything runs smoothly. As always, best to read the ReadMe for color guides and whatnot, and it is public domain so go nuts with it.


Enjoy and have a nice day!

*Edit: Did some quick fix due to some stray pixels.