Fire Emblem: Illusory Dungeon | A Fire Emblem Rogue-Like [FE8]

Idunno how this is coded but weapon lock patch is a pretty trivial thing to use in febuilder, so unless it clashes then it should be no problem at all to lock weapons to monsters

Somebody got crit in the head by a brave sword and I was not happy with what came next



LOL. That was actually the first thing I tried. XD

This might be the first time I’ve promoted meriette after lv 15 and also got her to beyond lv 10 in her promo…

I kinda dislike her growths, probably doesn’t help that she’s sword-locked and a losscon for my runs, so she’s pretty consistently in the back not doing much.


Thank you very much for making the hack Flouxni! I’ve been playing it on and off for a few months after seeing some YouTube video of people playing it, and I’ve had a lot of fun. I’m a big fan of the GBA games and roguelikes, so the hack perfectly scratches a gaming itch I never even knew I had. I especially appreciate the consistent work putting out additional patches to make it even better.

With that said, would it be possible for you to turn off reinforcements/turn limits on the easiest difficulty, or provide an option to do so? Where I’ve found I have the most fun in the game is playing it more casually by trying to use “worse” classes and compositions, and by trying to funnel EXP to certain characters, but I’ve found that even on the easiest difficulty doing this simply isn’t viable because endless ramping reinforcements force the player to go for low turn count strategies.

I imagine most people who prefer the above kind of gameplay are playing on the medium or highest difficulty anyway, so I think having the easiest difficulty allow more playstyles to be viable would be a decent compromise.

Thanks again!

There’s a new Phase 2 boss and he’s cracked.

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AHA!!, I knew it that boss was cracked

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Just completed my first run to find updates had been dropped, so yay, more stuff to do XD

Also, did anybody else have to fight the {ACT 3 FINALE BOSS} Twice?

Granted this might be a non issue now, but the fact the epilogue sent me straight into the fight(with -2 units, lost a Sniper in the last chapter before the finale, and lost a Royal Night to the {ACT 3 FINALE BOSS} getting a 1% crit) again and I was able to nab a 2nd Gem made me think I had done something for a special ending or something, but the save file doesn’t recognize that Meriette should have 2 of them in her inventory now, and after the 2nd fight and the place started collapsing again ({ACT 3 FINALE BOSS} pulled a Frieza and Namek on me lol) sent me straight to FIN, so I’m assuming that was a bug

Ye, that was a thing, you would loop the final boss one extra time instead of seeing the ending sequence. I forget which version fixed it (I wanna say v1.3 but might be wrong.)

Just DL the latest version it should be fixed and you should see the correct ending.

Ummm… This Just gives a black screen during combat.

saw this in my YT recommended, decided to give this a go on normal mode.
was fun up until first finale, where the game, on turn 15, decided to throw effective wyverns and killer lance pegs at level 15, seemingly indefinitely.
yes, it’s an anti-turtling technique, but the issue is i can’t progress if i’m being hounded by said units and can’t go anywhere on risk of death.
i’m probably going to have to restart my run because my best fighter (rip to him btw, he was good) is a knight and i can’t clear the 2 bosses fast enough and get to the rest of the map. considering the other maps have a hard 20 turn limit, what gives with this? it feels slightly unfair. if they spawned much later on as a boot to the rear to get going, or were powerful like they are now, but few in number to allow you to actually survive, it’d feel more fair, but as it is the map just feels like it has an even stricter time limit while also being harder than your normal maps. (i turtled a little because being reckless/careless got units killed in my first run of the map and the game in general. why don’t some of the archers move?)
also small bug with stairs in this game. having one unit end turn on them, then another, and probably more, make them overlap on the other side. nearly got my main lord killed by a killing edge merc guarding treasure because they could target them over the overlapping Knight.

I’m gonna try this again, and update things as i go, but finale one’s reinforcements feel ridiculously punishing for no good reason.

that said, i like how the game plays so far. planning out my army based on what i have/lack is very fun, and each unit feels special in some way (the cavs kinda suck tho, the jack of all trades feel isn’t great when you hit pretty limply, can’t double and have little bulk over the rest of the army).

Edit: started a new run and the starter options are very amusing, 10/10

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You’re not supposed to survive the reinforcements. You might be able to huddle up and dodge some, and maybe block a couple off, but they are meant to be the chapter’s turn cap. There’s a definite difficulty spike, but that’s very intentional. Just like most roguelikes, you just might not have been lucky/prepared enough and just lose. It’s meant to be punishing, but deliberate. I had in mind the player having a couple of strong units able to take out the mini-bosses, and a dedicated accurate bosskiller to handle the throne.

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Yeah the arena has been a continual annoyance and just does random stuff like that sometimes. I plan to do a lot more with it, but it’s unsurprisingly complicated.

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Oops I must be doing it wrong on hard difficulty, because in like 2 out of 6 recent runs I’ve been able to snowball one of my units (berserker and then wyvern, Metis tome ofc) and farm those act 1 finale endless reinforcements for 40+ turns, just camping my unit on the armory to restock as needed until they hit lv 20 lol.

But, yeah those reinforcements do feel tough when you first start out. After a good 3-4 runs you should see they are super manageable.

Fwiw most units are pretty bad to raise in this game other than your starters and/or Metis-buffed units. Growths are atrocious otherwise, and only get worse as the game goes on. Idk how I would fix it, but I know this setup has, at least for me, heavily promoted raising the core few units you start with while only shuffling the other recruits in as you go. Metis, if you get it, makes one unit kinda like your starter units. But often the starter fighter is just WAY too good to ever not use. The nice thing is that we have all of the starter army configs which are super fun.

Cavs are pretty vanilla except with canto/rescue. I have definitely done too many runs where I strip their weapons and use them as rescue/take/drop machines and last resort meat shields. Metis tome + cav is pretty good especially if you promote at lv 16+, gonna have great stats.

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Finished a run of the game on normal/Jagen starter.
it was honestly pretty fun, since the units i got actually allowed me to beat the first finale before turn 15 (i still think the pegs/fliers are too punishing). the rest of the game was actually quite nice on normal difficulty, although the final boss was… really weak. the goons he summoned were more threatening.

shoutouts to the starting archer who pretty much became my carry in endgame.

i swear my mage got stat screwed, but he made for a nice staffbot

Decided to make my thief a combat unit instead of a utility one, and she actually became really self-sufficient. had a great unit feel. (mild promo spoilers)


Cavs/Paladins feel like they suck, both as enemy and ally, with the Jagen i started with being the exception for earlygame. i rarely find myself wanting to pull one when it appears, and the endgame turtling punish cavs felt like a joke statwise, especially compared to the other endgame reinforcements.
Wyverns are incredible to use, especially with a flier shield. just be careful around mages since wyverns have like… knight level speed, and i lost 2 (two) of them to being doubled and crit by mages.

all in all, was an enjoyable experience. gonna try it on hard a different time, maybe with a different starter squad.

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It’s surprisingly easy to farm the reinforcement units. At this point, I’d recommend moving the infinitely spawning Finale reinforcements to turn 20 and giving them max stats or broken custom equipment, like 1-3 range javelins or throwing axes or custom Longbows with higher MT and CRIT. If you want to be especially jerkish, you add Bow-users to some Finale reinforcements and equip them with Ballistae, as the Ballistae weapons count as normal bows when in the inventory of a bow-user. Another idea is to turn on the Uncounterable flag for their custom weapons to actually make them much more difficult to deal with, if you don’t want to give them greater range. Another idea is to make an alternate version of each long-ranged spell but with higher DUR and HIT and lower WT (and maybe higher MT and CRIT) and to add Magic-user reinforcements to be extremely difficult to deal with when equipped with these alternate tomes. Ultimately, what makes the reinforcements easy to deal with is the fact that they need to get to 1-2 range, which means that they can be lured into defensive formations of your units.
Another idea is to give these custom weapons Effectiveness against all playable units.

I swear, I’m not evil. XD

EDIT: Grammar

HAHAHA I would never say it’s “surprisingly easy” to farm them EXCEPT when I get Metis and/or lucky growths on Metis unit/starter unit, which feels like it happens ~20% of the time. There’s parts of me that think Metis should prob be changed to +10 or +15 growths instead of +20, because Metis makes my runs SIGNIFICANTLY easier when I get it in act 1.

If you attempt to fight the reinforcements (or are forced to fight them because you played too slow,) you either get steamrolled by the reinforcements and die horrendously, or you beat them and get your best unit SUPER FED and basically win the entire run at act 1 finale since now you have a 20/20 unit with damn near capped stats to carry the game.

Fwiw I like the idea of these reinforcements, but all of this discussion makes me wonder why it isn’t just using the 20-turn “get boned” limit exactly like any of the other maps. It’s mechanics continuity, already understood by the player, and would/should bring none of the “those reinforcements are OP!” or “those reinforcements are too weak!” talk.

Although then I think that shifts the conversation/complaints to the insane avo of the bosses on the freaking throne, although honestly I still think that whole thing promotes having a decent bow user in your army, which IMO is fine. If I’ve ever found value out of archers/nomads in this hack, it’s def for more reliable chip on the high avo bosses (even for the non-finale bosses that are plastered in woods like the light brand myrm on that act 1 map, GOD is he annoying without a speedy anima/lance/bow user.)


Looking at the base FE8 file through FEBuilder, it looks like you have to declare all usable units in the Arena.

The Illusory Dungeon hack removes all of them, for some reason, so the game likely has to call values from a random array.

However, by reassigning the default addresses and counts, it should be able to fix the issues; yet it would also only use those declared classes. If a class was changed, then the change carries over. That being said, this also fixes the possibility of getting Zephiel as an Arena opponent and freezing the game. XD

EDIT: I take that back, reassigning the default addresses doesn’t work.

EDIT 2: Selecting the Detail tab when reallocating data doesn’t work either.

EDIT 3: I think having to “start from scratch” might be the best option. By that, I mean, starting with a clean FE8 file and moving only the sure changes over.

EDIT 4: Also checked with the older versions. It looks like Arena unit data was basically cleared in v1.2.