Fire Emblem: Illusory Dungeon | A Fire Emblem Rogue-Like [FE8]

giant spider GALS

Maybe replace the Summoner with maybe a different class entirely
Like maybe import Malig Knights into the game (Although it’s your game anyway you decide)

Oml the arena is so rigged that my stat capped maelduin (21 speed) just got doubled by an armor knight; an unpromoted unit that has a speed cap of 20. Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul

Oh, yeah, the stats are randomized and generally uncapped. Using Cheat Engine, you can find the stats of whatever you’re facing before you face it. I could be mistaken, but I think I once saw something have over 30 STR/MAG and opted to not fight that. XD

havin fun with the hack so far, one problem tho… LOW Percentage crits!!, help lmao, I suggest lowering non crit items like divine to 0 crit, or it could be the luck of generics I suppose but still

I used to think low percentage crits was a problem as well; that player units starting with 2 luck (except meriette) and that more enemy weapons having higher crit was a bit too much, but you can calc to survive crits in a huge majority of situations, especially after act 1 (p sure divine isn’t seen in act 1?)

I think in like ~20 run attempts I’ve legitimately been boned by an unpreventable crit situation one time, and it was in act 1, iirc it was one map after the tutorial, so a quick death lol. In another run I literally lost 3 out of 5 units when my units missed tons of attacks and then got killed by back to back to back ~2 percent crits, and yet I still went on to win that run, all the way to the final boss of the game.

It’s extremely rare that I can’t find a way to deal with high crit enemies safely, in my experience. Often, Meriette has enough luck that she doesn’t face crit chance except from weapons with 10+ base crit (and, it seems like the act 3 gift she receives either completely removes enemy crit against her, or severely reduces it.) IIRC a reasonable amount of the act 1 maps/chests/enemies can drop goddess statues, giving one of your units +4 luck. If need be, the fighters HP pool is pretty massive for act 1, he can survive crits quite often. Phantoms seem to level luck reasonably well, too, so the tiny 1-3 percent crits really aren’t an issue (at least for how most of my units have grown) after the first 3-4 maps.

I enjoy the rather wide variation of crit chance in this. I’ll sit there and calc shit out, check enemy crit rates versus my unit luck, and then calc to see how much they would do on a crit, if it is lethal, etc. Sometimes you just gotta roll the dice if you can’t completely remove the foe’s crit chance, and assume the worst. Sometimes that means a phantom dies.

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Light tomes very deliberately have increased crit, increasing with weapon level. It makes up for their lower mag compared to other magic classes. And some weapons like slim weapons get a small crit boost as well. Low crits are part of FE and sometimes you just get unlucky.


Best hit is with bow which is only 40 hit, constant 10 crit and everybody else does like 5 damage to the 40 hp boss

okay i managed to get through it by save stating, damn bro u sure this boss ain’t bugged? he’s hella cracked for real

Skill issue (pun intended. Get it? More Skill = more hit chance? I’ll see myself out.)

Ye this is a thing that I generally notice with act 1 and act 2 bosses. They have massive evade thanks to their generally higher stats compared to the rest of the mooks, AND they are on +30 avo tile (or is throne +20? Idk.) Funny enough, the boss in act 2 finale has never caused me to lose, it’s always been the other promoted units on the map (the sage and warrior, before the pre-promoted units were finally tuned down and balanced better.)

Bow units (archer/nomad) are super legit for this niche alone, they have great hit rates. Archer/Sniper has good res, too, so they generally shit on this bishop, and you know you are always facing him at act 2 finale (unless there is another rollable act 2 finale map? If so, I have never gotten it.) Short bow is also super high hit rate, although weak. Nice on warrior IMO. Longbow literally laughs at the bishop for free, too.

Your specific image is one of a non-promo AXE FIGHTER (axes tend to have shit hit) in combat against a promoted boss unit that’s on a defensive tile. Yeah, it ain’t gonna look pretty. Now, I personally think sages are shit, but is/was your sage any better here? I could understand if even with WTA (anima > light) if the sage just didn’t have much a chance. Sages are WAY too fuckin squishy in this hack, even against other magic users, lol. Your druid probably had insane res tho, honestly I’ve fought that boss with druid without much issue, even when the boss has WTA (light > dark) because shaman/druid is basically armor knight except on the magic spectrum.

But @Flouxni is it possible to add perks to weapons (similar to what I believe you have done with meriette’s dreaming bld) that reduce opposing combatant crit rate? Just as some kind of additional/more accessible avenue for dealing with this, other than buying the expensive and rare af hoplon guard? Just a random thought/consideration. Like, maybe give all anima tomes the ability to inflict -5 or -10 crit on enemy combatant? So anima/sage can actually have a niche of good combat against light and do something other than “throw this unit to the wolves on key turn when meriette might die.”

Hmm, I think I’ll try the game with Fixed Growths turned on to see how much more difficult the game gets with getting average stats.
Assuming Lv40 and excluding promotion bonuses, Merriette should gain +20 HP, +12 STR, +14 SKL and SPD, +10 DEF, +8 RES, and +16 LUK;
the starting units should gain a total of +30 HP and +16 everything else;
if starting at Lv1, the first and second wave of recruits should gain a total of +20 HP and +8 everything else;
if starting at Lv21~22, the final wave of recruits should have a total of +8 HP and +2 everything else.
Hmm…well, this is going to be painful. Here’s to hoping for good bases!

Also, to add to your unit critique, the Wyvern Riders are slow as heck and extremely physically tanky. They’re basically flying Armor Knights. Unless I’m misremembering, aren’t they supposed to be speedy, like Pegasus Knights, normally?

Ooo how are you turning on fixed growths?

Also, wow starting units are borked?

Ye I think wyverns in FE are generally avg to slightly above avg in speed, although not nearly like a peg knight.

IMO this hack’s iteration of wyverns mostly invalidates armors for exactly that reason; if I have to choose between an armor or a wyvern, I’m taking wyvern almost every time because same stats, double mov, and flying/canto utility lol.

Hashtag buff armors

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FEBuilder. It’s also to see how well you can fair in the game, assuming you have the most average of growths luck.

Yeah, the starter units have the highest growth rates but have the lowest bases, I think, which is fair, I guess.

I agree. I was pretty surprised at how well I was doing with my starting Wyvern Rider. I felt super sad, because I like using Generals and Great Knights in PP-based FE games and rom-hacks, as the only thing that these two get over a Wyvern Lord is access to Axes. However, you already have 1-2 Range with Javelins, so why would that matter? Hence, Wyvern Knight is still better, assuming you get a Secret Seal.

That being said, I still found it hilarious that my one Armor Knight was able to get to 10 SPD at Lv14. I blame the Metis Tome. XD

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Funny enough my unpromoted mage deals 6 dmg while sage deals 5 dmg, as for bow units i dunno why but my bow knight sucks at hit with 6 dmg and 40 ish hit

I can understand slims getting crit but light is strong enough as is since low res and it doubles real often i believe

Light tomes are actually heavier than Anima tomes. The Sage and Bishop also have 7 CON in base FE8.

That being said, looks like the mod has lowered the WT of the tomes. Light tomes still have more WT than Anima tomes of the same rank, until B and A-rank tomes, where they both have the same WT. Not only that, but Bishops’ base CON has been increased to 8 here, which means the drawback of having high-crit heavy tomes is not as impactful. On the player side, that’s neat. On the enemy side with a Bishop boss, not so much.

What I usually do for this boss is have a Pegasus Knight, Falcoknight, Shaman, or Druid just soak up Purge and Shine DUR, then try to damage him with SKL-blessed units…all while fending off the high-level infinitely-spawning reinforcements that have equipment to deal with Armor units, Cavalry units, and Fliers, which means you need to have a Hero, Warrior, or Berserker to deal with each side and hope they can EP the reinforcements without dying from Killer Lance crits. Like, it’s doable, but not the most fun thing to do, if you are running out of weapon DUR.

Alternatively, if you waited until Lv20 to promote Merriette, she might have enough SKL and RES to hit and survive against the Bishop boss.

On a random note: this mod also gave the Blades 5% Crit.

Okay, I just realized something. Remember that update that lowered the Arch Mogall’s Dark Rank to E?
Well, apparently, the Mogall and Dark Mogall can enter the Arena and train Dark that way, eventually getting Rank D Dark. Granted, they’ll probably die, due to getting archers in the Arena, but it’s still a thing.

A fix I recommend is dropping the Evil Eye and Crimson Eye to Rank Novice (-) Dark and completely removing any weapon ranks from both Evil Eye and Crimson Eye. I tested this change out myself, and it seems to work fine. Only bug is that, having no weapon ranks results in your POW stat being read as STR, rather than MAG. However, I don’t really see that as an issue myself, as the weapons are still working as intended.

So I take it you don’t get more monster recruits in Monster Mash mode? kinda disappointed heh

@Tinnes_Cenn Do you feel it’s truly necessary to patch all of that over the possibility of mogall getting to use dark tomes? Arena is so rare (does it only spawn in act 1 finale and the final prep map?) and hard to really long-term abuse, plus mogall has such shitty def and hp growth PLUS terrible CON that frankly I don’t think it’d ever be that much of an issue, personally. If somebody goes through all the work to get ranks for tomes and uses shit like Nosferatu, more power to them. That feels like a lot more work for small gains especially in comparison to save scumming for good level ups, which IMO is much more impactful for an easier run.

@DATonDemand ye I’ve never seen new monster recruits, the first 3 monsters is all you get. Would be dope to only get monster options for recruits (although lack of staff users is gonna feel bad, at least IMO. I addicted to priests in this game.)

Oh, I’m just pointing it out. Fixing it literally just takes a single change to the eye weapons and a single change to each Mogall class. It’s more to make sure that the Mogalls cannot use anything but their eye weapons, if that’s the intention, which seems to be the case, as he did take the time to drop the Arch Mogall’s Dark rank to E.

At this point in time, we’re effectively game-testers, so I do feel the need to report issues I find. Whether it’s addressed or deemed not an issue is up to Flouxni.

As for the monster recruits, I tried using FEBuilder to see what would happen if I modified the recruitment options. So, I added a dog to one of them and recruited it to the party. The dog turned into a Brigand. Yeah, I have no idea. XD

I do agree that having other monster options would be neat. Demon Surge and Shadowshot would also be pretty cool options on recruited Arch Mogalls, if they were added. If Gorgons were added, Stone needs to be dropped to give 0 W.EXP, so other classes don’t get access to Dark. The only problem I can somewhat foresee is that there are only so many weapon locks available in the game’s code at base. It’d be rather awkward to have a dog use a dragonstone, for example.

Actually, let me count real quick. Merriette needs her own lock. Spiders and zombies need another lock. Dogs need their own lock. Mogalls and Gorgons need their own lock. Manaketes need their own lock. Actually, I take that back. There seem to be enough locks for that idea. Unless I’m forgetting a monster or something, this should be fine. There’s Eirika Lock, Ephraim Lock, Lyn Lock, Athos Lock, and Weapon Lock 1.

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