Fire Emblem: Illusory Dungeon | A Fire Emblem Rogue-Like [FE8]

The Female Paladin’s base Sword Rank is set to D, so she can’t use the Steel Blade, which is a Rank C sword.

As for the Dancers, I pretty much save-scummed until I got the right RNG to get them at least HP, SPD, and either Luck, DEF, or RES with every level up. Granted, I got impatient several times, so I ended up with less HP than what I would have liked, but I can’t pass up SPD, LUK, DEF, and RES from a single level up. Anyway, with enough patience, I got the Dancers to about 30-31 HP, 26 SPD, 18-20 LUK, 8-10 DEF, and 10-12 RES. Probably wasn’t worth it.

As for starting with them at Lv20 with Lv20 stats, that would make the early game too easy, as they’d be dodging everything while also acting as blocks to chokeholds to protect Marriette or other units.

Also, because the first unit I picked to recruit was a Cleric, Merriette definitely had to carry the team until I got my Knight…who is now my most broken unit, because I got the desert map and found a Metis Tome, which I gave to the Knight at Lv8. Other than Marriette and the Dancers’, no unit has save-scummed level-ups.

If you’re curious, I’m still at the Paladin stage, which was extremely easy with the Dancers and a flier. I also found a Secret Seal in the Paladin stage and will be using it on the Knight to turn him into a Great Knight, because screw General and its low mobility. XD
Also, my Cleric almost died, because I didn’t realize that one of the Archers had a Longbow. She survived on 1 HP and is now sitting on the Throne to recover, while I weigh my options on trying to kill the infinitely spawning HURRY UP units who have Killer Lances and Heavy Lances-- the latter of which my Knight will not appreciate.

Update: Yeah, farming the Hurry Up units with my Great Knight actually worked, until I ran out of Durability on my Killer Axe. XD
The Pegasus Knights couldn’t damage him with Short Spears, and the Wyvern Riders has less than 20% display Hit with Short Spears, too.

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Goodness, ye I rarely ever save scum, and absolutely no motivation to do it for dancer level ups. Hell, I barely want to spend the time to dance them to lv 20 on the opening map as it is. I ironman it every time I play, it’s super fun even if half of my runs end at or before the act 1 finale.

Bruh 10 skill, 11 speed on an armor?!? I had a lv 9 armor that legit still had 2 speed and 2 res. But big defense units can definitely farm those finale reinforcements, and then it super snowballs your unit out of control from all the exp. My maelduin from my monster run capped his defense by lv 3 and was fighting the act 2 finale horseslayer-wielding paladin reinforcements for a minor challenge because they could actually deal ~5 damage to him. I forget what lv he was at the end, but I swear he got 3 level ups by just killing paladins at the end.

But I’m noticing I almost always grab the first staff user that I can if the starting 4 units don’t include a healer. Priests especially feel super useful to me in this game, extremely bulky on top of providing staff utility. The lady cleric is probably my least favorite, since she has trash speed and defense compared to priest/troubador.

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I blame the Metis Tome for the 11 SPD on the Armor Knight. As for the Cleric, she promotes to Nun, which has higher MAG than the Bishop. I dunno if that means anything, but I doubt these units will be capping any stats without a Metis Tome and stat-improving items. My Mage got to Lv12 by riskily attacking the Wyvern Riders and will be promoting to Sage.

Also, here’s my Armor Knight now; he got a promotion after hitting Lv20. I’m still at the Paladin map, because I’m doing other stuff currently.

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Okay I just added a very minor bugfix patch that fixes the Paladin’s weapons and should fix the issue of the final map repeating.


Yeah, I think I have a huge problem with Act III Encounter (Map ID 35) the Water Ruins map. Because it calls the tiles to open and close randomly, it sometimes results in getting non-fliers screwed by being completely isolated on land or completely stuck on water. This has lead to some game overs, because RNG wasn’t in my favor. Heck, the last time I did it took until Turn 4 for my non-fliers to get out of the starting land area. Also, I just barely had enough time to have my Falcoknight kill the boss after Merriette had gotten the two chests in the southeast. (Literally finished at Turn 20.)

If it isn’t addressed, it causes trained fliers to be required to finish the map quickly or even on time. Rescue-Dropping to EP the enemies wasn’t exactly fast enough (or safe enough).

Perhaps, having the tiles alternate in a pattern to prevent this might work? An example would be to have the tiles north and/or east of the starting land present but alternate to sinking and rising every turn or every other turn.

Huh, I’ve only played that map once, and yeah I experienced most of my units being waterlogged and stuck, but I didn’t have major issues getting to the boss by T20. Meriette can walk in water, I think it costs 5 mov per tile? She, a paladin, and my flying mogall traversed most of the map and killed things for me.

I wasn’t under the impression that the tiles coming out of the water was random? It appeared to be a pattern (although there is a rather important string of tiles that’s quite long, near the top left and IIRC it pops out like once every 4 turns and only stays for a single turn, that was absolutely a hang up for all of my non-water-traversal units.)

That map is strongly flier/zerker (and maybe nomad?) biased, but idk, I haven’t been very impressed with zerkers, nomads, and fliers (sans Metis) thus far, so I think it’s nice to throw them a bone.

I’ve begun another livestream of the game, this time on newest version 1.3.1, attempting a MONSTERS run, of course! Looking forward to seeing the eyeball be able to use his powers after promotion! Will attempt to beat it over the next week or so, usually streaming evenings Eastern time.

Oh, I checked the Event function. It calls another Event function six times. This second function is used to randomly select one of the 12 paths to rise or sink. Technically, it rolls a number from 0 to 23. If the number rolled is 0-11, the assigned path rises (or does nothing, if it’s already risen); if the number rolled is 12-23, the assigned path sinks (or does nothing, if it’s already submerged). Because of how the event works, it has a possibility of completely skipping over necessary paths for land units to cross or, hilariously, sinking/rising the same path, because RNG.

Granted, if it were a predetermined pattern, the stage would be easier. Another potential fix could be to have the event function call the second function more times, so you’d have a greater chance of escaping your starting “island”. The only noticeable downside is that we’d wait longer for the Event function to complete between Turns.

Another potential fix is to have 12 Event functions, each tied to a path. The Event function rolls a number from 0-3. A 0 causes the path to do nothing; a 1 causes the path to rise (or do nothing, if it’s already risen); a 2 causes the path to sink (or do nothing, if it’s already submerged). This way, each path has a chance to change each turn, rather than 1-6 of 12 having a chance to change each turn.

Berserkers take 3 MOVE to traverse a Water tile. Eh, I like Berserkers myself. They tend pretty neat bruisers for me, despite the fact that I still use Great Knights. I think I just like bruisers overall. Take little to no damage and deal a bunch of damage. XD

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Ok, well done on that research, I had no clue they were random :joy: I suppose you always have meriette to cross small puddles of water… But if she isn’t combat ready then the run is boned if you have bad luck + no other water traversal units.

I can see how that might be polarizing… But were you going hard for all of the chests? That’s probably why you struggled. I grabbed the top left chests and killed boss, definitely wasn’t time for the stuff at the bottom right.

Especially on early act 1 maps, I pass on that “bonus” stuff often, since my army is weak and often can’t even fill my entire start spaces as it is. Not enough manpower, and that should be ok to miss chests/bonuses sometimes. I think this water map can be exactly that, just in act 3, as long as the boss can be reasonably reached without water affinity units.

Woo some actual substantive new stuff! And fixes as always

FE: ID v1.4 Release Changes


  • Fixed a pretty big glitch with Act III unit recruiting being fucked up
  • Bow Knights now have Canto as they should
  • Support Menu functionality is gone but hopefully it isn’t broken?
  • Fixed some inconsistent boss music


  • Summoners are (temporarily) gone
    • Probably the hardest class to design around and bug fix, I’ve decided to just nix them for the time being until I can bring them back in the future, hopefully better than ever
  • Monster Movement is now consistent with similar classes
  • Doubled the number of moving tiles on the water map
    • A very dumb quick fix until I can find a more elegant solution
    • I want it to be random, but I need to find a way to weight it in a way that the map is consistently possible


  • Berserkers got some extra Strength
  • Unpromoted enemy units in Act III got a lot of juice, so the maps should be more appropriately tough

New Stuff

  • Priests now have a secret seal promotion
    • This just leaves unpromotable classes and troubadours (and shamans) without one so far
  • Difficult mode is now Difficulter!
    • Only changes made are to Act I, but maps are a little harder, and most have an extra feature to really set them apart from their normal mode counterparts

Future Plans

  • Giving Summoners back lol
  • More Difficult Mode Changes
  • Extra Balancing

I really like what I did with some of the Hard Mode map changes (although some are questionable), but I’m looking forward to really making it a difficult mode. I’m still slowly learning how to do more advanced eventing things, so as time goes on, more features I thought would be impossible are going to be.

Although I should probably address the most commonly brought up thing: unit customization.
This would be absurdly difficult. For one, even just naming the phantom units joke names like Unil and Awphul and randomizing the order would be a really tedious undertaking. And unique portraits/names that the player can select is downright impossible. In addition, my philosophy with the phantoms is that I want the player to get attached to a specific unit, not just a character. I want you to love “that strength blessed myrm” or “that really clutch fighter” instead of “Named Unit 3” regardless of their class.
It’s just something I see very commonly mentioned, so I figured I’d speak my words on it


Great to see more patches (even though I just started a stream of 1.3.1, lol.) Funny enough, I think I just experienced that act 3 recruit glitch. I grabbed a general, but for some reason I received both him and a warrior from that selection, and the picture/icon of the general is really warped in color…

“Monster Movement is now consistent with similar classes”

Damnit, you nerfed tarvos’/maelduin’s movement through forests and forts and stuff, didn’t you…

“Doubled the number of moving tiles on the water map
A very dumb quick fix until I can find a more elegant solution
I want it to be random, but I need to find a way to weight it in a way that the map is consistently possible”

IMO make a rock-solid path to the boss (or maybe a path that contains only 1-2 small strings of changing tiles?) so that the player can basically 100% of the time get to the boss (barring being killed in combat ofc) without needing luck/waterwalkers/superbuff meriette solo.

I think the random up/down tiles is perfectly fine for access to the bonus stuff (chests/stealables) because you’ve had 2 whole acts to recruit fliers/waterwalkers and build resources, and if your run is hinging on your non-waterwalkers getting to chests on an act 3 map, frankly you’ve probably fucked up the run in some really miraculous way.

Addressing the attachment. I suppose another way that it can be done is by giving each Phantom a color palette? Or rather I was going to suggest that until I realized that the four choices in each Unit Reward room are the same Phantom, so that doesn’t help, as each class’ palette works differently.

However, it CAN be possible to customize how the palettes work. I can play around with it a bit and try to see if there’s a uniform way to make it work.

There’s also the chance of not getting fliers or waterwalkers as a Unit Reward.
In Unit Reward I, you have a combined total of a 28% chance for the far left unit being a flier and a 10% chance for the middle left unit being a Pirate. This gives you a 35.2% probability of having either a flier or a Pirate or both present.
In Unit Reward II, you have a combined total of a 21% chance for the far left unit being a flier and a 14% chance for the middle left unit being a Pirate. This gives you a 32.06% probability of having either a flier or a Pirate or both present.
In Unit Reward III, you have a combined total of a 24% chance for the far left unit being a flier and a 20% chance for the middle left unit being a Berserker. This gives you a 39.2% probability of having either a flier or a Berserker or both present. This becomes completely pointless to bring up, if your first Act III Encounter happens to be the Water Ruins map, and RNG has been unkind to you in the recruitment options department in both Act I and Act II.

I much prefer a way to make it so that you’re not REQUIRED to have a specific unit to clear a map, due to the random nature of the recruitments.

Also, looks like Tarvos and Maelduin now have Canto. I am happy. XD

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what are the playable monsters here?

100% agree about not requiring flier/waterwalker to clear a map. There should be a consistent path to the boss. The chests, idgaf if they have randomized paths and w/e, chests in act 3 are not crucial to the run.

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Mogall, Bonewalker, and Tarvos. They can also be promoted to their appropriate classes.
Mogalls have vulnerability to Bows, and Tarvos now has Canto.

Afaik it’s mogall (flying mage eye,) tarvos (axe centaur/man-beast,) and bonewalker (skeleton with weapons.)

I’m doing a livestream of my run with the monsters, you can catch it in action here, stream from a few hours ago:

no bael girls eh haha

I actually forgot of the existence of the giant spiders. Huh…

Ye and gorgons, and gargoyle/spear dudes (forget the exact names)