Fire Emblem Fates Updraft: I need filler units! A PME of sorts

Name: Skylar
Class: Light mage trainee (whatever that may be)
Affinity: Light
Portrait (Please try to edit the portrait if it is an OC, even if it is a simple edit.):
Skylar_96_96 (fechar spliced, face of Forde, body of Rutoga, hair of Flaer)

Description: A man seemingly blessed by divine intervention.
Death Quote: My ascent into the afterlife has begun, a bit earlier than I expected…
Personality (Important, as a lot will have conversations, even if few): VERY devout to his faith. Unfortunately, I can’t come up with anything else, so…
Item (May change): idk lol
Ending: Skylar would resume his service to the local churches, claiming his abstinence was for him saving the world from a dark, sinister plot.

Personal Skill (Nothing too OP please.): Tomefaire

Boon: Magic
Bane: Skill
Growth Rates (Up to 305%)

HP: 40
POW: 55
SKL: 40
SPD: 50
LCK: 30
DEF: 40
RES: 50

Honestly I kinda find this character funny, to have a very simple character fill the role of a “New class concept”.
Like part of a big cast is to have some very simple characters, not everyone can have an epic detailed backstory, he is just a man dedicated to his faith, which I think fits the class very well, considering the idea is that “High rank light magic” is exclusive to those who truly dedicate themselves to the pursuit of that.


he’s just a guy :tm:


Prisoner submission, still kinda a WIP

Name: Kasasagi
Class (This game is build around a T2 → T3 meta with T1 being trainees, so rather rare. Your character may be put in a similar but different class. Also feel free to be a funny monster adjacent class. Also no dancers, I already have a dancer.): Master of Arms
Affinity: Light
Portrait (Please try to edit the portrait if it is an OC, even if it is a simple edit.):

(uses assets by Garytop)

Description: A Hoshidan soldier held prisoner by Nohr. A reliable comrade in times of need.
Death Quote: Don’t worry… I’m fine… carry on… for… me…
Personality (Important, as a lot will have conversations, even if few): Kasasagi doesn’t have the most common sense, but he more than makes up for it with his practicality and reliability in times of need. The one in the army who knows the most about what his comrades want.
Item (May change): Dual Club
Ending: (The two nations are at peace and having fought alongside Corrin until the end they are in a pretty good spot.) Kasasagi patrolled the continent to quell the remaining discord in the wake of the war. The tale of his bizarre further adventures became one of Hoshido’s great literary works.

Personal Skill (Nothing too OP please.): Rally Heart (or Rally Spectrum if it’s not there)

Boon: HP
Bane: RES
Growth Rates (Up to 305%)

HP: 55
POW: 55
SKL: 45
SPD: 35
LCK: 60
DEF: 40
RES: 15

Name: Nabarler
Class: Paladin → idk
Affinity: Light

Description: A veteran solider of another war, looking for someone.
Death Quote: I’m sorry… i… i… Oliver, please be… safe…

Personality: Mostly reserved to others she does not know, but when push comes to shove, she has a very strong will as a result of what she has been through. She is searching for Oliver as they accidentally split, and she sees this war as a way to get free passage and protection by fighting others as she searches for Oliver. She likes to stare at landscapes in her free time, too.

Item (May change): Heal, Silver Sword (if heal isnt allowed, then change it to a zanbato)
Ending: In the end, Nabarler found Oliver, her most trusted friend and advisor in a port town after the adventure. They then proceeded to get on a ship to lands faraway…

Personal Skill (Nothing too OP please.): Solidarity

Boon: Pow
Bane: Res
Growth Rates (Up to 305%)

HP: 50%
POW: 40%
SKL: 40%
SPD: 55%
LCK: 70%
DEF: 10%
RES: 40%

Place her anywhere idk i just wanted her in so i could make her be part of a filler adventure that takes place between the “[FE8] Sacred Stones "Anything Goes" Successor Project” and " Mice Miracle - A Fire Emblem Christmas" where shes looking for oliver idk you know @TritraSerpifeu


Name: Zeljko
Class (This game is build around a T2 → T3 meta with T1 being trainees, so rather rare. Your character may be put in a similar but different class. Also feel free to be a funny monster adjacent class. Also no dancers, I already have a dancer.): Uhlan (Lance-locked Cavalry) → Leitis (Still Lance-locked Cavalry, but with either an Avoid or Crit boost)
Affinity: Anima
Portrait (Please try to edit the portrait if it is an OC, even if it is a simple edit.):
Željko Tunjić_96_96 (i didn’t save his .fecc file, so i forgot his spliced part makeup)

Description: A town guardsman with nothing better to do.
Death Quote: It was fun while it lasted… So long…
Personality (Important, as a lot will have conversations, even if few): Uh… I have only ‘easily bored’. Feel free to take him in any direction. Also, town guard start.
Item (May change): Iron Lance
Ending: (i have pretty much nothing)

Personal Skill (Nothing too OP please.): Lancefaire

Boon: Speed
Bane: Resistance
Growth Rates (Up to 305%)

HP: 50
POW: 50
SKL: 40
SPD: 50
LCK: 40
DEF: 55
RES: 20

I kinda planned mice Miracle to take place about 20 years after this. I suppose this means that the older nabarler portrait used in Mice Miracle is now her older self or something and/or part of Oliver and Nabarlers experience with parasites involves them doing something where their body ages less. Something I already established is possible in previous games.
So yeah, checks out.

Or maybe not honestly not fully sure.

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Here’s the other pirate submission.

Name: Shelane
Class (This game is build around a T2 → T3 meta with T1 being trainees, so rather rare. Your character may be put in a similar but different class. Also feel free to be a funny monster adjacent class. Also no dancers, I already have a dancer.): Mercenary
Affinity: Dark
Portrait (Please try to edit the portrait if it is an OC, even if it is a simple edit.):

Credit to Cygnus

Description: Captain and leader of a group of Nohrian pirates.
Death Quote: Guess i was… going to die… eventually…
Personality (Important, as a lot will have conversations, even if few): Shelane is a captain of a now wrecked ship and lead a group of pirates from Nohr. Shelane didn’t always started out as a pirate she only became one after she was hunted down by King Garon’s right hand men’s both Iago and Hans. Shelane actually once dated Hans and yet she never truly likes him to begin with and only really dated him to become a soldier in the Nohrian army. She is also very deceiving and will take advantage towards others to get what she wants. But she also knew when her actions crossed the line sometimes.
Item (May change): Light Brand
Ending: (The two nations are at peace and having fought alongside Corrin until the end they are in a pretty good spot.) Shelane fled Nohr entirely and found herself in the peaceful nation of Hoshido where now she lived out her days not as a pirate, not as a bandit, but as a simple farmer instead.

Personal Skill (Nothing too OP please.): Galeforce

Boon: Skl
Bane: Def
Growth Rates (Up to 305%)
HP: 60%
POW: 70%
SKL: 20%
SPD: 50%
LCK: 60%
DEF: 10%
RES: 35%

Name: Frederickson
Class: Yoroidori (Armored Flying class. Uses swords and axes. Proficient in swords. Weak to wind magic, fire magic, thunder magic, and armor effective weapons that have triangle effectiveness.)
Affinity: Wind

There’s only so much recoloring you can do when chars have black hair lol

Description: An old soul with a heart of gold. Hiding something under the surface.
Death Quote: Heh… they haven’t seen… the last of me… yet…
Personality: On the surface, Frederickson is an older, veteran knight, with a very fatherly, energetic, and sometimes a bit goofy aura around him. There is no denying his skill in battle, which he works tirelessly to perfect, attempting to inspire his more younger Hoshidan comrades to do. He’s the one who takes in stray animals and just takes care of them. However…

Frederickson has a dark side to him. He’s been planning something ever since his parents had gotten imprisoned. His sheer determination extends to things that others definitely don’t know about. He’s kind of like Edelgard in a way. If he gets an A support with Corrin however, he’d probably get some sort of closure on everything, leading to his rebellion never happening. Though he’ll always harbor these dark feelings inside of his heart. After all, being a half Nohrian half Hoshidan isn’t the easiet thing to do.

It’d be crazy if he was relevant to the plot lol
Item (May change): Silver Katti (Katana weapon), Iron Club, Elixir
A Support with Corrin only: Frederickson confessed what his plans were out of deep shame. This led to his ranking almost dropping… before his honesty brought him back up. He now fights to protect the one kingdom of Fateslandia.

Personal Skill (Nothing too OP please.): Drive Spd

Boon: Luck
Bane: Spd
Growth Rates (Up to 305%)

HP: 40
POW: 50
SPD: 25
LCK: 60
DEF: 45
RES: 20
Total: 285

I’ll probably make this my final submission. If he throws too much off I’d be fine with the whole depth being cut out and stuff.

Edit: I probably won’t make this a final sub lol

i guess you could use her existing here to develop the slowed aging stuff, this stuff has some neat lore consequences, i think.

FE6 portrait formatting spotted, it won’t work with FE8

Yes, it will work. It just won’t have blinking eye frames.

i think the mouth frames are also not in fe8’s order idk

I’d like to have blinking frames to like have consistency, the colors also look kinda off.

I would of done a recolor using the blinking portraits in the repo, but I’m not sure if they’re f2e (if recolors count as editing)

IIRC, yes they are.

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Alright, I updated the submission with the blinking portrait.

oh yeah you didnt update the portrait of this guy


oh ye, thanks for reminding me.

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So… I am currently sick and I have plenty of real life things to do soon.
I think I won’t have as much time for this project as I once thought.
This may result in me making this project smaller to still make a product within the limited time I have. Or maybe I will cancel it.
I am not fully sure yet, but yeah, sorry, sickness and real life exist and stuff.

I mostly say this so if I am to announce something like: “I will cancel this” or “I will use this as a base for a 4 chapter hack.” you aren’t too surprised.

I can easily imagine heavily compressing this project, maybe only adapting one of the three “Arcs” I had planned for the game. Maybe rewriting it to only focus on a few elements from my original plan.

Or I just go share the pitch .txt, upload the music and portraits I made and call it a day.