Hello! This is a spiritual successor to the “Anything Goes” PME.
Unlike that project, everything here will start from scratch.
Units, chapters, and progression are all completely new. Lore/story is optional.
Characters will be limited to custom units not from any other project. No existing characters from FE or other media. Be creative! Limit of 3 playables per person. Daily limit of one player or boss! Non-recruitable NPC units are free. You may not submit multiple bosses in a row.
Like the “Anything Goes” PME, you may edit units, maps, weapons, items, classes, sprites, music, and mechanics. Anything available using FEBuilder is open, pretty much.
Map slots are available. Details are listed below in the Chapter Submission Guideline tab.
I will reserve/update slots in the post as they are included. Keep an eye out for any assets added.
Please provide the creators of any assets used so I can give proper credit!
Base patch for creating custom maps: Dropbox
Current alpha testing patch: Dropbox
In the year 3754, the land of Rugia was overrun by the technologically advanced Khethian civilization.
The resulting conflict was massive, and Khethian technology was mostly lost or destroyed in the war.
Despite Khethian setbacks, enough tenacity allowed them to defeat Rugia after decades of warfare.
The remnants of the Khethian civilization conquered their territory, establishing the Great Empire of Dravis.
With the help of the sympathetic Ashiri, the Rugians were able to flee south towards a barren mountain pass.
They established the new kingdom of Rugia along with allied Ashiri, Thelians, and Khethians.
Nelum was mostly founded by Ashiri after the war. They became a peaceful, economically bustling kingdom.
Nelum, as well as their neighbors Thelia and Premid, became a buffer to prevent further Dravis expansion.
Ever since the conflict ended, Nelum, Thelia, Premid, and Rugia have had a strong alliance against Dravis.
Dravis, with its large and bountiful territory, has been content with this arrangement.
By the year 5817 (Jemma’s time), this arrangement is crumbling as Dravis becomes more aggressive and pro-Imperial sentiment rises across the continent.
Rugia is the kingdom of Alec and the coup. It’ll be Jemma’s closest ally after the coup’s defeat.
Said coup is led by pro-Dravis insurrectionists who wish to assimilate Rugia into the empire.
Climate: Mountainous and rugged.
Nelum starts out as Jemma’s biggest client, but eventually allies with Dravis against Rugia.
An economic titan with many allies.
Climate: Open fields. Lots of sea access. Gets colder towards the south.
Dravis is the evil country. Becomes more expansionist over the course of the story.
The loss of the ancient Khethian civilization is a sore spot for Dravis.
They wish to bring back the “old ways” of their ancestors by reviving the old technology.
Climate: Lush, vibrant plains and verdant forests.
Thelia is to the east of Nelum, the north of Rugia, and the south of Dravis.
They will probably choose to ally with Rugia in the conflict.
Climate: Dry and hot. Desert, rocky badlands, and volcanoes.
Premid is to the north of Nelum, the west of Thelia, and the southwest of Dravis.
They will probably choose to ally with Nelum and Dravis in the conflict.
Climate: Wet with marshes, swamps, and rainforest.
Character Submission Guideline
Role (player/enemy/NPC)
Non-player roles don’t have to be bosses.
Join Time
Provide a chapter ID and recruitment method.
Add pronouns if you wish. Doesn’t affect Bld or Aid formula.
Fire, Thunder, Wind, Ice, Dark, Light, Earth (vanilla Anima)
Not locked to gender or any other arbitrary limitation.
Personal/unique classes are allowed. I will track how many duplicate classes there are to prevent oversaturation.
I will also allow any FE8 classes not on the list.
Caps at 30. Does not reset upon promoting a unit.
Include both Str and Mag.
Include both Str and Mag.
Personal weaponry is allowed.
Weapon Ranks
All magic is Tomes. Check class list to see who can use Dark magic.
Portraits must be custom! Don’t slap on a repository portrait or a vanilla FE character.
It can be a low-effort splice or made using the mug maker, as long as it’s made by you. No AI generated assets, please
Death Quote
Doesn’t have to be formatted.
Battle Quote
You may add a battle quote for any non-player unit if you wish.
Personal Ability
Please consult the Skills tab before submitting any!
May be retroactively added in as units are submitted.
Miscellaneous (Notes)
Any other information you want to specify.
Since I’m using Skill Systems, you can include Detail tab information.
Chapter Submission Guideline
Starts from Chapter 1 and continues until the project is done. Gaiden chapters/route splits are fair game.
Include objectives. They can be as unorthodox as you wish, as long as it’s possible via eventing.
Include any events occurring in the map.
Tilesets/palettes may be custom, taken from any FE game, or the Repository.
Like the Portraits, avoid ripping maps straight from the repo.
Deployments may vary depending on which units are submitted. Until then, provide filler units in their place.
The World Map won’t be used.
Class List
Tileset List
These are all located in the test patch.
Fields: Vanilla FE8 + Red Houses
Village: Updated Vanilla + Sideways Ships (with Sunset and Night variants)
Castle: Vanilla FE8 + Water Fix
Plains: Updated Vanilla + Castle
Fort: Vanilla FE8
Desert: Vanilla FE8
Lava Cave: Vanilla FE8
Black Temple: Vanilla FE8
Mountainous: Vanilla FE8 + FE6 Shrine + Large Houses
Temple: Vanilla FE8 + Sky Background (with Golden variant)
Stronghold: Vanilla FE8
Snow: Vanilla FE6
Snow Castle: Vanilla FE6 (with Blue Tiles variant)
Frontier: Vanilla FE6
Frontier Village: Vanilla FE6
Frontier Castle: Vanilla FE6
Cave: Updated Vanilla (from @ZoramineFae)
Village Castle: Vanilla FE6
Dragon’s Gate: Vanilla FE7
Changes Applied
All classes are gender-neutral.
SkillSys added (Custom Build! Check the Skills tab to see available options)
S rank limits are removed.
Support range is increased to 3.
All promotion items are now Master Seals.
Member cards are no longer required for secret shops.
Largely the same as vanilla. Some tweaks are made.
Axes gain +1 Attack, -5% Accuracy, and +1 Weight.
Bows gain +1 Attack, +10% Accuracy.
Slim/Slender/Short weapons are cheaper, more accurate, lighter, and give x3 WEXP.
Steel weapons gain +10% Accuracy.
Silver weapons are B-rank.
Brave weapons are A-rank.
Throwing axes and spears have -3 Attack and +10% Accuracy.
All tomes are now Magic. Dark tomes are locked to dark magic users like Shaman and Druid.
Wind sword is E-rank, similar to the Javelin/Hand axe.
Rapier is now an unlocked C-rank sword.
All Blades gain +5 Attack.
Slender axe added (Slim axe).
Hatchet is now vanilla Hand axe.
Hand axe is now a C-rank Short axe.
Short bow is like a Slim bow.
Fire (Fire, Elfire, Bolganone) is basic 1-2 range with decent damage and accuracy.
Wind (Wind, Elwind, Fimbulvetr) is Flier effective, but less accurate.
Thunder (Thunder, Elthunder, Thoron) is 2-3 range, but inaccurate.
Lightning: Hits x2
Shaver: High critical
Blizzard: Cavalry effective
Meteor: Long-range (takes Bolting’s place)
Flux: Hits x2, but stronger than Lightning
Luna: Pierces Res, higher accuracy
Nosferatu: Drains HP, cannot follow-up
Eclipse: Increased accuracy, but only 3 range
Fenrir: High critical. Stronger than Shine.
E: Fire, Wind
D: Thunder, Elfire, Lightning, Nosferatu (Dark)
C: Elwind, Elthunder, Shine, Luna (Dark)
B: Bolganone, Divine, Purge, Eclipse (Dark)
A: Fimbulvetr, Thoron, Flux (Dark), Fenrir (Dark)
Light magic now uses Staff rank and is locked to Curates and Bishops.
Shimmer: E rank. Adds Imbue. (Restores HP equal to Mag at the start of the turn)
Radiance: D rank. Adds Boon. (Cures bad status effects)
Aura: C rank. Adds Inspiration. (+2 damage/-2 damage taken to allies within 2 tiles)
Terrene: B rank. +8 Def/Res and Shade. (Lowers target rate)
Empyrean: A rank. +10 Mag.
Starlight: S rank. +20 Luck. Negates criticals.
Characters Submitted
CelestiaHeart: Jemma (Lv3 Duelist)
Joins: MC -
Shadow_the_halberdier: Harold (Lv15 War Monk)
Joins: Alongside Jemma -
Taylor: Zeila (Lv13 Warrior)
Joins: Auto-Recruit -
UncreativeName123: Hyperion (Lv1 Fighter)
Joins: Auto-Recruit -
UncreativeName123: Willow (Lv1 Pegasus Rider)
Joins: Auto-Recruit -
SilverRoy: Colette (Lv1 Sword Knight)
Joins: Auto-Recruit -
czechball: Rukija (Lv1 Troubadour)
Joins: Turn 2 Spawn -
UncreativeName123: Lychen (Lv1 Bow Knight)
Joins: Recruitable Enemy, Jemma Recruitment
SilverRoy: Yumiko (Lv1 Mercenary)
Joins: Turn 2 Spawn -
cynosura: Emil (Lv1 Deserter)
Joins: Enter Cavern -
TritraSerpifeu: Oliver (Lv20 Seraph Knight)
Joins: Before Preparations - Auto-Recruited after Hiring 12 Times -
Shadow_the_halberdier: Bjørn (Lv3 Pirate)
Joins: Talk with Harold
alxsddd: Sunny (Lv2 Curate)
Joins: Auto-Recruit (If Transporter Arrives Ch2) -
SilverRoy: Kelvin (Lv3 Mage)
Joins: Auto-Recruit -
WiiSportsRemote: Marschfried (Lv5 Mage)
Joins: Talk with Jemma -
VelvetKitsune: Silk (Lv1 Myrmidon)
Joins: Village Recruit -
Unknown User: LILITH (Lv3 Trickster)
Joins: Talk with Harold
alxsddd: Allie (Lv5 Archer)
Joins: Auto-Recruit -
cynosura: Romul (Lv3 Griffon Rider)
Joins: Auto-Recruit -
Pyoro: Stewart (Lv8 Shaman)
Joins: Southern House
DonutPlains1: Kaskae (Lv9 Bow Armor)
Joins: Recruitable NPC, Talk with Jemma -
Dooderguy: Florian (Lv6 Curate)
Joins: Turn 6 Recruitable NPC
Intermission 1:
DonutPlains1: Ace (Lv3 Thief)
Joins: Optional Recruit -
WiiSportsRemote: Tai (Lv15 Troubadour)
Joins: Optional Recruit (Excludes Sai) -
WiiSportsRemote: Sai (Lv15 Curate)
Joins: Optional Recruit (Excludes Tai)
VelvetKitsune: Valentina (Lv6 Dancer)
Joins: Western House -
AnneEgge: Shelle (Lv6 Thief)
Joins: Turn 2 Spawn, Talk with Jemma, Pay 5000G
- Dooderguy: Priam (Lv11 Pitfighter)
Joins: Alongside 3 Deserters
- AnneEgge: Alec (Lv19 Gold Knight)
Joins: Talk with Jemma
VelvetKitsune: Il Kuth (Lv13 Berserker)
Joins: Recruitable using axe units -
Shadow_the_halberdier: Baccara (Lv1 Villager)
Joins: Turn 4 Spawn -
iiBlushii: Kara Aishi (Lv1 Thief)
Joins: Recruitable with Jemma, Harold, Ace
- Pyoro: Burke (Lv14 Silver Knight)
Joins: Auto-Recruit
- DonutPlains1: Renata (Lv12 Sentinel)
Joins: Auto-Recruit
Intermission 2:
TheEmeraldKing267: Gabriel (Lv15 Hero)
Joins: Auto-Recruit if left alive in chapter 6 -
cynosura: Ketch (Lv1 Wyvern Rider)
Joins: Optional Recruit
- AnneEgge: Alec (Lv16 Gold Knight)
Joins: Talk with Jemma
(Temporary) WiiSportsRemote: Marcellus (Lv15 General)
Joins: Hire (Ch12 only) or Joins Enemy
- Pyoro: Maria (Lv11 Paladin)
Joins: Auto-Recruited if Marschfried in party and alive
WiiSportsRemote: Nabarler (Lv13 Cavalier)
Joins: Auto-Recruit -
Dooderguy: Rhodri (Lv16 Champion)
Joins: Miniboss - talk with anyone before turn 8
Taylor: Victoria (Lv22 Witch)
Joins: Auto-Recruit -
iiBlushii: Hinata Akamatsu (Lv1 Recruit)
Joins: Unknown -
TritraSerpifeu: Evander (Lv16 Beacon)
Joins: Midgame -
AlemOwl: Farhan (Lv15 Hero)
Joins: Mid-lategame -
SpaceIdeon: Wilson (Lv18 Malig Knight)
Joins: Lategame -
alxsddd: Beau (Lv25 Swordmaster)
Joins: Lategame - Defeat with Swordmaster/Hero -
TritraSerpifeu: An (Lv10 Brigand)
Joins: Last map that has no other recruitable
TheEmeraldKing267: Dargmir (Lv4 Mercenary)
Appears: Chapter 1 - Boss
DonutPlains1: Cherry (Lv8 Griffon Rider)
Appears: Chapter 2 - Boss
TheEmeraldKing267: Arvus (Lv6 Wyvern Rider)
Appears: Chapter 2 - Sub Boss
TheEmeraldKing267: Jared (Lv3 Brigand)
Appears: Chapter 3 - Boss
alxsddd: Franco (Lv 10 Warrior)
Appears: Chapter 4 - Boss
Shadow_the_halberdier: Rodrick the III (Lv7 Spear Armor)
Appears: Chapter 5 - Boss
UncreativeName123: Zacharias (Lv13 Bishop)
Appears: Chapter 6a - Boss
DonutPlains1: Bloodbeard (Lv14 Druid)
Appears: Chapter 7a - Boss
Shadow_the_halberdier: Stephanie (Lv19 Trickster)
Appears: Chapter 8b, 9a - Boss
TheEmeraldKing267: Anthony (Lv17 Sentinel)
Appears: Chapter 11 - Boss
alxsddd: Frania (Lv15 Silver Knight)
Appears: Chapter 12 - Boss
TheEmeraldKing267: Noel Anderson (Lv23 General)
Appears: Chapter 15 - Boss (Sub-boss of 6b, 7a, and 10)
Dooderguy: Ortulf (Lv23 Paladin)
Appears: Chapter 14, 17 - Boss
DonutPlains1: Orion (Lv20 Valkyrie)
Appears: In early chapters, boss of later map
WiiSportsRemote: Wmetiers (Lv30 Druid)
Appears: Secret Map - Marschfried, Nabarler, Sai/Tai are killed
Shadow_the_halberdier: Miasmir (Lv30 Dread Fighter)
Appears: Secret Map - Recruit Gabriel, Beau, keep Baccara alive
WiiSportsRemote, Shadow_the_halberdier: Celestial Guard (Lv30 Sage)
Appears: Secret Map - Unlock every gaiden chapter
DonutPlains1: Rayne (Lv30 Sniper)
Appears: Secret Map - Hibiscus given 10000G in Intermission 3
TheEmeraldKing267: Adele (Lv9 Queen/Bishop)
Appears: Chapter 1
DonutPlains1: Nuri (Lv1 Transporter)
Appears: Chapter 2 Transporter
TritraSerpifeu: Mai (Lv8 Mage)
Appears: Midgame
TritraSerpifeu: Agusta (Lv8 Fighter)
Appears: Midgame
UncreativeName123: William (Lv1 Hunter)
Appears: Chapter 4
DonutPlains1: Hibiscus (Lv15 Spear Knight)
Appears: Intermission
DonutPlains1: Chester (Lv15 Wyvern Rider)
Appears: Intermission
Chapters Submitted
AnneEgge: Chapter 1
Tileset: Fields
AnneEgge: Chapter 2
Tileset: Fields
TritraSerpifeu: Chapter 2x
Tileset: Fort
alxsddd: Chapter 3
Tileset: Fields
WiiSportsRemote: Chapter 4
Tileset: Fields
DonutPlains1: Chapter 5
Tileset: Stronghold
AnneEgge: Intermission 1
Tileset: Mountainous
UncreativeName123: Chapter 6a
Tileset: Mountainous
WiiSportsRemote: Chapter 6b
Tileset: Mountainous
UncreativeName123: Chapter 7a
Tileset: Village
AnneEgge: Chapter 7b
Tileset: Village
alxsddd: Chapter 8a
Tileset: Castle
Chapter 8b: Unclaimed
Chapter 9a: Unclaimed (Top half of coup’s stronghold with lots of treasure)
Chapter 9b: Unclaimed (Bottom half of coup’s stronghold with high-level enemies)
AnneEgge: Chapter 10
Tileset: Fields (Forested)
WiiSportsRemote: Intermission 2
Tileset: Fields (Night)
AnneEgge: Chapter 11
Tileset: Plains
WiiSportsRemote: Chapter 12
Tileset: Castle
WiiSportsRemote: Chapter 12x
Tileset: Castle (Dark)
WiiSportsRemote: Final Chapter (Events Pending)
Tileset: Custom