Fire Emblem Fates Updraft: I need filler units! A PME of sorts

This idea has a lot of potential to be made into a good hack, would it be okay if one of us took over? This might sound selfish and I’m sorry if it does.

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I guess so.
I have a whole pitch written out.
Although my pitch may go in a bit of a strange direction at corners and it isn’t fully up to date.
It is just that I am currently in a very confused time, like I barely play video games anymore, not really playing alone and if I play doing so with others.
Like I am not sure if a big fire emblem game is the right thing, right now, considering I currently don’t play Fire Emblem even though if I really wanted to I could start Cerulean Crescent any moment, I have it on me, I just don’t find the energy to play it.
I do still enjoy the creative process though, but I am wondering if right now using my creative energy on a video game is truly the best idea.
Also I am genuienly more busy in my real life, but I of course still have free time, I am not that busy. I just am very confused at the moment.

But sure if anyone wants to pick up this project, even if they transform it, go ahead rofl.
Although I am not 100% sure if I am ready to abandon this project, as inventing the ideas for the game did feel great, I certainly enjoy something about the creative process.

I suppose if anyone wants to read my full pitch, here you can go (Spoilers I guess):

Chapter 1 - 3

Chapter 1: War Faire


A few years after Elysium Ablaze at a hoshidian faire Haru and some of her friends present Haru’s first limited model, formed around the typical maid, a being able to be the servants only nobles have. But not just that, Haru asks the audience alongside her friends to fight her and three of these maids, to show them that they can fight. With Corrin, the Hoshidian princess who has been taken and raised by Nohr finally having returned to her place of birth, you may need a maid who can fight trained soldiers due to Nohr being the type of country that started a war for much less than a princess they raised being taken.


It is a simple tutorial map that has Haru alongside three maid androids. Androids are units that while weak have casual mode rules even on classic. Regular units are promoted ones in this too, due to it being a sequel to Elysium Ablaze.
The enemies include Haru’s friends who will be playable starting next map.


Haru - A Pegasus lord. Actually pretty weak. What can I say, she is a mechanic. But she still has very high con and she is a flier.
Maid #1-3 - Three identical maids with different hair color. Their thing is that they have seal skills. They are unable to gain experience but they in return can weaken any enemy they attack.


Everyone is impressed. And Haru’s spare robots she presents to sell on the spot are taken by a lot of rich folk with Haru ending the presentation with a confident smile, her next android, a passion project named Monica, will be something even the divine dragon, Alear, herself won’t be able to miss.
But after her grand speech she is informed that faceless attack a nearby village, monsters, and since Haru just proved herself to be the most battle worthy she and her allies head out to face the faceless.

Chapter 2: Face the faceless


On the way to the village, Seward, a friend and member of the Pegasus unit Haru was a part of before embracing the path of science, asks about Miku. Miku was the first android of an ancient civilization long thought lost and she was Haru’s closest partner in developing the androids. Haru replies with Miku having discovered the existence of a second ancient android and she started to look after her. The second android, Aigis, is said to have fought at the end of the cherubian era in elibe, managing to defeat the horrible evil that took the cherubians out, alongside the previous Divine Dragon Lumera. The horrible evil is said to resemble the uncommon morph, live made out of quintessence.


A simple enemy route map about rescuing two low level units and fighting monsters.


From start:
Monica - The merlinus of this, has a supply but else not that good. Also an android.
Abiba - Mage general. Rather slow but like having good defenses.
Rinkah - The axe fighter of the early game
Seward - A Pegasus Knight who while of the same class as Haru, is a Pegasus Knight so I don’t think having two is the worst

You need to recruit them:
Mozu - Early game Archer, actually unpromoted which is a rarity in this. Your trainee.
Monk TBA - Light magic user, a school of magic that requires focus to master. Weapon rank is based on current class and monks can promote five times for each weapon rank, in return they grow fast and gain little on level up. Also light magic has infinite uses.


The town is damaged but the day is saved. The jolly atmosphere is interrupted but not dampened when Corrin alongside some others appear. They were there to take care of the village but with Haru and friends, they didn’t need to. Monica, Haru’s supplier robot talks to Corrin realizing her dread. Corrin fears the day the two families, the ones who birthed her, the ones who raised her, will inevitably encounter. After Monica ensures she is just a neutral salesman who only cares about money she and Corrin talk. At first she thought the Hoshidian people were jerks, unable to entertain the idea of Corrin not having to choose between the two families but the more Corrin sees of this land, the harder it becomes to call them the evil ones. Monica tries to cheer Corrin up by mentioning that she may be able to just choose neither but Corrin rejects the idea as then they would blame each other for scaring her away. After more talk Monica mentions her goal: becoming a proper Anna and she asks Corrin if she could help with that with royal having better connections to Anna’s than Haru does. And Corrin, appreciating having someone she could talk so openly with, agrees.

Chapter 3: Birth of a Salesman


The Hoshidian Anna observes Monica well, being impressed with her, but she can’t just let her become an Anna just like that. She has to prove herself, such Anna has an idea for Monica. Haru’s androids can fight, can’t they? So why not deliver some of them to the border. It will help Hoshido’s defences and it will prove if Monica can sell an exotic product.


You need to reach several cities across the map, reach all of them and you win. Although oh no! Bandits who live near the border and live off the spoils of combat move out! Each city has a green unit that if it dies means the end of the map. Also after having been recruited due to “you don’t kill off your costumers, even after they turn blue.”


You must recruit them:
Town Guard #1-4 - Each of the green units will join your team if you talk to them. They still can’t die for the rest of the chapter though.
Town Guard #5 - A nohrian spy. Actually quite an important character due to Corrin’s efforts to keep them alive and happy. Will probably be a Conquest character like Niles or something.


Anna is extremely pleased and gets promises Monica a good word with other Anna’s but one of the guards they bring with them is quickly identified as a Nohrian spy. He has taken into custody with him soon going to be interrogated. This causes Corrin to wonder why she isn’t interrogated, she too has Nohrian knowledge, doesn’t she? Although she wonders if the spies fate is truly a safe one. Either he admits his secrets and gets punished by Nohr, or he gets punished by Hoshido during the interogations. But Corrin’s siblings explain that this is still Nohrs fault, they could treat failed spies better. And Corrin promises she will take care of the Nohrian spy, allowing them to live without the inevitable fate of the failed spy. Haru doesn’t really get what Corrin is on about, even if they never hurt a Hoshidian, they hurt the nation of Hoshido but who is Haru to argue with the princess.

Chapter 4 - 6

Chapter 4: Pressure from Nohr


Nohr launches it’s attack on Hoshido. Corrin assumes it is because of her and decides to head to the front to hopefully find a peaceful solution. However it doesn’t go as planned as the soldiers don’t care that much about Corrin, being rather fueled by personal things, they wouldn’t stop their attack even if Corrin surrendered herself. Considering Hoshidian villages are attacked Corrin reluctantly is ready to fight for Hoshido, the ones defending.


You need to defeat the enemy commander. The gimmick being that plenty reinforce both green and red and such you need to dash towards the commander before things become too overwhelming. The green units include the Hoshidian nobles because well, Corrin is there.

You can use the Dragon Veins to repair ruins to a fort.


At the start:

Corrin - A pacifist lord, can use staffs but won’t fight. Can use staffs in the white magic sense, something not every staffer can. Also has the dragon vein, which exists but isn’t mentioned so far.

During the map:

Four filler units - Their previous commander and most of the rest of their unit got wiped out and they are assigned to Haru. They start further into the field than Haru do. At the start of the map added to your team.


Saddened by the fight Corrin feels awful. She fought Nohrians. The Hoshidian royals try to comfort her because they do care about her but Corrin is sure that her Nohrian family, they must care about her, and who knows, maybe if both royal families could meet with her having one wish, that being peace, there might be peace possible. With Nohr having started a war, it is only a matter of time before that confirmation happens. Meanwhile Anna announces that Monica’s Anna ceremony can take place in a nearby castle, with that being a prime opportunity for Corrin to distract herself a little and help a friend.

Chapter 5: Imminent Aurora


Monica needs to be in a castle until dawn where the divine dragon arrives and the ceremony to make her an official Anna begins. However a group lead by another Anna tries to stop the process due to them hating the idea of an artificial soul being declared an Anna.


Defend Map with fog of war baby. Depicting the same type of event as the Battle Before Dawn thing in Elysium Ablaze.

The Dragon Vein lifts the fog until the start of next player phase.


An Anna - An Anna who heard of the other Anna’s attack on Monica but is against it. The one who warns them about it too.
Sakura - Like Corrin but capable of dying lol. One of Corrin s siblings.


The Divine Dragon Alear arrives and with her divine might all sense of danger leaves the halls. The ceremony as usual can take place, it is a rather small ceremony but the meaning is still significant. Haru laments that Miku can’t witness this important day for Androids. Haru starts talking to the Divine Dragon and asks for assistance in the war against Nohr, however the Divine Dragon refuses as she doesn’t want to aid one side of a two sides war, she doesn’t see Nohr as an evil force which causes a nerve to be hit with Haru as she explains that Nohr killed her parents, they destroyed her home village and so much more. This cycle of violence must end, Hoshido must finally obtain the power to end this war once and for all. Alear still refuses, claiming that Nohr would tell the same story. “So I created Monica for nothing…” leaves her mouth in despair as Monica and the others are shocked. Corrin then approaches Alear, asking for help for a peaceful solution between the two nations and Alear is much more open to help already. “See, it wasn’t for nothing.” As Corrin got a gift from Alear, an emblem ring, the echo of a hero of eons past, both an ally in combat and someone who doesn’t have an agenda other than to help her.

Chapter 6: Distant Neutral Grounds


Back at Hoshido Castle she and her new emblem, Celica, wonder about how to proceed. What should she do and with whom? How does she manage to bring the families in one room? Peacefully? She needs to lure the Nohrians into a trap without it being a trap. After a bit they come up with an idea, Corrin goes to a place outside of Hoshido and Nohr. A neutral place where Corrin can tell Nohr to pick her up, her story being that she escaped. She also insists that she wants to see one of her siblings pick her up, otherwise she can’t tell whose a friend or foe. Haru tells them about an island she and Miku once visited, an island guarded by peaceful spirits that banish warfare and for the simple price of your knowledge will take care of you. An island where violence is impossible.
So she sends a letter via Anna, since Anna’s know Anna’s on the other side of the border and she goes to get a boat.


A boat rout map with the gimmick of several boats attaching themselves with a new batch of units. Also Ryoma is there but sea sick to explain him not being playable just yet.

There is also a ballista which is pretty strong, they will be Essential chockepoints moving forward and so you get to see the benefits of them first hand.

The dragon veins cause rain for the rest of the turn, slowing the enemies down.


Celica - An always returning unit. Due to being an emblem she can hover over the ground and counts as flying. She is pretty strong even though because she “needs to adjust to her new wielder” she starts out not fully strong.
Hinoka - Another one of Corrin’s siblings, a Pegasus rider with the dragon vein.
An archer - Part of the ship they travel with. An archer to showcase the Ballista. Even if Mozu died lol.


They arrive on the island where they are welcomed by the local spirits and after a warm welcome realize they need to wait until Nohr also arrives onto this island. The spirits offer them stage plays out of their memories to pass the time and despite that concept sounding strange, them seeing through Corrin’s eyes why she likes the Nohrian royals speaks to her and such they soon all sit down to see a childhood memory of Corrin and Camilla, one of her adoptive sisters. Afterwards Celica offers up her story realizing now everyone knows it but as Celicas story is told Haru spots someone, Miku. Miku tells Haru that she is on this island because she found the second cherubian android, Aigis, but terribly broken, but since this island can fix even the heavily damaged, she went here to find a solution. Although unfortunately it seems like the solution is in the inverse cave, a cave with spirits also, but instead of ones that banish peace those that endorse it.

Chapter 7 - 9

Chapter 7: Cherubian Echo


Haru and Miku share their experiences apart from each other with Miku being very impressed about Monica. Haru also apologizes to Monica for “using her” even though it did lead to Corrin obtaining Celica but Monica doesn’t mind, she didn’t want to sacrifice her, after all.
Ryoma doesn’t fight this map so that if the Nohrians were to arrive, he would know and if they somehow find a way to fight, he would be the one most able to best them.


Lava map where you need to deliver a green unit “Aigis” who won’t move or fight to the end.

Dragon Veins cause green units to appear that while they won’t attack, they will be a distraction for enemies.


Miku - An android dancer, still the same class as in Elysium Ablaze, a staff and sword wielder, but this time she can actually dance and she doesn’t have permadeath too!
Camilla & Celica Actor - Bored spirit who takes the body of children from others memories. They live on an island of peace and desire to see more action.Their ability is Rally. They may not be able to fight well, but their history in theatrics do allow them to speak good motivational words.


Haru finds what she needs to repair Aigis. She does. This also like triggers her story promotion, being able to repair an ancient android.

Aigis is revived! Yay! Although Aigis is a tad confused Miku aids her through the process of being reviven. And they go back to sleep, hoping that tomorrow is the day Nohr will arrive and that the peace talks will go well, for Corrin’s sake. Else with Aigis on their side, it must go well, doesn’t it?

Chapter 8: Nohrian Entrance


Camilla finally arrives, however the scene turns dark as Aigis spots that Camilla is a being made out of quintessence, lifes shadow. A whole army, out to kill her. Celica trembles as she feels… Mortal… Another “shadow” sets up something that causes a beacon of light. If they don’t destroy that “bomb” it would eradicate everything.

Whoever created these shadows, wants Corrin and everyone near her dead. They can’t allow that!


A timed defeat boss map. The boss being a “bomb” that needs to be destroyed despite being unable to fight back.

The dragon veins cause nearby terrain to be flattened, making it easier to reach the “bomb”.


Aigis - The second Cherubian android, a killing machine. No matter what, thanks to her you will have a traditional powerhouse.
Ryoma - Corrin’s sibling, the most talented with a sword there is. Can only use swords, but if you are as good at it as Ryoma, who cares

During the battle:
Two Pirates - Two of the pirates from the boat map who survived but with these morphs running around would love to join the players side if talked to. Start as green.


Something big is happening. They must return to the main land. Despite being unsure who does this, they do have Aigis now, she can recognize shadows. But since a non quintessence being created them, that may not be all that useful. Still, they have to get a boat as quickly as possible. Corrin wonders if the real Camilla is doing well or if she was replaced in a more literal sense, she can’t have always been a shadow, Corrin is absolutely certain on that.

Chapter 9: Orchestra of the Ordinary


They rush quickly to the Hoshidian castle. Expecting to see the worst but it is mostly normal. Yes there is a war, Hoshido seems to be losing it, but nothing outright exceptional. Anna and Takumi (another sibling of Corrin) are both overjoyed to see them back. Anna asks them how it went and after hearing it she seems surprised, she didn’t expect Nohr to act like that. Although Corrin isn’t sure if Nohr even got that letter. A notion Anna dismisses, but she of course can’t know for sure. She suggests that they start fighting on the front line, the army needs a good moral boost and what’s better than the princess, after her attempts to communicate with Nohr in peace failed, is ready to fight for her people.

Corrin, despite knowing it is a horrible idea, is ready to do it. If she fights Nohr, she must meets it’s royals eventually. If she can’t trust letters, she must do it herself.

Corrin has her story promotion now, since she knows this path will be painful and if she doesn’t fight her allies will do, she will finally fight.


A normal seize map where you have to seize a Hoshidian castle taken by Nohrians. Similar to chapter 4 green and red units do almost constantly fight each other. Just this version has plenty of ballistas and stronger enemies.

Dragon Veins create short rivers that allow you to block the forces from above


Takumi - Yay all royals. A good old sniper. Give him a ballista and he will kill.

Sandra - The cosplayer from my other games, a slightly weaker Ryoma but still a proper swordie.
Two others
All are green units on forts.


The people cheer, finally looking up to Corrin. Corrin feels kinda bad though as violence caused the fanfare. But it does feel nice to see the folk happy. Haru is also happy, looking forward to further avenging her dead parents, though that makes her wonder, if there is peace between Nohr and Hoshido right now? She couldn’t avenge her parents in that case. She would be angry at Hoshido for denying her her revenge. She shares that thought with the others, wondering if that could have something to do with trying to stop Corrin in particular. But still after resting they march on.

Chapter 10 - 12

Chapter 10: Poisoned Heart


They quickly reach the center of Nohr but still none of Corrin’s siblings in sight. It even goes so far that some of Corrin’s friends join up with her, Silas, a childhood friend and former servants of Corrin. Corrin is happy to see Nohrians faces and she explains the situation, how she wants nothing more than to talk to her family. How someone wants to prevent that by any means necessary. But with those Nohrians she used to know who just appeared before her without fighting her she is filled with hope. But… The father, the king of Nohr, Garon, is still in the castle. They just have to reach the castle.


This is a fog of war seize map.

Dragon Veins remove the fog for the rest of the turn.

Silas - Cavalier yay
Jacob / Felicia / Flora - Maids but good.


They reach the castle and are greeted by an Anna who advises them to turn back. The nobles of Nohr are currently attacking Hoshido, they endanger their lands by doing this. But Haru insists, even claiming that the Anna’s are responsible for keeping the nobles apart. Monica claims she would see the logic in this as an Anna herself upon which Anna replies that surely she understands why it is better this way, there is demand for revenge, weapons and that leaving that unsatisfied would surely lead to the people letting their anger out in other ways. But Corrin is sure there is another way, she doesn’t care how much the Anna’s have in control, or if her father is a quintessence puppet, she will slay everyone in this castle and give her family a warm welcome. Aigis kills Anna on the spot.

Chapter 11: Pawn’s Gambit


During the Anna confrontation Miku rescued a few prisoners and they now focus on seizing the castle and taking down the shadow Garon, confirmed by Aigis.


A take on the final FE6 map with the two buttons and the main door.

Dragon Veins erect pillars on and around the vein, causing there to be defensive terrain

Four Hoshidian prisoners


The shadow king Garon is slain and everything went still. Soon the Nohrian royals finally see their sister Corrin again. The room is filled with anticipation, however they just run up and hug Corrin. Even as they the entire story they never doubt her, to the surprise of all. It seems like peace has been achieved, the Hoshidian princess Corrin brought peace between the two families.

Chapter 12: Together in Hell


The peace between the two families is now there, however the people are mad. What Anna said is true, the nohrian and Hoshidian people hate an union between the two. And now they need to survive inside the castle. With Celica suggested that all those not drafted for battle should pray to the divine dragon, as else the forces will overwhelm them.


A defend map where you need to survive a long time while being attacked by powerful units from all sides.

Dragon Veins summon green “walls” that block the enemies.


You gain the four conquest nobles now, yay. Each of them have a divine dragon.


The Divine dragon arrives and dissolves the situation, however the two nations are in shambles. But there is one saving grace, all those that were consumed by hatret attacked them and thus is no longer a concern. They did the right thing, the system has been like this for generations, they are given the chance to rebuild the continent. Just how the Divine Dragon Lumera helped save Elibe for a new generation, the Divine Dragon Alear becomes a being of worship in this nation too. The distant utopia just became possible. Tomorrow will be a brighter day.

This isn’t fully up to date, I guess if anyone wants to pick up my projects they should know the project for its true colors.

Maybe I should look at becoming a writer for Fire Emblem projects or something. Or I should do something like develop something smaller. Or I should finally have the guts to try something new, even if it is something as simple as trying out an anime.


So uh I have made some portraits and music for this which I shared on this page: Tritra Serpifeu Portrait/Music Dump

I also wrote a small conversation between Miku and Abiba, two of the planned characters for this project. This conversation takes place at the end of Elysium Ablaze, another one of my games, and it is kinda a transitional piece. I kinda wrote it for closure, like adding in some lore I had in mind, both on a world and character level.

Miku and Abiba

Abiba sits at the edge of a cliff near the ruins on Valor, the dread isle, looking deep in thought
Miku sits down next to her
Miku: “A lot happened back there, didn’t it.”
Abiba: “Yes, Zuiho is gone now… without a second thought she and her mother abandoned this world…”
Miku: “What do you want to do now?”
Abiba: “The women I loved is now in a place I will never reach, what could I do?”
Miku: “You could get up and not sit on the edge of a cliff for starters.”
Abiba: “What do you want to do now?”
Miku: “Me and Haru plan to work together, she is a very bright girl, she managed to make an android pegasus.”
Abiba: “Her pegasus is artificial?”
Miku: “Yep.”
Abiba: “Wow… say, could you and Haru need some help? I have experience with taxidermy and drawing. I won’t meet a new reason to remain alive just sitting around doing nothing.”
Miku: “That’s good to hear, I am sure we could use someone with your skillset.”
Abiba: “I wonder what Hoshido is like, Haru is from there, wasn’t she?”
Miku: “Yes she was from there. I also look forward to it, I wonder what changed in the hundreds of years I wasn’t in eastern Elibe.”
Abiba: “Did Hoshido and Nohr used to be on good terms back then?”
Miku: “Hoshido and Nohr didn’t exist back then. None of the lands we know today existed, the entire continent was ruled by cherubians united as one. That was before the great tragedy of the cherubian downfall happened after I fell asleep. The world was saved and the Divine Dragon Lumera gifted the land of Elibe to the Humans of the continent of Seiros. That is why the Divine Dragon is worshipped. The people of today really don’t know their history…”
Abiba: “I have never learned that much, I should do that, the world is save now. I have some spare gold from having helped to save the world. Maybe instead of helping out you and Haru, I should go to Etruia and study. So I actually know the world I live in. That is something I always admired about Zuiho, she was proud of being smart and proud of telling others what she knows.”
Miku: “Maybe you could become a teacher, you can cast every type of magic, that much be worth something.”
Abiba: “That does sound like something where I could learn an honest living.”
Miku: “I have heard that Hoshido and Nohr both have great goverment funded programs for education, you should apply there.”
Abiba: “So in the end I will go to Hoshido with you two.”
Miku: “Seems like it.”
Abiba: “But first let’s get off this island, I had enough of this place.”
Miku: “Yes, me too.”

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