Fire Emblem Enhancement Patches public release(currently FE6,7,8,EN and partially FE1) - Currently closed for renovations in the next few months

I have all the beta CGs from SerenesForest I think.

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Sorry for any inconvinience due to me being inactive, I mostly took my time for schoolstuff, to have a bit of free time actually(I played a lot of shadow the edgy for like 3 or 4 days, but that is offtopic) and because I am part of a hackcollab and was active there. I will update FE6 and FE7 soonish™, will maybe take 2 or 3 days more but I cannot make promises, and I actually forgot if I did any changes for FE8, so lul on that.

No idea when I will continue with Elibean Nights tho(yeah, this is becoming the trend. blame the very limited permflags for that), so I guess hype for the officially recognised FE8 port by peerless that is not yet out as far as I know(not really the same, but at least it will be more advanced and more bugfree than what I can do with the original EN).

I just updated the Patches, but something is off…the FE6 patch is smaller than before and I have no idea how that is even possible. Please report any Bugs since I fear something got messed up in the process.

I recently tried to look if I can salvage anything from the prototypes dow loadable on in terms of music, code, content and details, but they are not compatible with FEbuilder or any other hacking tool, so…no dice.(also, the limitation of only 7 supportpartners per character that exists in fe7 and fe8 is still the worst)

I will soon try to implement what I got, but it is basicly nothing and I have no idea if the game will actually accept it or not. I guess I will return to elibean nights because I have to unless I come across something quickly, so hooray for that?

edit:got the actual fe wiki-link because the internet created a link automatically and fewiki seems to be some kind of scamsite. Funny stuff.

Can you please base one of the versions of FE6 Enchancements on Gringe’s Numbers Patch? It does a good enough job making the stats and stuff more like FE7 , Oh yeah, doing the yes/no thingy so Merlinus behaves like his FE7 version is possible? The Roy Convoy is somewhat wonky as it is.

Isn’t the numberspatch an IPS patch? in that case, it should be compatible with this one. If not, then I will look into it. When it comes to merlinus, I have little idea how merlinus works in FE7 as is, so I do not think I can port over the functionality(well, ignoring that I am really bad at hacking to begin with). That reminds me tho that I still have to edit the merlinus dodgeanimation I took from the repository so that I can use it in FE6.

I looked into it and the numberspatch appearently was compatible with my mainpatch as long as one did not use it together with either my effectiveness fix(good thing I did not directly include it) or my weaponstat fix. The problem was that it included the english patch and that completely jacked up everything. I will somewhen in the future package a compatible but untested version of the patch as an alternative for the other two patches I already have included in the folder(With credits given to grinch obviously. I cannot just go around stealing stuff).

Yo, I did some some text standization on your FE6 patches on item descriptions, like from Doubled attackrange. to vanilla’s Doubles as ranged attack,
For Wyrmslayer i set Effective against wyverns. to keep in line with the rest of the slayer weapons instead of reaver ,and instances of knight\Knights\Armors i set armor instead.
Plus i added the Chapter Titles, can i upload them or better not?, oh and please remove Merlinus from the rapier,horseslayer weakness list just to be safe, and do you consider setting the priority of the dragonstones lower from the AI steal list? or maybe remove them , or at this point it’s an “feature” ?

I use “doubled attackrange” instead of “doubles as ranged attack” in all GBA FEs because it sends the wrong message. The vanilla description can both mean that the ranged attack is a secondary application and that it has some sort of braveeffect when ranged. Doubled attackrange is very clearly just that. When it comes to certain inconsistancies, I guess I must have missed them. I will take a look at it soon.(I would personally prefer to keep all updates in the original post unless someone fixes the demondragon stone for me or something like that)

When it comes to chaptertitles, I thought they were too long for the chapterroll in the credits and regardless, they are not really needed. And the AI steal priority…enemythiefs normally cannot steal, therefore faes dragonstone cannot get stolen and all it does is make it possible for people to try to get astore to steal a firestone. It is just part of the game now.

Btw, is merlinus being on the effectiveness list a problem of some kind? He gets oneshot after like 2 chapters anyways. I also have faes manakete class on the binding blade-effectiveness list even tho roy can never attack her outside of link Arena(If she can even enter that is, did not check that). I basicly just added the class there for consistancy. He uses horses, horseslayer is effective.

“Can attack at range.” would also work as a description.

I just updated FE6 and gave credit to make sure stuff does not get confusing.

yo, maybe next version add Flux and Lighting to Preparations Shop for FE6 . they appear on most vendors on later stages but , just to add an option even if pricier for the player.

I didn’t have a clue what they could mean before but now I think it’s saying it can double/follow-up from afar, which makes little sense because all ranged weapons can double in the GBA games, I think it should just say “Made to be thrown at a range.”

I have no idea how one can even come to that conclusion with the new description. It is btw inspired by the german description which is “double range” translated back.

Realistically speaking, any weapon can attack at range.

Is there any other type of feedback outside of how this one description is supposed to be worded?

Mine of for the numberspatch compatibily ,it got the horseslayer and rapier weakness list glitched up. it is now roy and kids.
try reducing the skill cap from male paladins from 29 to 26 and increasing their con cap from 20 to 25, reduce the female paladins str\skil\speed and the class relative power by one and increase the con cap to 25 to keep parity with the FE7 ones, increased value per use on rapier from 80 to 150 and brave bow and lance from whichever that was to 250.
The female Paladins need the duplicate handaxe animations?
thanks for the updates

Rapier and horseslayer will be fixed shortly. I guess that just randomly happens when just making stuff compatible with other stuff it was not made for. Anyways, I am not actually planning on developing the numberspatch any further, sorry. And the handaxe animations are not actually duplicate, they are just the animations from FE7. The female classes are supported in case someone wants to make their own little hack with the patch as base. My prioritylist is basicly:
1.Revert changes from JP unless they only added stuff to the game and fix flaws.
2.Make the game better for people who already play
3.make the game better for beginners hacks
4.make the game better for People starting with the series
But I want to avoid doing stuff that has nothing to do with what already exists outside of me wanting to change FE6 up in terms of making weaponlevels and supports more like FE7/FE8. That is why I did not enable units getting supportpoints for being deployed in the same map.

Appearently, the effectiveness data clashed with the location of the hovering map animations of female cavalier and female paladin. Should be fixed now, but I would not be surprised if something else is screwed up now because I am really bad at making sure everything is stable.

I tried editing FE9 text again and it still screwed up the game. Then checked if I got anything on FE4 or 5 but still nothing(outside of personal hype that the texteditor is appearently finished in a few months). Then tried to take a look at fe1 for the lolz, but…yeah, that went nowhere xD Most of what I can do what I would do in the game is make it possible for hunters to promote, everything else is beyond me. I should really just learn FE GBA asm instead lol. That definitively means I will very soon get on working out how to manage checks in Elibean Nights because that is basicly almost completely used up because the permflag list is still way too small outside of FE8.