@SaintRubenio Thanks for this amazing take on Fe6 of what it would be to be the bad guys for a change, i really enjoyed this hack, u got a good knack for these rewriting/expanding stories, i really hope ull do other Fe games from the series in the future.
Hard mode was just right too!
Also maybe u should add that this hack is complete with a new story in the title, so ppl get more interested browsing the forum!
I almost skipped it cuz i though it wasnt complete!
There’s a patch to do that, but the problem is that it overrides every vanilla music setting. Which means I’d have to scour the entire game giving every boss the boss theme through the patch. Bit too much trouble haha.
I can never figure out which route is A and which is B. Those letters tell me nothing! I’ll see if I remember to fix it next time a patch happens.
That’s because Acheron is secretly two characters! They share most of attributes, but Sacae!Acheron and Ilia!Acheron are technically two separate units because otherwise things like combat palettes and base stats wouldn’t work very well.
Honestly the support viewer is just an artifact of using the last translation version for the hack. Seriously wish I could do away with it, but I’m not that good at hacking.
I would worry that’d break the ROM. Supports are too much effort to write anyway. It took me a bit to write all the convos as it is, let alone three per duo lol
Ahh, well I wish you the best of luck with your translation effort! Folks like you are what lets folks like me enjoy these games. Don’t let FE6’s idiosyncrasies deter you!