FIRE EMBLEM - Code of the Black Knights: Decisive Edition (30 chapters)

ch21,Boss has disappeared haven’t customs clearance?

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that’s a spoiler picture
(right bottom corner)

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Who needs to talk to Mia??

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Hey uh in chapter 18 in the first part when everyone already escape but the chapter didn’t end and i noticed that sally was left i tried to find her and i tried checking in my unit and click on her then the cursor just went out of the map just to point where sally is. She was outside of the map and same goes to awk. Mithra but she crash my emulator if i tried to find herFire Emblem - the Sacred Stones # GBA patched_1601990396388

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don’t touch unit menu in certain chapters which has unit restriction (such as interludes)

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How in gods name am I to complete chapter 15? I’ve gone to the stairs and door and not been able to escape properly…

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after 16 part two where Schwarze is pushed my game freezes, is there any fix for this issue?

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Hello everyone, sorry if I couldn’t answer, my internet stopped working for some time.

@Zypherz Anathema (Skill for Summoners and Spectre) reduces crit dodge by exactly 13 in a 3-square radius.

I just re-tested chapter 26, but everything went horribly right and I was unable to replicate the bug you mentioned. Could you send details? I thought it might have something to do with units spawning on top of each other, but that never makes the screen go like this and no units spawn at turn 3 anyway, so I’m clueless.

@Ivanyisco0 Another person has reported the same issue. I thought I fixed the bug already, because last time I tested Sally was in her proper place. Can you send me your savefile via private message so I can check what went wrong? Awk. Mithra is totally my bad though. u.u

@Abyssknight24 There was a bug where the game would softlock during the ending cutscene, bug it was fixed in a recent patch. Also, if you have any doubts with recruitment, there is a recruit guide in the first post. :smiley:

@feu553294176 I screwed up this one D:. It’s supposed to be a defeat boss chapter, however I forgot to change the actual objective that triggers the end event, so the chapter isn’t cleared until the “rout” flag is on.
I never found out despite testing the map twice because in every test run I killed the boss last. Also spoiler picture yeah .-.

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Thank you for the reply, I’m unable to patch my current rom so the only option I had was to patch a new version with the September patch. How can I go about patching my current game, or transferring over a save state to the new one?

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Patch the new version in a clean ROM, then rename the new patched ROM to the same name you had with the old version, or alternatively rename the .sav files to match the new ROM’s name!

If you do it right, you can continue exactly where you left off.

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noir How to change your career?Do you need props

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Hello. I just finished playing this hack and…while I had quite a lot of strong first impressions from it, this whole hack was certainly left me with a lot of impressions. it is quite a wall of text however, so I will have it all summarized with a few screenshots taken from me typing my whole “review” of this hack on a discord server. Apologies in advance for any typos, and I truly wish for the best luck in the development of this hack! Also I’m not neccesarily the best of judges for most things especially story wise so apologies if anything comes off the wrong way.

I did truly enjoy this hack even for what it was in its current stat though, and can not wait for the other branch to be finished as well.


noir’s class can be changed with night mantle, which you will get later (and it does give a stat boost for everyone too)
and @abyssknight24, plz make sure .sav and .gba have same name, I think as long as .gba’s name doesn’t change the save state will work too (ofc if the save isn’t from half a year ago) (but some hacks sometimes not compatilable so you have to start over or load a .sav for restart chapter direcly)


Thanks for the review! It helped me see some of the strength and weaknesses of the hack. I’m really happy to see that people liked the story and I didn’t botch that part, since it was the part I focused the most on :sweat_smile:

I think I understand what you mean by midgame being tough, particularly chapters like CH12 and 13 where you need three or four unpromoted units to take one promoted unit. This is acceptable for the minibosses, but the ones that are not… In retrospective I think I should take a small look at it (Though it’s still a progress from the earliest versions having enemies seal your speed/defense/etc by 6 as early as chapter 4 leaving your units useless? I wonder what I was thinking back then .-.)

Also, sorry for the typos… English is not my first language XD. It would help a lot if someone helped pointing them out.

I’m currently a little burned out and working on some assignments for college, so I haven’t been working on the hack a lot this week, but the last chapter for branch B is in development right now!

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Hi, just a quick post here. Branch B is already complete! But I’m taking some time to polish some bugs before I release it.
Expect an upload in the next few days :smiley:


it’s fine
either way there will be bugs that either makes the game hard af or freeze the game

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Hi everyone, a new update is available now!
Version 0.9 adds the entirety of branch B, meaning that this screen won’t send you to the same route anymore.

A new final boss plus 2 new endings have been added, and a lot of bugs related to dead units have been resolved!
Also, several talk events have been added throughout the early chapters.
Saves and savestates are still compatible.
Download link so you don’t have to scroll all the way:
Let’s hope I don’t need to upload patches everyday this time


How do T3 classes work in the hack? on C21

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You need a special item called a “Rune Shard”. Rune shards start becoming available at CH23.

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Awesome, thanks for all the effort you’ve but into this hack. It’s one of my favorites for sure. I have an OP Hazel that was RNG blessed

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