FIRE EMBLEM - Code of the Black Knights: Decisive Edition (30 chapters)

huh? if you don’t escape in time you still have another method to escape?
pretty much sure that Liam didn’t know about frozen spire that time so how come he would leave evidence about going to the spire (to slay the spire lol)

#bug of the black knights

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It’s not specifically evidence about going to the spire, it’s evidence about Liam’s contacts (Such as the ship owner), etc, and how they possibly could get into Weissholdt undetected. Since Liam would have had to help you out, he would have been unable to erase those records.

Thus, Weissholdt spots you more easily.

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Hey, I saw that this bug happened earlier, but didn’t see a solution. I still reach a point on chapter 10 where the chapter won’t end. Is there any work around to this/solutions? Thanks. Love the game.


sigh I thought that bug had gone away ;_;

Sometimes for some reason the chapter end event doesn’t trigger even if the corresponding flag is on. Usually even if the chapter gets glitched, doing a support conversation, visiting villages or routing might clear it.

I know how to fix this and I’m going to do it right now. What I’m going to do is that, instead of triggering the flag that signals the game to begin the end event after Noir talks, just straight-up call the event at the end of turn 11.

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yeah the noire talk does trigger the ending conversations
but my case is after talking, the chapter goes fine (I think it finished after routing everything)

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New hotfix released!

  • Caps adjusted for the new versions of two endgame classes, Queen and Exalted Knight.
  • Arcana buffed.
  • Fixed a bug where the end event in chapter 10 might not be called properly.
  • Fixed a bug where the flag for determining when the timer runs out in ch18 could be triggered 10 chapters earlier.

I think the game is stable now. Phew.


Master bow effective against schwarze?
Wow you still hadnt fixed the flag I still got 9 turn limit
Still schwarze got warped in and got the win

end game I think

How to recruit jaeger he survived every chap and still cant get him yet
Black screeeeeen ch29
Berserker cant promote
Typos (3 realized)
Oh fk my noire were underleveled
And cant bring in rose and sally (they OTKed both bosses in ch29)
Wtf is this one man endgame
Why did it show avalon has left the army?
Oh fk the boss blocks crits so cant rose it down in one turn
Left upper corner doom orb didnt drop flame shard
So I warp + bravesworded boss down on turn 2
Why did sei appeared on the dead list after the end game?
And dark druid only had 6 mov
Schwarze spoke of angel instead of lauren?

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Help, after I got through the cutscence where Oliver got sick and had a dream of Gray’s whereabout, the game just blacked out and didn’t progress any further

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finally done the whole branch A


so is tailon the guy who got blinded by power and killed kalm, and smashed the blade into knell and dirga, meanwhile also become a weisshordt ruler as and controlled Elias to build white weapon after the attempt to revive kalm??

100 crit isn’t a dream btw

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That’s definitely my bad. I’ll upload a patch fixing that really soon.

Extreme endgame spoilers. Antagonist's backstory.

Basically, Talion is an Ice Dragon who takes human form, and one of the heroes who participated in the Dark War, a really tough war against a guy who was basically sorcerer hitler. Before that, he had made very good friends with Kalm, the leader of the alliance of Seraphim (AKA the good guys). To the point they were considered brothers.

He had a pretty cool sword called Dirge and he helps Kalm win the war. Up to this point he’s a nice person. Once the war is over, Kalm (The kingdom, not the guy) gets founded and Kalm (the guy) retires to become a blacksmith.

Kalm forges Knell, but once Talion learns Knell can kill inmortal beings, he enters a state of panic, kills Kalm and destroys Knell, leaving it as a bunch of shards.

Talion then goes “Oh no I f*cked up I really shouldn’t have done that”, and tries to revive Kalm, but Naga says “no >:(” and reveals that Lumae is an experiment to achieve peace.

From that point Talion is convinced Naga will get rid of Lumae once this “experiment” ends, and the only way to stop it is to create a state of war until Naga is killed.

He changes his name to Layton to avoid suspicion and resurfaces as a general in Weissholdt while secretly working to cause eternal war in Lumae.

To do so, he hunts down the kalmite royal family, poisons King Abel then pretends to save him but he dies months later anyway, manipulates Vert into getting in a war with the whole continent, becomes ruler of Weissholdt, puts a cursed replica of his armor on Elias, gave power to Noir so he could manipulate her later, etc. He really is a horrible person.

He’ll be featured more in the other branches.

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heavy spoilera

Actually he’s just like vert
Who was misleaded but had his own belief (vert’s is that his vision could help lumae prevent a greater war)
Tailon’s is is that Naga will delete the Lumae after the experiment, so aim to delete Naga first
So… What happened to him finally?

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His current plan has failed, since


The ending shows Weissholdt loses the war anyway 18 months after the secret chapter. However, a ton of people died in those 18 months and it is unclear if Talion was even killed, so there is a chance he might come back.

I did not want to make a perfect ending because that would invalidate all the others.

Also, sorry for my lack of hotfixes, but my internet is so slow lately that I am literally unable to even log into mediafire .-.


@Mycahel Everytime when I try to save it won’t save is there a way to fix it

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That seems more like an emulator problem e.e

Still, even if you can’t save, you should be able to play just fine by using savestates.


Hello everyone again. A new patch is available that fixes several softlocks, including generating mages where there shouldn’t be and removing a bug that prevents people from getting past CH12.

In other news, branch B is almost finished now! Only one end event to go and I’ll be starting with the endgame map!
Here are some spoilers with no context:


Mystery shop where?

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First secret shop is in ch 12, where you get the member card.
then ch 16,19 and 21.

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Im stuck on ch 26, where on enemy turn 3 there a cut scene, then the enemy units attack.
After that the screen just goes crazy
Code of the Black Knights - September 30 patch Code of the Black Knights - September 30 patch1

Sometimes it will show the summoner below the boss exit the map by falling off the bottom of the screen before the screen crashes.

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ok I had that summoner removed during the event and the game stopped crashing.

Additionally a few classes don’t seem to get as much exp as others (warrior, sword master and priest to name).
I seem to notice that enemies at time seem to have 13 crit more the they should (ie. enemy has 21 crit player has 18 luck but during battle prep screen instead of crti chance being 3 its 16).

On ch 21 where sally is the boss, there is a janus sage that spawns on outside the map next to your army spawn spots so even though you can flip through the enemies to highlight him, he cant do anything.

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