FIRE EMBLEM - Code of the Black Knights: Decisive Edition (30 chapters)

Woah, that Sei glitch’s something I’ll have to investigate… Thanks for the report XD.

Also, if you recruited Hall, he should return with the partymembers that rejoin at the very beginning of chapter 18.


Right now I’m working on branch B, which has chapters 26 (Done), 27 (Done), an interlude (In progress), 28, 29, and 30, along with an optional chapter after 30 that leads to an alternate ending.

Once that’s done, I’ll be working on “minor” branches, which will have branch C (Having chapters 27 and 28) and branch D (Only one chapter), each with their own ending.

So, in total, it’s 10 more chapters before I can call the hack 100% complete!

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On chapter 18 hall doesn’t rejoin. I’m not sure if Sally is bugged as well but hall is definitely not appearing.

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Sally isn’t bugged, she will get a bolting tome in the prison
hey mycahel, is the ch25 game froze bug fixed??

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Freeze at chapter 25? Could you explain?

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I guess I tempted fate too much didn’t I…

New hotifx:

  • A certain lance-wielding guy is no longer ceases to exist at the beginning of CH18. (Hopefully). Restart the chapter to see changes.
  • Chapter 16 no longer softlocks at the end.
  • Interludes should behave normally.
  • Female warrior’s map sprite has been fixed. We gave Maria some food so she’s no longer a skeleton.

(Link deleted because the patch introduces even more bugs AAAAAAAAH :sob: )

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Hahaha serious hope go brrrbrrrrr

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Try loading the autosave, it works sometimes.
sorry .-.

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tried resetting chp 18, hall still not loading. :sob:

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Good news, I asked Zypherz and he helped me fix the spoilery glitch. I have incorporated the fix into today (tonight? What does 3AM count as?)'s patch.


Bad news.
Mychanel try the interlude kalm between storms chapter by yourself


After the gayleth death the crew gets on a ship and prepared to get gears
And then the cutscenes suddenly showed a conversation which is probably keyleth route and Adrian is here
And then got 35000 gold (after 50000)
And then mia came out and said shes not dead and she canr direct intervene
And give member card
Repeart repeat repeat event

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New hotfix:

  • Fixed a bug in “Kalm between storms” that I accidentally introduced yesterday.
  • Interludes should behave normally now.
  • Fixed a bug in ch18x where a unit could not use weapons.

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There’s a bug where the Queen/Exalted Knight doesn’t show their 5 item slot as well as they cannot counterattack during combat.

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This bug was fixed in a patch 3 days ago. Please use an updated patch.

Since the bug is related to the class ID however, the only way to fix it in your save is by installing the patch, then loading a previous savestate and promoting again.

Sorry for the inconvenience D:


That said, I just found a different bug where the magic stats and caps for these promotions isn’t set properly. This mostly affects Queen and I’ll fix it ASAP.

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Btw ch27 or sth turn limit is 13 turns
But on turn 9 events popped up and game over

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Did you get over the time limit during the prison escape? That is one of the consequences of running out of time during that chapter.

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so… it’s not a bug???
nope during the prison escape (part 2 right?) I got everyone out right on turn 15
but… so weiss know the crew is out of the prison if you get a tight time left? so you will get game over on turn 9 instead?
and the display shows 13 turn
fk it gotta warp fast

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Okay, If you really got out in time I’ll investigate.

But what should happen here is that, if you had to use the emergency escape method in chapter 18 (Because you ran out of time), then you leave too much evidence behind, lose a lot of stuff, and in chapter 28 the time limit is reduced since Weissholdt can predict what you’re doing (Because of said evidence).

EDIT: Found the cause! The same flag that determines when you screwed up chapter 18, is also triggered in order to show an extra scene when you kill Lazarus with Noir. I fixed it by disabling the flag right after the scene at chapter 8 is shown.
Uploading hotfix…

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