FIRE EMBLEM - Code of the Black Knights: Decisive Edition (30 chapters)

btw I recall having stuck and sent back to starting screen 2 times, once hack freeze is drowning drowning another coulnd’t remember tho, killing gilbert in enemy phase will send you to starting screen too
seriously, generic enemy stats are really bad 24 hp for promoted wut? but some are only a bit weak (promoted enemies)
and even rune knights are slaughtered by lv10 promoted schwarze with senken+
And… Game stuck cuz ch17 no debris’
'cant destoroy walls

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Using the latest patch.
On chapter 13, after promoting Noir to grandmaster there seems to be a bug where she only gets 10 exp.
This is for doing damage, defeating enemy or using a healing. Though Specter doesn’t seem to have the same problem.


I think I found the problem. In the “menu class” section of FEBuilder, I put the class Grandmaster promotes to (Queen), instead of the class where she comes from (Commander). I’ll be putting a hotfix as soon as I can, so once I release it please tell me if it is fixed.

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The walls cannot be destoroyed by attacking, you need to place a unit right besides the wall and they will clear one per turn. The characters specify this.

Also, are you playing in normal mode? I haven’t touched any numbers, but I think it has different scaling than hard, the difficulty the game is balanced for. So that would explain the low HP.

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Hotfix released! It fixes several freezing bugs, Grandmaster’s experience gain (hopefully!), and it also increases the overall hitrate of all weapons except staves by ~20 or 15 depending on weapon.


The grandmaster exp gain is working now. thanks :grinning:
Noticed an odd but unimportant note in ch 14, where noir apparently becomes a Specter by cannon. (the enemy talks how she uses a spear)


Yes normal mode
But… Thats about even easier than vanilla fe I think
Not only hp
The promoted have general low hit rate and avoid and damage
(I mean… Buffing enemy skills not buffing allies hit too)
Welp is hard mode the balanced one?

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I probably broke something again .-.

The thing is, that specific piece of dialogue is supposed to change depending on Noir’s current class. If she is a grandmaster, the enemies will speak about how she has heavy armor under her robes and her leadership skills. If she is still a commander, they will instead remark that she is powerful enough to kill Blaise in one hit, despite not even having used the mantle’s full power.

At least it’s not a hotfix-deserving bug :cold_sweat:

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they talked about all 3 lol
ch18 big brain time instantly escape on first turn lol (actually I barely ran after only grabbing 1 chest)
18-3 boss lmao, 1 rng only, 1 bolting crit took care of him

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When using the summoner summon ability, it only works once in a chapter as the phantom stays on the unit list when defeated if it manages to survive a turn.
ie.if phantom summoned on turn one if it survives till turn 2 once it is defeated it can no longer be resummoned, it also showing up in the unit list as 0/1 hp.
Although as long as it is defeated on turn 1 (regardless of player phase or enemy phase) it can be summoned like normal.


Okay, I’ve been testing and I managed to fix it on my side. I’ll upload the fix with the next patch.


and speaking of 0 hp someone in ch16 also had 0/XX hp too (an enemy)
btw what does the lake do? I sold all devil axes already lol
never find any secret shops lol
wtf so if you didin’t recruit a unit they will die ? (the choices one)

don't open if you haven't played lover's folly

wtf so if you didin’t recruit a unit they will die ? (the choose one to recruit from the 2)
bruh so you had to fight hall/sally anyways?
anyways in ch11, probably no one will choose jin, lightbrand+killing edge+ infinite use is too tempting, and swordmaster gets too many op skills

ichor is 0 gold
retribution just did a no damage to an enemy hero pretty sure it’s a bug
ch23 warp staff no indicator
white rose is light magic?
some promotions lowers weapon rank
how to get tier 3 promote items?

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New hotfix taking care of some of the bugs. Now promoted Exalted Knight and Queen can fight back >:). Also, their inventories are no longer invisible.
(Please apply the patch BEFORE promoting. Otherwise it stays bugged.)
Phantoms have been fixed, too.

Hopefully this is the last patch in a while.

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Btw I felt the floor increase units res
(Ch23 you must break the door instead of giant bow the boss?
And silencer animation is still melee one
And slayer doesnt work against the boss too i wonder if cidelith weapons does?
Cheat tiles doesnt change after opened

after ch23 spoiler

Wait… Did you write Adrian’s name reversely and it becomes narida?
So he is homo?

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Hey I’ve played up to chapter 22 so far and the exp gain between classes seems kind of out of whack, since promoting Noir to Grandmaster she has gained Exp super slowly (like 10 for killing a promoted enemy of similar level), while others gain normal or seemingly Paragon levels of Exp (especially Zero seemed to almost gain more Exp after promoting than before).

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Oh also enemy phase on defiers of death chapter stuck and froze

Yeah the guy above me need to get the latest patch
The promoted exp gain is broken you will get most units lv20 in no time btw

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Hi, the exp gain bug was fixed in the sep 23 patch.

However, I forgot to set the level cap for the new versions of Queen and Exalted Knight. * Internal screaming*

New hotfix fixing this bug:

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Cosmetic bug- Maria as a warrior when the cursor is selecting her has the appearance of a skeleton soldier.
Also not sure about the latest hotfix but as of the 23rd patch there was a soft lock in the conclusion of ch16x when the mc fell into the water.


Hello. I’ve been playing through this hack the past couple of days and have been really enjoying it, but there’s a very strange bug that I wanted to bring up. I missed Sei in the explore map, so I couldn’t recruit Mia in Chapter 12. I left Mia alive as an enemy, and cleared the map like normal. However, after the map was cleared, it played a cutscene with Sei (who wasn’t recruited) and I lost a speedwing. But what’s even stranger is that in the following base camp map, both Sei and Mia were recruited and were able to get a support conversation. They joined as level 0 with no items in their inventory, however they are completely playable (from what I tested and don’t break the game).

Also an unrelated question, is it possible to get Hall back post TS? He was one of my best units but after looking through Builder I don’t see him anywhere to rejoin. Anyways, keep up the good work, I’ve really been enjoying this hack, especially the story and decisions you can make.


Hello there, amazing hack you’ve been creating! I just wanted to ask how much more do you plan on doing for the game to be considered completed? I saw you have a couple more branches to do but was wondering how much more content would be in those branches. Thanks again for one hell of a hack! :ok_hand:t2: