Fire Emblem 6 Refurbished 2.0 Final Patch

There is a change log in the Dropbox dw


Oh, I didn’t see it. Thanks!

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Oh quick question, wouldn’t it make more sense to put the new guiding ring in the C12 Whip chest so you can give tate a whip? Super minor thing ofc

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eh, I wanted to put all of them on characters to reward players for obtaining them, like a little bonus rather then a freebie. Thats just a personal thing but idk I feel like it gives better feel because instead of getting it for free, you are rewarded for deploying unconventional potentially untrained characters (Noah, Sue, Clarine) and for that risk you get the reward of an earlier promo item and a character, but thats just my philosophy on it, ty for the suggestion though.

Np man, I prob should have named the Dropbox to be more clear

Hey I was just browsing FEU and I noticed there was an FE6 Refurbished, this one and was wondering if these were the same thing, with just this version being the superior version or what?

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thats the same one, I just reposted it since this is the final update I’ll be doing for it. The link leads to the same dropbox and all that, but this is the definitive and final (hopefully no bugs I’ll have to fix) version

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Bruh Is there any way to recruite Treck.He Just dies everytime when shows they just gang up on him & he dies before he can even move.

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You can recruit him the exact same way as in original fe 6. I’d suggest marcus with an axe to lead the charge and making way for Roy to recruit Zealot who recruits both Noah and Treck

He still dies those wyverns are a nightmare.

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Here’s a decent strat that works in the base fe 6 with 0% growths so it should be even easier for you to pull off with growths and the changes added in the patch you can use this as a base strategy and adapt it to grab all the houses you want and rout the map. Good luck :slight_smile:

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And if ya ever need more help or anything, add me on my dc, the name is Slowpokemasta#1809 and I’ll try to help whenever I got time since I’m pretty decent at fe 6

Bruh It’s not vanilla game where I can ignore soldiers & those wyverns are really scary so as a last resort I changed the wyverns positions so they will come a turn later.
I am sorry for modifying your rom but it was not possible when my Marcus couldn’t use hammer.

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True, it may not be the original game, though the only difference would be that many of your characters should have slightly higher stats where as enemy stats remain the same. Also a silver lance can likely substitute for the hammer, or you might be able to find some alternative way to defeat that enemy

Perhaps you’re playing hard mode?

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That’s obvious.Otherwise you Won’t need help.

Then don’t act like it’s the creator’s fault. They didn’t change things that much so hard mode is basically the same as vanilla.

Well I didn’t offended him nor I said that it was his fault.I just wanted some help.

I guess looking up for strategies is the way to go. Sorry if I sounded rude or something.

I think this conversation has gone on enough. OP has given as much of an answer as I’d expect; if more strategy help is needed, take it to DMs or ask in Community.