FEE3 2021: Let The Show Begin!

Where are the spare lances

Yeah, I’ll do you one better, what are the spare lance?


Doubled or Nothing looking great! Honestly, for what is basically a gimmick hack, the visuals and map design look incredible! Great work ArcherBias. Also PUZON!!! What a lad.

Book of Eden also looking promising! The avatar system seems neat, but honestly the biggest thing that stood out to me is how it gives me FE 7 vibes! (This is a good thing) Map looked fun to play, and I personally always enjoy a well implemented playable Anna!

Legends of Avenir looking very polished! I have to say, I love the aesthetics of the map you showcased, the cliffs with beaches at the bottom are just :ok_hand: exquisite. Lots of fun tech showcased too. Eager to see more.


yes yes especially the “working” TM tech showcased at the end

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Absolution! I have absolutely been waiting for this! (Sorry)
There’s so much to talk about, skills and combat arts, weapons and items, Cooking!!! And yet somehow it all feels cohesive. And the portraits and music continue to be spectacular! That title theme has stuck with me ever since I played the showcase for Absolution last year. Not to disservice the other LT projects being showcased this year, but Absolution is definitely the most standout, impressive non GBA project so far.


Day 7, led off by Monado Chronicle’s Lullaby of Lust!


Oh man.
Oh, man.
The Lullaby of Lust Trailer…
The edge is razor. I feel transported back to 2006.
I mean this as affectionately as possible. What a good trailer.


I’m impressed MonadoChronicles by the animations in the trailer for Lullaby of Lust, that was a very nice addition !
Then in terms of game design I’m really wondering how does the balance of the hack works, with a playable character that have so big stat like Danowua, but great job anyway !


That map theme !!


The Lullaby of Lust sounds like my old punk band. Looks fire :fire:


I believed that Hiraeth Legacies would be a tier to Code of the Black Knights.

A tier? What does that mean?

A tier…
How should I put into words.
A tier means how good the story and worldbuilding involving mechanics, characters, classes and quality is.
I don’t know what a tier is should to be, it’s the best I can come up with.

maybe he meant top-tier, as it’s actually one of the best?

in any case, the work done by BuskHusker on the mugs is amazing, to the point it actually looks like a legit FE spinoff title from the GBA era.
that’s some professional artist you got right there, the visual quality is clearly of high level.

Pokemblem :eyes:


I like Pokemblem but it sure is too bad that Vesly jerk is making it :pensive:


7 Siblings looking good! Fun little gaiden chapter with what I assume are units not currently in the party. I’ll admit, I got invested in the story though, I wanna see where it goes next! Promising showcase Warpath!

New Hiraeth trailer! Very moody, well put together. Not a lot of new info this year, but a nice recap for people who haven’t seen or heard of the project so far! Art remains a high point.

Pokemblem! This is actually my first time seeing footage of it in action, and holy heck is it impressive! Honestly the mash up of so many pokemon and fe elements is kinda surreal, but it looks incredibly polished and like it’s own experience entirely; like it is a whole different kind of SRPG. Great work Vesly! Also DRYING PAN.