[FE8] [WIP] Fire Emblem: The Silver Wolves - Blue [PME] [SLOTS OPEN] (Featuring: Promotable Dancers, Bards & Manaketes)

-------------------------------------Fire Emblem: The Silver Wolves - Blue-------------------------------------

Yes, there’s two of them!

Welcome to the thread of the Blue version of The Silver Wolves PME!
Just like the Red Version, it uses as a base OK_Dude’s Blazing Stones, that ports every single playable character from FE7 to FE8, used with OK_Dude’s permission.

The rest of the thread is basically the same as Red’s (vanilla classes, available personal skills, weapons, etc), for convenience so you can read all of the changes/rules/etc right here too, however here’s very important info to consider:

  • This PME will feature an entirely new cast, so none of the units from the Red version must be resubmitted or being the same for the Blue version.
  • Following the above, users who already made a Lord for the Red version cannot make a Lord for this one. Giving three new users their time to shine making Lords.
  • For this story it will be more laid back in a manner, so there’s no restrictions on creating whatever units funny or memes. Within reason.
  • As mentioned, it has the same updated vanilla classes only at first. To save space if a custom class from Red will not be chosen to appear in the Blue version.

Let us again get started right away:

Blazing Stones Units - Important

In ‘Blazing Stones’, every playable FE7 unit was imported to FE8.
Bosses and NPCs are still the same as vanilla.
Here’s the detailed list of all playable units:

  • Eirika > Lyn {Lv 01, Lord}
  • Seth > Rath {Lv 01, Prepromote}
  • Franz > Lowen {Lv 02, Base}
  • Gilliam > Oswin {Lv 04, Base}
  • Vanessa > Florina {Lv 01, Base}
  • Moulder > Serra {Lv 01, Base}
  • {Extra} > Hector {Lv 03, Lord}: Ch.3 - Automatically from turn 1.
  • Ross > Bartre {Lv 02, Base}
  • Garcia > Dorcas {Lv 03, Base}
  • Neimi > Rebecca {Lv 01, Base}
  • Colm > Matthew {Lv 02, Base}
  • Artur > Lucius {Lv 03, Base}
  • Lute > Nino {Lv 01, Base}
  • Natasha > Priscilla {Lv 03, Base}
  • Joshua > Guy {Lv 05, Base}
  • Ephraim > Eliwood {Lv 05, Lord}
  • {Extra} > Marcus {Lv 01, Prepromote}: Ch.5x - Automatically from turn 1.
  • Forde > Sain {Lv 05, Base}
  • Kyle > Kent {Lv 05, Base}
  • {Extra} > Wil {Lv 05, Base}: Ch.6 - Turn 1 appears as NPC. Talk with Lyn.
  • {Extra} > Merlinus {Lv 03, Base}: Ch.7 - Turn 2 appears as NPC. Talk with Lyn.
  • Tana > Fiora {Lv 05, Base}
  • Amelia > Dart {Lv 03, Base}
  • Innes > Louise {Lv 01, Prepromote}
  • Gerik > Karla {Lv 10, Base}
  • Tethys > Ninian {Lv 03, Base}
  • Marisa > Raven {Lv 07, Base}
  • {Extra} > Karel {Lv 05, Prepromote}: Ch.10(L) - Talk with Karla. | Ch.13(E) - Talk with Karla.
  • {Extra} > Harken {Lv 05, Prepromote}: Ch.10(E) - Turn 3 appears as NPC. Talk with Eliwood/Marcus/Lowen/Hector/Oswin to recruit. | Ch.15(L) - Automatically from turn 1.
  • L’Arachel > Isadora {Lv 01, Prepromote}
  • Dozla > Hawkeye {Lv 05, Prepromote}
  • {Extra} > Wallace {Lv 01, Prepromote}: Ch.12(L) - Turn 3 appears as NPC. Talk with Lyn/Wil/Florina/Kent/Sain. | Ch.15(E) - Automatically from turn 1.
  • {Extra} > Geitz {Lv 03, Prepromote}: Ch.12(E) - Appears as enemy. Talk with Dart. | Ch13(L) - Appears as enemy. Talk with Dart.
  • Saleh > Pent {Lv 06, Prepromote}
  • Ewan > Erk {Lv 07, Base}
  • Cormag > Heath {Lv 09, Base}
  • Rennac > Legault {Lv 12, Base}
  • Duessel > Vaida {Lv 06, Prepromote}
  • Knoll > Canas {Lv 10, Base}
  • Myrrh > Nils {Lv 10, Base}
  • Syrene > Farina {Lv 05, Prepromote}
  • {Extra} > Jaffar {Lv 12, Prepromote}: Ch.16 - Appears as enemy. Talk with Nino.
  • {Extra} > Renault {Lv 15, Prepromote}: Ch.19 - Talk with Lyn/Eliwood.
  • {Extra} > Athos {Lv 18, Special}: Final - Automatically from turn 1.

Information above from OK_Dude’s original hack thread.
The total number of playable units is then increased to 44.
Should help a bunch to understand where the extra units will appear.
(Orson is not playable, Marcus takes his place instead and also stays in the army)

Miscellaneous Changes

-Vanilla classes are still up and expanded like rebalances and both genders.
And you’ll be also allowed to make custom classes for both playable units and the special bosses that unlock in the creature campaign. Please refer to ‘CUSTOM CLASS MAKING’ to understand the ins and outs of creating your own custom class.

-There will be no Trainee classes. Only the traditional base->promoted class lines.

-The Skill System is also already implemented; some vanilla classes will have Class Skills basically same as original (e.g. Slayer for Bishops), but the highlight is Personal Skills, where you can select 3 Skills that your unit will be able to gain as they level up.
Please refer to ‘Personal Skills List’ for all the Skills available that are allowed to be chosen.

-Infantry/Thief classes will have Shove, Armor classes Smite, Cavs/Fliers then still Canto.

-Several new weapons and items added, including the return of the 6 Dragonstones.
Please refer to ‘Weapons/Items List’ for the complete information of their stats.

-Following that, ‘Blazing Stones’ also has the FE7 weapons for the Lords and Athos (Mani Katti, Sol Katti, Wolf Beil, Armads, Eliwood’s Rapier, Durandal, Forblaze and Aureola).

-On the templates, Personality is back to help with the lore, and also Pow for whenever your unit will be pure Strength, Magic, or Hybrid.

-Some QoL patches are already implemented in ‘Blazing Stones’;
Units can get multiple S ranks, Map Danger Zone, Faster Supports etc.
Adding on top, supports are gained within 3 tiles (same range of Support bonuses), and a patch was pre-installed that allows one unit to support with 5 units up to B Support, then only one A.

-Regarding the multiple playable refreshers, as much as the ‘Dancer Train’ would be super fun, it would still be incredible broken lol, so a patch will also be implemented to prevent Dancers/Bards to refresh other Dancers/Bards.

-Weapons grant 2 wExp on attacks, staves 3 wExp on usage, and healing experience 10->15.

-I’ll use the JPN Hard patch of ‘Blazing Stones’ as a base, which on top of the listed changes reverts the difficulty bonuses back to their harder Japanese values.
Here’s a detailed graph from TCRF and Serenes Forest {Hard, Normal, Easy}:

-Much more information to come as the development of the hack keeps on going!

CLASS LIST - Vanilla

Sword Cavalier {7Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Swords)
1st-> Paladin {8Mov}: [M] & [F] (C Swords / C Lances)
2nd-> Gendarme {7Mov}: [M] & [F] (C Swords / D Axes)

Lance Cavalier {7Mov}: [Cav-Anim] (D Lances)
1st-> Paladin {8Mov}
2nd-> Siegemaster {7Mov}: [U] (C Lances / D Axes)

Bulwark {4Mov}: [U] (D Swords / D Lances)
1st-> Marshall {5Mov}: [U] (C Swords / C Lances / D Axes / E Bows / ‘Pavise’)
2nd-> Baron {5Mov}: [U] (D Swords / D Lances / D Anima / E Staves / ‘Aegis’)

Mercenary {5Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Swords)
1st-> Champion {6Mov}: [M] & [F] (C Swords / D Axes)
2nd-> Ranger {8Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Swords / C Bows)

Myrmidon {5Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Swords)
1st-> Trueblade {6Mov}: [M] & [F] {TLP v2 Crit} (C Swords / ‘+30 Crit’)
2nd-> Assassin {6Mov}: [M] & [F] (C Swords / Lockpicks / Steal / ‘Lethality’)

Soldier {5Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Lances)
1st-> Halberdier {6Mov}: [M] & [F] (C Lances / ‘+30 Crit’)
2nd-> Siegemaster {7Mov}

Fighter {5Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Axes)
1st-> Warrior {6Mov}: [M] & [F] (C Axes / D Bows)
2nd-> Champion {6Mov}

Barbaric {5Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Axes)
1st-> Berserker {6Mov}: [M] & [F] {Pants} (C Axes / Waterwalk / ‘+30 Crit’)
2nd-> Warrior {6Mov}

Pirate {5Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Axes / Waterwalk)
1st-> Berserker {6Mov}
2nd-> Warrior {6Mov}

Archer {5Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Bows)
1st-> Sniper {6Mov}: [M] & [F] (C Bows / ‘+30 Crit’)
2nd-> Ranger {8Mov}

Thief {6Mov}: [M] & [F] (E Swords / Lockpicks / Steal)
1st-> Assassin {6Mov}
2nd-> Rogue {6Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Swords / Lockpicks / Steal / ‘Locktouch’)

Pegasus Rider {7Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Lances)
1st-> Falcoknight {8Mov}: [U] (C Lances / D Swords)
2nd-> Serapknight {7Mov}:[U] {v2} (D Lances / D Light)

Wyvern Rider {7Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Lances)
1st-> Dracoknight {8Mov}: [U] (C Lances / D Axes)
2nd-> Venomknight {7Mov}: [U] (D Lances / ‘Luna’)

Wizard {5Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Anima)
1st-> Sage {6Mov}: [M] & [F] (C Anima / D Light / D Staves)
2nd-> Battlemage {7Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Swords / C Anima / D Staves)

Pilgrim {5Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Light)
1st-> Bishop {6Mov}: [M] & [F] (C Light / C Staves / ‘Slayer’)
2nd-> Sage {6Mov}

Shaman {5Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Dark)
1st-> Druid {6Mov}: [U] (C Dark / D Anima / D Staves)
2nd-> Conjurer {6Mov}: [U] (D Dark / E Staves / ‘Summon’)

Curate {5Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Staves)
1st-> Bishop {6Mov}
2nd-> Valkyrie {7Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Swords / D Light / C Staves)

Troubadour {7Mov}: [M] & [F] (E Swords / D Staves)
1st-> Valkyrie {7Mov}
2nd-> Battlemage {7Mov}

Dancer {5Mov}: [U] (E Swords / Refresh)
Promo-> Prima {6Mov}: [U] (D Swords / Refresh / ‘Special Tune’)

Bard {5Mov}: [U] (E Light / Refresh)
Promo-> Laureate {6Mov}: [U] (D Light / Refresh / ‘Special Tune’)

Manakete {5Mov}: [Attack] & [Disarmed] (Dragonstones)
Promo-> Dragonborn {6Mov}: [Animations] (Dragonstones / ‘Dragon Fang’)
(I’ll try to make slight edits on unarmed Dragonborn animations too)

Conjurer’s Summon {5Mov}: [Sprite] (E/D/C Light)

---------------------------------------------------CLASS SKILLS---------------------------------------------------

Here’s the detailed information of all the Class Skills towards the final release.
They are exclusive for the vanilla classes, and can’t be chosen for custom classes.

Aether - First strike absorbs HP, second strike pierce defenses (Skill/2 %).
(Exclusive to Lords)
Corona - Pierce opponent’s Resistance on attack (Skill %).
(Exclusive to Lords)
Hercules - Negates all damage taken (Defense %).
(Exclusive to Lords)
Pavise - Negates a physical attack (Skill %).
(Exclusive to Marshalls)
Aegis - Negates a magical attack (Skill %).
(Exclusive to Barons)
+30 Crit - Permanently boosts user’s critical rate by 30%.
(Exclusive to Trueblades, Halberdiers, Berserkers and Snipers)
Lethality - Instantly kill opponent (Skill/2 %).
(Exclusive to Assassins)
Locktouch - Can open doors and chests without using keys or lockpicks.
(Exclusive to Rogues)
Luna - Pierce opponent’s defenses on attack (Skill %).
(Exclusive to Venomknights)
Slayer - User always deals effective damage against monsters.
(Exclusive to Bishops)
Summon - Can call forth minions to fight alongside user.
(Exclusive to Conjurers/Lyon/Formotiis)
Special Tune - Refreshing an ally grants them +2 Dmg/Def for the turn.
(Exclusive to Primas and Laureates)
Dragon Fang - Increases damage dealt by 1.5x (Skill %).
(Exclusive to Dragonborns)


Hussar {7Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Swords) [czechball]
1st-> Paladin {8Mov}
2nd-> Cuirassier {8Mov}: [M] & [F] (C Swords / ‘+20 Avoid’) [czechball]

Petyhorzec {7Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Lances) [czechball]
1st-> Siegemaster {7Mov}
2nd-> Leitis {8Mov}: [M] & [F] (C Lances / ‘+20 Avoid’) [czechball]

Konnik {7Mov}: [M] & [F] (D Axes) [czechball]
1st-> Gendarme {7Mov}
2nd-> Boyar {8Mov}: [M] & [F] (C Axes / ‘+20 Avoid’) [czechball]

Axe Bearer {5Mov}: [F] (D Axes) [Taylor]
Promo- Axemen {6Mov}: [F] (C Axes / ‘+20 Avoid’) [Taylor]


Again, everything will be right to the point to help out the best.
(Be sure to also provide the new battle and map animations)
(Refer to extra important information at the end for Lords)

Mercenary Bases [M] - HP: 19 STR: 04 MAG: 00 SKL: 05 SPD: 07 DEF: 03 RES: 00 CON: 08
Mercenary Bases [F] - HP: 17 STR: 03 MAG: 01 SKL: 06 SPD: 09 DEF: 02 RES: 01 CON: 07
Champion Bases [M] - HP: 22 STR: 06 MAG: 01 SKL: 07 SPD: 10 DEF: 05 RES: 02 CON: 11
Champion Bases [F] - HP: 20 STR: 05 MAG: 02 SKL: 08 SPD: 12 DEF: 04 RES: 03 CON: 10
Champion Caps - HP: 60 STR: 26 MAG: 20 SKL: 26 SPD: 26 DEF: 26 RES: 24 CON: 20
Champion Promo Gain - HP: 3 STR: 2 MAG: 1 SKL: 2 SPD: 3 DEF: 2 RES: 2 CON: 3

These are the stat references from the hack you can use to help you create a custom class.

Unpromoted classes must have between 40 to 46 overall stat points (Mov doesn’t matter).
Promo gains must be up to 18 points (including Con, Mov again doesn’t matter).
Promo bases must have around 62 stat points, as if you added promo gains on top of base.
Every class will have, for caps, HP=60, Con=20, and Luck=30, same as vanilla.
Unpromo classes then has 20 caps for all other stats, however when promoted, you can distribute 28 extra stats on the caps (use the above Champion Class Caps for reference).
No stat caps must be above 30 however.

Base classes’ HP must not be bellow 12/above 20, Con not bellow 3/above 13.
Rest of the stats then can’t be above 10 for base classes.
Finally, no Promo Gain stat point must be above 8.

For weapon choices, base classes must have only one, then promoted classes up to three.
If your class is an armor knight however, you can have two at base, then up to four promoted.
On top of that, custom armor knights also gets 2 extra Def on their class stats for free.
Finally, if your class is Thief, same one weapon type at base, but only two promoted.

INFANTRY → 5 Mov Base, 6 Mov Promo
ARMOR → 4 Mov Base, 5 Mov Promo
CAVALIER/FLIER → 7 Mov Base, 7 or 8 Mov Promo
THIEF → 6 Mov Base and Promo

Bonus: Like mages, if your class (base or promo) is Infantry, and only equips tomes/staves, you’ll also gain free unobstructed movement on desert tiles.

You cannot make a playable custom Dancer, Bard, or Manakete class/Lord.

Veteran Belt → Promotes INFANTRY that uses Swords/Lances/Axes.
Knight Crest → Promotes CAVALIER that uses Swords/Lances/Axes, ARMOR any weapon.
Orion’s Bolt → Promotes INFANTRY and CAVALIER that uses Bows.
Guiding Ring → Promotes INFANTRY and CAVALIER that uses Tomes/Staves.
Elysian Whip → Promotes FLIER, regardless of the weapon type.
Ocean Proof → Promotes THIEF, regardless of the weapon type.

Remember how Mercenaries can choose to promote to Rangers, and Myrmidons to Assassins?
Here’s what class type choices they are allowed when promoting:

INFANTRY → All 5 types.

One more information; you can have your base custom class promote to two different custom ones, or follow a single promotion line. Also, you can choose one of the two promotion options to be one of the vanilla ones (e.g. you create X base custom class, 1st promotion choice Y custom class, 2nd promotion choice the new Gendarme vanilla class).

I can make the class descriptions myself, but here’s for reference to help:


Finishing up, if your custom class is mono-weapon promoted, they’ll gain this class skill:
+20 Avoid - Permanently boosts user’s avoid rate by 20%.

-------------------------------------------CUSTOM LORD CLASSES-------------------------------------------

Lords follow same class stats rules as above, but you can choose two weapons at base regardless of what class type you’ll make, increased to three weapons at promotion (or, just like before, up to four weapons if Lord is ARMOR type).
Here’s the personal bases of the three lords (on the post, they’ll still get a boon and a bane).

Lyn [Lv.01 / E]: HP: 00 POW: 02 SKL: 00 SPD: 00 LCK: 07 DEF: 00 RES: 00 CON: 00
Eliwood [Lv.05 / C]: HP: 04 POW: 06 SKL: 03 SPD: 03 LCK: 05 DEF: 02 RES: 01 CON: 00
Hector [Lv.03 / D]: HP: 02 POW: 04 SKL: 02 SPD: 02 LCK: 03 DEF: 01 RES: 00 CON: 00

Lords promoted classes can have one exclusive class skill, here’s the list:
{Free} Aether - First strike absorbs HP, second strike pierce defenses (Skill/2 %).
{Taken} Corona - Pierce opponent’s Resistance on attack (Skill %).
{Taken} Hercules - Negates all damage taken (Defense %).

One lord must have Aether, other must have Corona, and the final one must have Hercules.

You can make the name of your Lord’s classes like this; ‘X Lord’. As an example for reference, Thorne from my FE7 PME is know as ‘Eclipse Lord’ at base, then ‘Warking Lord’ when promoted.

Their personal weapons (Mani Katti, Sol Katti, Wolf Beil, Armads, Eliwood’s Rapier, Durandal) will have the same stats as their original vanilla appearances, with the only differences being their weight will be the same as their respective class so they don’t get slowed down, 1st Prfs effective vs cavs/armors & 40 uses, 2nd Prfs effective vs monsters & 30 uses, and you can obviously freely change their name, icon and weapon type that’s not a Staff.
HOWEVER, you can only make 1-2 range Swords/Lances/Axes on your 2nd Prf.

Finishing up, for Athos’ weapons, Forblaze will still be their Prf (following same rules as the 2nd Prfs), while Aureola will instead be an extra legendary weapon of your choice, that anyone with it’s respective S Rank trained up can wield.
(You can then freely choose what +5 stat boost your 2nd Prf/Forblaze/Aureola will have)

And that’s everything for custom class making!

Weapons/Items List

This is the full list of all weapons and items that will be in the final release.

Some have a note in bold, they can’t be chosen for your unit replacment’s inventory.
(E.g. they are the legendary weapons that are important to the plot, secret late-game weapons like the Wishblade and Pugi, are granted over the course of gameplay instead like Dancer Rings, etc)

Regalias and 2nd Prfs also grants +10% Skill activation rate when equipped.


[E] Iron Sword
Might: 5 Hit: 90 Weight: 5 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 40
No special properties.

[E] Slim Sword
Might: 4 Hit: 100 Weight: 2 Crit: 10 Range: 1 Uses: 30
Lightweight. Easier to land hits.

[E] Poison Sword
Might: 3 Hit: 70 Weight: 6 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Rusted. Coated in lethal poison.

[D] Steel Sword
Might: 8 Hit: 75 Weight: 10 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 30
No special properties.

[D] Iron Blade
Might: 10 Hit: 70 Weight: 12 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 35
No special properties.
1-06 - WHIP SWORD {EldritchA, Indogutsu Tenbuki} (Tactics Ogre) Whip 2
[D] Whip Sword (EldritchA, Indogutsu Tenbuki, SilverRoy, Tactics Ogre)
Might: 6 Hit: 70 Weight: 10 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 20
Doubles as ranged attack.

[D] Armorslayer
Might: 8 Hit: 80 Weight: 11 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Effective against heavy armor.

[D] Zanbato
Might: 6 Hit: 85 Weight: 11 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Effective against horseback.

[D] Wo Dao
Might: 8 Hit: 80 Weight: 5 Crit: 40 Range: 1 Uses: 30
Myrmidons/Trueblades only. Improves critical hit rate.

[D] Rapier
Might: 7 Hit: 90 Weight: 5 Crit: 10 Range: 1 Uses: 30
Dancers only {FE3-Style}. Eff. vs Cavaliers and Armors.

[C] Killing Edge
Might: 9 Hit: 75 Weight: 7 Crit: 30 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Improves critical hit rate.

[C] Steel Blade
Might: 12 Hit: 65 Weight: 14 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 25
No special properties.

[C] Light Brand
Might: 9 Hit: 75 Weight: 9 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 25
Performs ranged light strikes.

[C] Lancereaver
Might: 9 Hit: 75 Weight: 9 Crit: 5 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Reverses weapon triangle.

[C] Wyrmslayer
Might: 10 Hit: 70 Weight: 5 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 25
Effective against Wyverns, Manaketes and Dracozombies.
Demonslayer Sword - {2WB} (Icon Blitz 1) Devil Sword
[C] Shadowkiller (2WB)
Might: 5 Hit: 90 Weight: 5 Crit: 5 Range: 1 Uses: 30
Effective against monsters.

[B] Brave Sword
Might: 9 Hit: 75 Weight: 12 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 30
Strikes twice consecutively.

[B] Wind Edge
Might: 9 Hit: 70 Weight: 9 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 20
Performs ranged gale strikes. Eff. vs Fliers.

[A] Silver Sword
Might: 13 Hit: 80 Weight: 8 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
No special properties.

[A] Silver Blade
Might: 14 Hit: 60 Weight: 14 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 15
No special properties.

[A] Rune Blood
Might: 11 Hit: 65 Weight: 11 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 15
Performs ranged dark strikes. Absorbs HP.
REGALIA 01 - Claimh Solais - {SMITHYGCN} Sword 25
[S] Claimhsolais (SMITHYGCN)
Might: 16 Hit: 90 Weight: 10 Crit: 10 Range: 1 Uses: 30
Regalia. +5 Res. Demonslayer. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.


[E] Iron Lance
Might: 7 Hit: 80 Weight: 8 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 40
No special properties.

[E] Slim Lance
Might: 6 Hit: 90 Weight: 5 Crit: 10 Range: 1 Uses: 30
Lightweight. Easier to land hits.

[E] Poison Lance
Might: 5 Hit: 60 Weight: 9 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Rusted. Coated in lethal poison.

[D] Steel Lance
Might: 10 Hit: 70 Weight: 13 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 30
No special properties.

[D] Javelin
Might: 6 Hit: 65 Weight: 11 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 20
Doubles as ranged attack.

[D] Ridersbane
Might: 7 Hit: 70 Weight: 13 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Effective against horseback.

[D] Langdebeve
Might: 9 Hit: 70 Weight: 14 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Effective against heavy armor.

[C] Killer Lance
Might: 11 Hit: 70 Weight: 9 Crit: 30 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Improves critical hit rate.

[C] Short Spear
Might: 9 Hit: 55 Weight: 12 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 20
Doubles as ranged attack.
{Beansy} Steel GreatLance
[C] Great Lance (Beansy)
Might: 13 Hit: 60 Weight: 14 Crit: 5 Range: 1 Uses: 25
Strong, but difficult to wield.

[C] Axereaver
Might: 10 Hit: 70 Weight: 11 Crit: 5 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Reverses weapon triangle.

[C] Dragonpike
Might: 10 Hit: 70 Weight: 8 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Effective against Wyverns, Manaketes and Dracozombies.
Demonslayer Lance - {2WB} (Icon Blitz 1) Devil Lance
[C] Sinslayer (2WB)
Might: 7 Hit: 80 Weight: 8 Crit: 5 Range: 1 Uses: 30
Effective against monsters.

[B] Brave Lance
Might: 10 Hit: 70 Weight: 14 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 30
Strikes twice consecutively.

[B] Slender Spear
Might: 12 Hit: 65 Weight: 10 Crit: 5 Range: 1-2 Uses: 15
Doubles as ranged attack.

[A] Silver Lance
Might: 14 Hit: 75 Weight: 10 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
No special properties.
Wishblade - {Celice} Lance 18
[A] Wishblade (Celice)
Might: 15 Hit: 70 Weight: 14 Crit: 10 Range: 1-2 Uses: 30
Grants +5 Luck when equipped. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.
REGALIA 02 - Elgungnir - {Batima} Gungnir
[S] Elgungnir (Batima)
Might: 18 Hit: 80 Weight: 11 Crit: 10 Range: 1 Uses: 30
Regalia. +5 Def. Demonslayer. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.


[E] Iron Axe
Might: 8 Hit: 70 Weight: 10 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 40
No special properties.

[E] Compact Axe
Might: 7 Hit: 80 Weight: 7 Crit: 10 Range: 1 Uses: 30
Lightweight. Easier to land hits.

[E] Poison Axe
Might: 6 Hit: 50 Weight: 11 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Rusted. Coated in lethal poison.

[E] Hatchet
Might: 5 Hit: 75 Weight: 5 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 30
Doubles as ranged attack.

[D] Steel Axe
Might: 11 Hit: 60 Weight: 15 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 30
No special properties.

[D] Hand Axe
Might: 7 Hit: 55 Weight: 12 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 20
Doubles as ranged attack.

[D] Devil Axe
Might: 18 Hit: 60 Weight: 18 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Cursed. Might injure wielder.

[D] Poleaxe
Might: 10 Hit: 60 Weight: 15 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Effective against horseback.

[D] Hammer
Might: 11 Hit: 55 Weight: 15 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Effective against heavy armor.

[C] Killer Axe
Might: 12 Hit: 60 Weight: 11 Crit: 30 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Improves critical hit rate.
Battle Axe - {Beansy} Battle Axe
[C] Battle Axe (Beansy)
Might: 14 Hit: 50 Weight: 16 Crit: 5 Range: 1 Uses: 25
Strong, but difficult to wield.

[C] Swordreaver
Might: 11 Hit: 65 Weight: 13 Crit: 5 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Reverses weapon triangle.

[C] Serpentfall
Might: 12 Hit: 60 Weight: 11 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
Effective against Wyverns, Manaketes and Dracozombies.
Demonslayer Axe - {2WB} (Icon Blitz 1) Devil Axe
[C] Fiendcleaver (2WB)
Might: 8 Hit: 70 Weight: 10 Crit: 5 Range: 1 Uses: 30
Effective against monsters.

[B] Brave Axe
Might: 10 Hit: 65 Weight: 16 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 30
Strikes twice consecutively.
Bolt Axe {Batima} Bolt Axe
[B] Bolt Axe (Batima)
Might: 12 Hit: 70 Weight: 11 Crit: 5 Range: 1-2 Uses: 20
Performs ranged thunder strikes.

[B] Tomahawk
Might: 13 Hit: 60 Weight: 14 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 15
Doubles as ranged attack.

[A] Silver Axe
Might: 15 Hit: 65 Weight: 12 Crit: 0 Range: 1 Uses: 20
No special properties.
Pugi - {Batima} Vouge
[A] Pugi (Batima)
Might: 11 Hit: 70 Weight: 10 Crit: 30 Range: 1-2 Uses: 30
Improves critical hit rate. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.
{Zarg} Axe 31
[S] Agneyastra (Zarg)
Might: 20 Hit: 70 Weight: 12 Crit: 10 Range: 1 Uses: 30
Regalia. +5 Str. Demonslayer. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.


[E] Iron Bow
Might: 6 Hit: 85 Weight: 5 Crit: 0 Range: 2 Uses: 40
No special properties.

[E] Short Bow
Might: 5 Hit: 95 Weight: 2 Crit: 10 Range: 2 Uses: 30
Lightweight. Easier to land hits.

[E] Poison Bow
Might: 4 Hit: 65 Weight: 6 Crit: 0 Range: 2 Uses: 20
Rusted. Coated in lethal poison.

[D] Steel Bow
Might: 9 Hit: 70 Weight: 9 Crit: 0 Range: 2 Uses: 30
No special properties.

[D] Long Bow
Might: 5 Hit: 65 Weight: 10 Crit: 0 Range: 2-3 Uses: 20
Extended attack range.

[D] Jagged Bow
Might: 7 Hit: 80 Weight: 11 Crit: 0 Range: 2 Uses: 20
Effective against horseback.

[D] Splitter Bow
Might: 9 Hit: 75 Weight: 11 Crit: 0 Range: 2 Uses: 20
Effective against heavy armor.

[C] Killer Bow
Might: 10 Hit: 75 Weight: 7 Crit: 30 Range: 2 Uses: 20
Improves critical hit rate.
Great Bow - {Seal} (SacredWar) Bow 10
[C] Great Bow (Seal, SacredWar)
Might: 12 Hit: 60 Weight: 12 Crit: 5 Range: 2 Uses: 25
Strong, but difficult to wield.

[C] Radiant Bow
Might: 10 Hit: 70 Weight: 9 Crit: 0 Range: 2 Uses: 25
Shining bow. Targets resistance.
Demonslayer Bow - {2WB} (Icon Blitz 1) Devil Bow
[C] Beacon Bow (2WB)
Might: 6 Hit: 85 Weight: 5 Crit: 5 Range: 2 Uses: 30
Effective against monsters.

[B] Brave Bow
Might: 11 Hit: 70 Weight: 12 Crit: 0 Range: 2 Uses: 30
Strikes twice consecutively.

[A] Silver Bow
Might: 13 Hit: 75 Weight: 7 Crit: 0 Range: 2 Uses: 20
No special properties.
REGALIA 04 - Murgleys - {2WB} (Vanilla + Blitz) Mulagir
[S] Murgleys (2WB)
Might: 16 Hit: 85 Weight: 9 Crit: 15 Range: 2-3 Uses: 30
Regalia. +5 Skl. Demonslayer. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.


[E] Fire
Might: 5 Hit: 90 Weight: 5 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 40
No special properties.

[D] Thunder
Might: 8 Hit: 80 Weight: 7 Crit: 5 Range: 1-2 Uses: 35
No special properties.
{Ereshkigal} Anima 15
[D] Frost (Ereshkigal)
Might: 7 Hit: 85 Weight: 6 Crit: 5 Range: 1-2 Uses: 35
No special properties.

[C] Elfire
Might: 10 Hit: 85 Weight: 9 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 30
No special properties.

[C] Shaver
Might: 9 Hit: 85 Weight: 8 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 20
Effective against fliers.
Bolganone - {2WB} (Icon Blitz 1) Elfire
[B] Bolganone (2WB)
Might: 12 Hit: 75 Weight: 10 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 25
No special properties.
Thoron - {Ereshkigal} Anima 10
[B] Thoron (Ereshkigal)
Might: 9 Hit: 70 Weight: 12 Crit: 10 Range: 1-2 Uses: 20
Strikes twice consecutively {Dire Thunder}.

[B] Bolting
Might: 12 Hit: 50 Weight: 18 Crit: 0 Range: 3-10 Uses: 5
Long-range lightning strike.

[A] Fimbulvetr
Might: 14 Hit: 80 Weight: 12 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 20
No special properties.
REGALIA 05 - Forseti - {Chamomile} Forseti (FE13)
[S] Forseti (Chamomile)
Might: 18 Hit: 90 Weight: 10 Crit: 10 Range: 1-2 Uses: 30
Regalia. +5 Spd. Demonslayer. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.


[E] Light
Might: 4 Hit: 95 Weight: 3 Crit: 5 Range: 1-2 Uses: 40
No special properties.

[D] Shine
Might: 6 Hit: 85 Weight: 5 Crit: 10 Range: 1-2 Uses: 35
No special properties.
Saggitae (Kyrads)
[D] Spirit (Kyrads)
Might: 5 Hit: 90 Weight: 4 Crit: 10 Range: 1-2 Uses: 35
No special properties.

[C] Divine
Might: 8 Hit: 85 Weight: 7 Crit: 15 Range: 1-2 Uses: 30
No special properties.

[C] Crucifix
Might: 7 Hit: 85 Weight: 6 Crit: 10 Range: 1-2 Uses: 20
Effective against horseback.
Exordium - {Seal} (SacredWar) Light 3
[B] Exordium (Seal, SacredWar)
Might: 10 Hit: 80 Weight: 8 Crit: 10 Range: 1-2 Uses: 25
No special properties.
Nebula - {Kyrads} Seraphim
[B] Nebula (Kyrads)
Might: 8 Hit: 70 Weight: 10 Crit: 5 Range: 1-3 Uses: 20
Extended attack range.

[B] Purge
Might: 10 Hit: 60 Weight: 16 Crit: 0 Range: 3-10 Uses: 5
Long-range magic attack.

[A] Aura
Might: 12 Hit: 85 Weight: 10 Crit: 10 Range: 1-2 Uses: 20
No special properties.
REGALIA 06 - Morningstar - {tristan hollow} Item 015 Aureola
[S] Valhalla (Tristan Hollow)
Might: 16 Hit: 95 Weight: 8 Crit: 15 Range: 1-2 Uses: 30
Regalia. +5 Lck. Demonslayer. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.


[E] Flux
Might: 6 Hit: 80 Weight: 7 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 40
No special properties.

[D] Ruin
Might: 8 Hit: 75 Weight: 9 Crit: 5 Range: 1-2 Uses: 35
No special properties.
Globe - {Snakey1} icon 018
[D] Globe (Snakey1)
Might: 4 Hit: 90 Weight: 5 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 30
No special properties.

[C] Luna
Might: 0 Hit: 70 Weight: 14 Crit: 20 Range: 1-2 Uses: 30
Negates enemy resistance.

[C] Addle
Might: 10 Hit: 75 Weight: 11 Crit: 5 Range: 1-2 Uses: 20
Effective against heavy armor.
Jormung - {Seal} (SacredWar) Dark 6
[B] Jormung (Seal, SacredWar)
Might: 13 Hit: 70 Weight: 11 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 25
Applies poison to target on hit.

[B] Nosferatu
Might: 11 Hit: 70 Weight: 12 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 20
Drains target’s HP into caster.

[B] Eclipse
Might: - Hit: 40 Weight: 20 Crit: 0 Range: 3-10 Uses: 5
Reduces target’s HP by half.

[A] Fenrir
Might: 15 Hit: 70 Weight: 14 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 20
No special properties.
REGALIA 07 - Lucifer - {Valak} (Icon Blitz 1) Tome 4
[S] Lucifer (Valak)
Might: 20 Hit: 80 Weight: 12 Crit: 10 Range: 1-2 Uses: 30
Regalia. +5 Mag. Demonslayer. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.


[E] Heal
Restores (10 + Magic) HP to an ally.
Range: Adjacent | Uses: 30

[D] Mend
Restores (20 + Magic) HP to an ally.
Range: Adjacent | Uses: 20

[D] Torch
Grants vision of 9 tiles on an area in Fog of War; lessens per turn.
Range: (1-Mag/2; Minimum 5) | Uses: 10

[D] Unlock
Opens either a locked door or a locked chest.
Range: 1-2 | Uses: 10

[C] Recover
Restores all HP of an ally.
Range: Adjacent | Uses: 15

[C] Restore
Removes all status effects from an ally.
Range: Adjacent | Uses: 10

[C] Barrier
Grants +7 resistance to an ally; buff decreases per turn.
Range: Adjacent | Uses: 15

[C] Hammerne
Fully repairs ally’s equipped weapon. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.
Range: Adjacent | Uses: 5

[B] Physic
Restores (10 + Magic) HP to an ally.
Range: (1-Mag/2; Minimum 5) | Uses: 15

[B] Silence
Inflicts silence on an enemy.
Range: (1-Mag/2; Minimum 5) | Uses: 3

[B] Sleep
Inflicts sleep on an enemy.
Range: (1-Mag/2; Minimum 5) | Uses: 3

[B] Berserk
Inflicts berserk on an enemy.
Range: (1-Mag/2; Minimum 5) | Uses: 3

[B] Rescue
Teleports an ally in staff’s range next to the user.
Range: (1-Mag/2; Minimum 5) | Uses: 7

[A] Fortify
Restores (10 + Magic) HP to every ally in range. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.
Range: (1-Mag/2; Minimum 5) | Uses: 10

[A] Warp
Teleports an adjacent ally to a chosen traversible tile.
Range: (1-Mag/2; Minimum 5) | Uses: 7
REGALIA 08 - Auphanim - {2WB} (Vanilla + Blitz) Holy Maiden
[S] Latona (2WB)
Regalia. Fully heals and cleanses all allies. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.
Range: Infinite | Uses: 5


{Batima} Firestone
[-] Firestone (Batima)
Might: 4 Hit: 80 Weight: 0 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 60
Stats: +4 Pow, +8 Skl, +4 Def, +2 Res.
{Batima} Icestone Divinestone
[-] Icestone (Batima)
Might: 4 Hit: 70 Weight: 0 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 50
Stats: +2 Pow, +4 Skl, +6 Def, +2 Res. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.
{Beansy} (Manakete) Airstone
[-] Galestone (Beansy)
Might: 4 Hit: 70 Weight: 0 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 50
Stats: +2 Pow, +4 Skl, +4 Spd, +2 Def, +2 Res. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.
Dragonstone - Magistone {Batima} Magestone
[-] Magistone (Batima)
Might: 4 Hit: 70 Weight: 0 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 50
Stats: +2 Pow, +4 Skl, +2 Def, +8 Res.
Dragonstone - Darkstone {Batima} Icestone Divinestone
[-] Darkstone (Batima, SilverRoy)
Might: 8 Hit: 60 Weight: 0 Crit: 0 Range: 1-2 Uses: 40
Stats: +4 Pow, -4 Skl, -4 Spd, +4 Def, +4 Res. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.
{Batima} Dragonstone
[-] Divinestone (Batima)
Might: 12 Hit: 90 Weight: 0 Crit: 10 Range: 1-2 Uses: 40
Stats: +6 Pow, +8 Skl, +4 Spd, +8 Def, +8 Res. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.

The Firestone, Icestone and Darkstone uses the Strength->Def attack stat.
The Galestone, Magistone and Divinestone uses the Magic->Res attack stat.

Galestone Eff vs. Fliers, Divinestone Eff vs. Monsters.
Divinestone also grants +10% Skill activation rate when equipped.


[-] Vulnerary
Restores 15 HP. 5 Uses.

[-] Elixir
Fully restores HP. 3 Uses.

[-] Pure Water
Grants +7 Res, gradually decreases each turn. 3 Uses.

[-] Antitoxin
Cures the poison status effect. 3 Uses.

[-] Door Key
Opens doors. 1 Use.

[-] Chest Key
Opens chests. 5 Uses.

[-] Lockpick
Opens doors and chests. Thieves only. 30 Uses.

[-] Torch
Temporarily increases vision by 4 tiles in Fog of War. 5 Uses.

[-] Red Gem
Gemstone that sells for 2,5k gold.

[-] Blue Gem
Gemstone that sells for 5k gold.

[-] White Gem
Gemstone that sells for 10k gold.

[-] Seraph Robe
Single use to permanently increase user’s HP by 7.

[-] Energy Drop
Single use to permanently increase user’s Str by 2.

[-] Spirit Dust
Single use to permanently increase user’s Mag by 2.

[-] Speedwings
Single use to permanently increase user’s Spd by 2.

[-] Secret Book
Single use to permanently increase user’s Skl by 4.

[-] Divine Icon
Single use to permanently increase user’s Lck by 4.

[-] Dracoplate
Single use to permanently increase user’s Def by 2.

[-] Talisman
Single use to permanently increase user’s Res by 2.

[-] Statue Frag
Single use to permanently increase user’s Con by 2.

[-] Swiftsole
Single use to permanently increase user’s Mov by 2.

[-] Knight Crest
Promotes cavalier units that wield Swords/Lances/Axes [Lvl 10].
As well as armor units, no matter what weapon type [Lvl 10].

[-] Veteran Belt
Promotes infantry units that wield Swords/Lances/Axes [Lvl 10].

[-] Orion’s Bolt
Promotes infantry and cavalier units that wield Bows [Lvl 10].

[-] Guiding Ring
Promotes infantry and cavalier units that wield Tomes/Staves (& Troubadours) [Lvl 10].

[-] Elysian Whip
Promotes flier units, no matter what weapon type [Lvl 10].

[-] Ocean Proof
Promotes thieves, dancers, bards and manaketes [Lvl 10].

[-] Master Seal
Promotes any base class unit, with the exception of Lords [Lvl 10].

[-] Juna Fruit
Single use to reduce user’s Level by 1 to 5, maintaining stats. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.

[-] Metis Gift
Single use to permanently boost all user’s growth rates by 5%. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.

[-] Silver Card
User that holds this card gain 50% discount on shops and armories.

[-] Member Card
User that holds this card is allowed access into secret shops.

[-] Delphi Guard
Grants immunity to effective damage for flier units that holds this item.

[-] Hoplon Guard
Grants immunity to critical hits for any unit that holds this item.

[-] Ninis’s Grace
+10 Def/Res to one ally for the turn. Dancers/Bards only. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.

[-] Filla’s Might
+10 Str/Mag to one ally for the turn. Dancers/Bards only. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.

[-] Thor’s Ire
+10 Crit to one ally for the turn. Dancers/Bards only. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.

[-] Set’s Litany
+10 Avoid to one ally for the turn. Dancers/Bards only. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.

[-] Black Gem
Gemstone that sells for 15k gold. | Can’t be chosen for inventory [Lagdou Ruins].

[-] Gold Gem
Gemstone that sells for 20k gold. | Can’t be chosen for inventory [Lagdou Ruins].

[-] Light Rune
Sets a tile to block all movement for 3 turns. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.

[-] Mine
Sets a tile to deal 10 damage on a single unit. | Can’t be chosen for inventory.

Personal Skills List

This is the list of handpicked personal skills you can choose for your unit!

  • Tier 1 Skill: Level 1 Base Skill
  • Tier 2 Skill: Level 10 Base Skill
  • Tier 3 Skill: Level 5 Promoted Skill

Tiers works regardless of joining level; higher level units join with early skill already learned.
You can also choose to pick lower tier skills for a higher level instead if you so desire.
For example, instead of T1 T2 T3, you can pick three T1, two T1 and one T2, so on.

------------------------------------------------------T1 SKILLS------------------------------------------------------

Paragon - Level experience gain is doubled. (Only for units joining after the route split)
Discipline - Weapon experience gains are doubled.
Armsthrift - Preserve weapon’s durability on landed hit (Luck %).
Despoil - Obtain a Red Gem after attacking and defeating an enemy (Luck %).
Endure - If HP > 50%, survive a lethal attack at 1 HP.
Zeal - Improves base critical rate to 1.5x Skill.
Heavystrike - Adds equipped weapon’s weight to critical rate.
Gamble - Can perform attacks with doubled crit rate, but halved hit rate.
Chivalry - When opponent’s HP is full, grants +2 to Dmg, Def & Res.
Pragmatic - When opponent is wounded, grants +3 to Dmg and +1 to Def & Res.
Puissance - +3 damage if user’s Strength is higher than opponent’s.
Lightweight - Grants +3 attack speed when user holds three or less items.
Spellsword - Adds 3+(Mag/3) to Hit & Crit when initiating battle at 1 range.
Confidence - If HP > 75%, grants +3 Dmg and +15 Avoid.
Pinpoint - Grants +2 damage and +10 hit when attacking at 2 range.
Opportunist - Grants +4 damage if opponent cannot counterattack.
Elbow Room - +3 to damage dealt when on open terrain.
Natural Cover - -3 to damage taken when on terrain with effects.
Fiery Blood - If HP is not full, grants +4 damage.
Frenzy Blood - For every 4 HP missing, grants +1 damage.
Tailwind - If HP is not full, grants +10 to Hit & Avoid.
Slowburn - Grants +1 Hit & Avoid for each passing turn, up until 15.
Quickburn - Grants +15 Hit & Avoid, that decreases each turn until 0.
Forager - When on a Plain, Forest or Mountain, recover 20% HP at start of turn.
Tantivy - Grants +10 to Hit & Avoid if there are no allies within 3 tiles.
Focus - Grants +10 to critical rate if there are no allies within 3 tiles.
Chariot - Grants +2 Mov for the turn when within 3 tiles of ally with Canto.
Trample - User deals +5 damage to any enemy that is unmounted.
Intimidate - Enemies within 2 tiles receive -10 Avoid.
Maleficent - Enemies within 2 tiles receive +2 magic damage.
Surveillance - Enemies within 3 tiles receive -5 Hit and Crit.
Demoiselle - Male allies within 2 tiles receive -2 damage.
Damoiseau - Female allies within 2 tiles receive -2 damage.
Lifebond - Allies within 3 tiles recover 10% HP each turn.
Solidarity - Grants +10 Crit & Dodge to adjacent allies.
Loyalty - Grants +15 Hit and -3 damage taken when within 2 tiles of a Lord.
Empathy - When healing an ally, also heals self for same amount.
Savior - User can rescue allies without stat penalties.

------------------------------------------------------T2 SKILLS------------------------------------------------------

Swordfaire - User deals +4 damage when equipped with a sword.
Lancefaire - User deals +4 damage when equipped with a lance.
Axefaire - User deals +4 damage when equipped with an axe.
Bowfaire - User deals +4 damage when equipped with a bow.
Tomefaire - User deals +4 damage when equipped with a tome.
Triangle Expert - Doubles the effectiveness of the weapon triangle.
Vantage - If HP < 50%, strike first when attacked.
Wrath - If HP < 50%, grants +20 critical rate.
Resolve - If HP < 50%, grants 1.5x Str, Skl & Spd.
Acrobat - Improves all traversable terrain’s cost to 1 movement.
Pivot - Allows user to leap in front of an adjacent ally.
Pass - User can move freely through enemy units.
Veteran - Grants +1 Dmg and +5 Hit per 10 levels user has.
Infiltrator - Grants +3 Dmg and +15 Hit when within 2 tiles of two or more enemies.
Bullrush - Gain +1 damage per two tiles moved for the turn.
Poison Strike - When attacking, damage target’s max HP by 20% after combat.
Cripple - Reduces enemy Skill by 6 after combat (recovers gradually).
Plague - Inflicts a random status effect on attack (Skill %).
Corrosion - Decrease durability of opponent’s weapon by user’s level (Skill/2 %).
Runecurse - Hex attackers that drain HP from user to lose HP instead.
Lucky-7 - Grants +20 to Hit & Avoid until the 7th turn.
Miracle - If HP < 25%, greatly boosts evasion with +30 Avoid.
Grit - Reduces the damage suffered from critical hits to 2x.
Cushion - If user gets doubled, damage of second attack is halved.
Rampart - Grants +5 to Defense but -3 to Attack.
Bastion - Grants +5 to Resistance but -3 to Attack.
Charisma - Grants +10 Hit & Avoid to allies within 3 tiles.
Lilypoise - Grants +1/-3 damage dealt/taken to adjacent allies.
Bless - Grants -4 magical damage taken to adjacent allies.
Renewal - Recover 30% of max HP at the start of each turn.
Cleanse - Cure bad statuses at the start of each turn.
Re-Move - Gain an extra action at the end of turn (Luck %).

------------------------------------------------------T3 SKILLS------------------------------------------------------

Sol - Restore damage dealt as HP on attack (Skill %).
Adept - Grants an extra consecutive attack (Speed %).
Astra - Perform 5 attacks at half damage (Skill %).
Fissure - Increases damage dealt by 1.5x with certain hit (Skill %).
Colossus - Strike with three times Strength (Skill %).
Flare - Halves opponent’s Resistance on attack (Skill %).
Glacies - Adds user’s total Resistance to damage dealt (Skill %).
Ignis - Adds half of user’s Def & Res to damage dealt (Skill %).
Vengeance - Adds half of damage taken to damage dealt (Skill %).
Bane - Reduce opponent’s HP to 1 (Skill/2 %).
Galeforce - Once per turn, move again after attacking and defeating an enemy.
Lifetaker - Restore up to 50% HP after attacking and defeating an enemy.
Exemplar - Grants +1 Dmg and +5 Hit, Avoid & Crit when using light tomes.
Life-Death - User both deals and takes +10 damage on all attacks.
Outrider - Gain +3% Crit and -1 damage taken per tile moved for the turn.
Celerity - Permanently grants +2 Mov to user.
Blademail - Non-lethal physical damage taken is dealt back (1-2 range).
Mirrormail - Non-lethal magical damage taken is dealt back (1-2 range).
Nihil - Cancel opponent’s skills while in combat.
Nullify - User is protected from all effective attacks.



  • 325% total growths for all playable units.
    375% instead for Lords (only one Lord allowed per user).
    The minimum of a stat growth is 5%, while the maximum is 200%.
    Prepromotes will have 15% cut from all growths, except HP growth (min still 5%).
    Athos is allowed 905% growth rates (like FE6 Karel), same min 5% max 200% rule.

  • Boons/Banes - 4/4 HP-Str-Mag-Skl-Spd-Def-Res | 5/5 Lck | 3/3 Con.
    Keep in mind that, if a bane would reduce a stat bellow 0, the excess will go to HP.
    For example; a Mag bane, on a physical unit with 0 Mag, would be in practice HP bane.

  • Personality - use it to fill extra information to help for your unit’s lore.

  • Pow - all of the units’ personal Str/Mag stats will be even numbers. You can use it to choose whenever the points will be all put to Strength, all put to Magic, or split evenly between the two for a Hybrid unit.
    Just fill in with either of these three words so I know what to do.

  • Three Weapons/Items allowed per playable unit. Single choice of a ‘Special Item’:
    Promotion Item, Statbooster, Gems, Delphi/Hoplon Guard, Silver/Member Card.
    The following ‘Special Items’ are only allowed on units from after the route split:
    Master Seal - Swiftsole - Warp Staff - White Gem - Delphi/Hoplon Guard - Cards

  • You can use Red version to check vanilla unit bases, but remember that they have their boons/banes on top, so might need to research the og submissions for actual bases.

Portrait (by X):




Growth Rates:

  • HP:
  • STR:
  • MAG:
  • SKL:
  • SPD:
  • LCK:
  • DEF:
  • RES:

Personal Skills:

  • S1:
  • S2:
  • S3:

Defeat Quote:



  • The amount of personal skills a boss has follows the same rules as the three skills per unit (e.g. if your boss is low base level then 1 skill, at least base level 10 then 2 skills, and promoted level 5 or higher then 3 skills).
    The links at the bottom for the FE wiki can help to learn the level of the boss you’re replacing.

  • Four Weapons/Items allowed per boss units. Same ‘Special Item’ rules apply.

  • Be sure to specify whenever an item in the boss’ inventory is droppable or must be stolen.

  • If your boss replacement also is unlockable in the creature campaign, you can give them growth rates on your post, same rules as the playable units.

  • On that note, only the creature campaign unlockable bosses are allowed to have new custom classes. Regular bosses must use either vanilla classes, or a custom class that’s already submitted by another user.

  • Ch04 Entombed Boss will be Lvl.10 base class. Tirado is still the first promoted boss.
    And once again, Formotiis can’t have Nullify as one of their personal skills.

Portrait (by X):




Personal Skills:

Battle Quote:

Defeat Quote:


NPCs: You can use the earlier templates for references, and if your NPC is also unlockable in the creature campaign, you can give them both growth rates and an inventory (three items), following the same rules as above.

Two units allowed per user per day. No reservations. First come, first served.
(Blue PME should go by much faster, so there’s no need for reservations this time)

>Check Here For Fire Emblem 7 Playable Units List<
>Check Here For Fire Emblem 8 Bosses/NPCs List<
>Check Here For Fire Emblem 7 Support Pairs List<
>Check Here For Fire Emblem 7 Unit Endings List<

---------------------------------------------------SLOTS LIST-------------------------------------------------------


Dancer-Bard: 3/4
Manaketes: 4/4 [Complete]

  • Lyn: Loui | Female Troubadour Lord (KingOfTharcia)
  • Eliwood: Aenrea | Female Dusk Lord (Starshadow_Melody)
  • Hector: Marciel | Female Dragon Rider (Aeroponce)
  • Rath: Caneis | Female Sniper (WiiSportsRemote)
  • Lowen: Yuna | Female Soldier (KingOfTharcia)
  • Oswin: Atarah | Female Pegasus Rider (amema003)
  • Florina: Desmond | Male Bard (tweetyboy)
  • Serra: Tyleesa | Female Axe Bearer (Taylor)
  • Bartre: Arigail | Female Archer (DonutPlains1)
  • Dorcas: Beneil | Male Archer (DonutPlains1)
  • Rebecca: Nalaza | Female Manakete (Taylor)
  • Matthew: Isabella | Female Bulwark (Speak)
  • Lucius: Luna | Female Manakete (Ignis)
  • Nino: Aushrine | Female Hussar (czechball)
  • Priscilla: Solus | Male Manakete (Ignis)
  • Guy: Florian | Male Myrmidon (czechball)
  • Marcus: Harold | Male Warmonk (Shadow_the_halberdier)
  • Sain: Shadow | Male Soldier (Shadow_the_halberdier)
  • Kent: Rosey | Female Pirate (Shadow_the_halberdier)
  • Wil: Waluigi | Male Dancer (Goose)
  • Merlinus: Styx | Female Manakete (amema003)
  • Fiora: Plum | Female Curate (Speak)
  • Dart: Charlotte | Female Fighter (TheEmeraldKing267)
  • Louise: Cole | Male Champion (ColeTheOne)
  • Karla: Jadranka | Female Petyhorzec (czechball)
  • Ninian: Noodles | Female Mercenary (Speak)
  • Raven: Ishtar | Female Wizard (czechball)
  • Karel: Maria | Female Siegemaster (Speak)
  • Harken: Leashera | Female Witch (Taylor)
  • Isadora: Jacquline | Female Baron (tweetyboy)
  • Hawkeye:
  • Wallace: Mikeus | Male Boyar (WiiSportsRemote)
  • Geitz:
  • Pent:
  • Erk: Jaromir | Male Wyvern Rider (czechball)
  • Heath: Radojka | Female Konnik (czechball)
  • Legault:
  • Vaida: Kempf | Male Battlemage (KingOfTharcia)
  • Canas: Caneis Jr | Female Bard (WiiSportsRemote)
  • Nils:
  • Farina: Eggman | Male Sage (Starshadow_Melody)
  • Jaffar:
  • Renault:
  • Athos: Jane | Female Assassin (ColeTheOne)


  • O’Neill: Glass | Male Mercenary (TheEmeraldKing267)
  • Breguet:
  • Bone:
  • Bazba:
  • Ch04 Boss:
  • Saar:
  • Zonta:
  • Novala:
  • Murray:
  • Tirado: Orton | Male Dracoknight (TheEmeraldKing267)
  • Binks:
  • Gheb:
  • Pablo: Eggman | Male Sage (AlemOwl)
  • Beran:
  • Ch11 [Darkness]:
  • Ch11 [Ship]:
  • Ch12 [Silence]:
  • Ch12 [Landing]: Mitan | Female Warrior (TheEmeraldKing267)
  • Aias: Gerald | Male Sage (AlemOwl)
  • Selena: Brunnya | Female Sage (TheEmeraldKing267)
  • Carlyle: Joshua | Male Assassin (ColeTheOne)
  • Vigarde: Jiol | Male Baron (TheEmeraldKing267)
  • Caellach:
  • Valter:
  • Orson:
  • Ch18 Boss:
  • Riev: Rin | Male Halberdier (KingOfTharcia)
  • Morva:
  • Lyon: Algol | Male Berserker (ColeTheOne)
  • Formotiis:


  • Fado:
  • Hayden:
  • Ismaire:
  • Glen:
  • Messenger:
  • Klimt:
  • Dara:
  • Mansel: Emerald | Female Trueblade (Aeroponce)

And that’s everything. Cheers and wishing all the best. :star:


I’ll go do another unit, then
Slot: Rath
Name: Caneis
Gender: F
Class: Sniper
Affinity: Light
Portrait (by WiiSportsRemote):

Hackbox extend patch required
Tile 1 X:5 Y:255
Tile 2 X:7 Y:255

Description: Ruthless, but has a streak of mercy for those close to her.

Inventory: Silver bow
Iron bow

Pow: STR
Boon: RES

Growth Rates:

  • HP: 40
  • STR: 60 -15 = 45
  • MAG: 20 -15 = 5
  • SKL: 45 -15 = 30
  • SPD: 70 -15 = 55
  • LCK: 20 -15 = 5
  • DEF: 35 -15 = 20
  • RES: 25 -15 = 10

Personal Skills:

  • S1: Loyalty
  • S2: Veteran
  • S3: Nihil

Defeat Quote: This… hurts. I’m out of here.


When she was a little girl, she lived on a farm, where she killed any pests using her bow. However, one day her idyllic farm life was dashed when men who were debt collectors came and took her mother and father to work in indentured servitude for all the debt they amassed to the lord of the manor. She was left alone, since she was not part of the debt. 10 years after her parents were taken from her. she finds a position for a footsolider in renais. She gets promoted a lot due to her exellence in battle, and she is considered one of the best soliders in renais. 20 years later, she sees herself landed in this situation, she still however feels a sting of regret for what she’s done in life… Due to all she’s been through, she seems cold and uncaring on the exterior, but will gladly help the lord and anyone she is close to.

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@WiiSportsRemote Ah! Since you already have your lord in the Red version Wii, you can’t make one for the Blue version. Same goes for @czechball and @Dex.

As said on the OP, this is to give three new users their time to shine with their Lords.


yeah, thats fair

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Did you want Joff again? No? Well, I didn’t either, but screw it, I’m makin’ this! This is false, you are never going to see Joffy ever again. Instead, you get Jaen.
Slot: Athos
Name: Jane
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin
Affinity: Anima
Portrait (by Eldritch, recolored by Me):

Description: A woman burned by Jeff. Fights killers because as revenge for her family.

Inventory: Killing Edge, Brave Sword, Elixir

Pow: Str
Boon: Lck
Bane: Skl

Growth Rates:

  • HP:100
  • STR:100
  • MAG:5
  • SKL:100
  • SPD:100
  • LCK:195
  • DEF:100
  • RES:100

Personal Skills:

  • S1: Nilhi
  • S2:
  • S3:

Defeat Quote: Forgive me, I must fall for now, please continue on without me. I’ll stay back and recover.

Personality: She hates Jeff and all serial killers by proxy. Other than that, she’s rather kind, only others call her “Jane the Killer”. So, don’t worry, she won’t Jane the Kill you.

And since I took Fomortiis last time, might as well take Lyon for this one instead so something else can make a Fomortiis replacement.
Slot: Lyon
Name: Algol
Gender: Male
Class: Berserker
Affinity: Dark
Portrait (by Garytop):

Description: An inhabitant of the Outrealms who
practices dark rituals in the name of art.

Allocer (Basically just an Axe version of Naglfar)

Pow: Str
Boon: Str
Bane: Res

Personal Skills: Vengeance

Battle Quote: I’ll make you 10 times better looking than you are right now. The price is getting killed by myself, the greatest artist, Algol!

Defeat Quote: What? No…I decide who dies…

Personality: A crazy dude who kills people and turns them into Risen for the sake of his “art”.

Also, change his boss theme from Vs Julius to Aluza’s version of Tearing Shadows from FE12.


Can I submit someone even though I have zero idea how to make/get a portrait?

@ColeTheOne The same units from Red can’t reappear in Blue even as playable sadly.

Algol is all good still however! And I can also make his theme Tearing Shadows np. :star:

One more thing, I’ll make Allocer 1-2 range, what ranged magic anim do you want it to use?

@tweetyboy You can use the FEU github repo to get a portrait for your unit (with credits)!
It’s on the Portrait Repository sub folder.

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(yes i do understand 3 new peeps get to lord, also I’ve been informed 2 units per day)

Slot: Guy
Name: Florian
Gender: Male
Class: Myrmidon
Affinity: Fire
Portrait (base by me, using fechar, full spritesheet made by WiiSportsRemote):

Description: A wandering arena fighter and gambler.


  • Wo Dao

  • Killing Edge

  • Slim Sword

Pow: Strength
Boon: Luck
Bane: Resistance

Growth Rates:

HP:  40
STR: 50
MAG: 5
SKL: 50
SPD: 60
LCK: 50
DEF: 40
RES: 30

Personal Skills:

S1: Zeal
S2: Wrath
S3: Resolve

(do you even crit, bro?)

Defeat Quote: So… my luck ran out, it seems…

Personality: Florian’s a betting man with plenty of pedigree in the arena. As for his personal interactions, he’s a textbook deadpan snarker.

Palette: White (with a slight red hue) hair, faded red clothes

Slot: Raven
Name: Ishtar
Gender: Female
Class: Wizard
Affinity: Thunder
Portrait (by Blade):

Description: The heir to Mjölnir, she carries the blood of the royal family of Friege. The descent of her love, Julius, into the darkness troubles her.


  • Thunder

  • Thoron

  • Blue Gem

(trying desperatly to find a Mjolnir spell animation somewhere)

Pow: Magic
Boon: Magic
Bane: Defense

Growth Rates:

HP: 60
STR: 5
MAG: 50
SKL: 50
SPD: 50
LCK: 40
DEF: 40
RES: 30

Personal Skills:

S1: Loyalty
S2: Vantage
S3: Adept

Defeat Quote: My Lord… I…

Personality: Generally, take all of her portrayals throughout the series (especially FE4 and FE5), and condense them down into one gal.

Palette: Lavender hair, dark purple clothes


oh yeah, remember that time i promised i’d make portraits for you on the erika PME and i forgot about them? yeah, i made a florian portrait once


Oof… Would’ve been fun, but rules are rules.
EDIT: I changed Jeff’s name and dialouge and stuff to someone else, but their gameplay is the (nearly) same.

Eh, use Fenrir or something, I dunno

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Slot: Florina
Name: Desmond
Gender: Male
Class: Dancer
Affinity: Ice
Description: A wandering dancer in search of true love and adventure
Portrait (Made Garytop’s stuff F2E)



Growth Rates:

HP:  30
STR: 10
MAG: 60
SKL: 55
SPD: 50
LCK: 50
DEF: 30
RES: 40

Personal Skills:

S1: Demoiselle
S2: Ignis
S3: Renewal

Defeat Quote: My My…How…Strong…lovely (Killed by a man)
Ugh how…unsightly (Killed by a woman)

Personality: Flamboyant man, that loves strong manly men. Who pretends to be a damsel in distress even though he is quite strong


thanks, also:

Hussar (D Rank Swords, Cavalry, Can promote to a Paladin or a Cuirassier)
Hussar Bases [M]: HP: 18, STR: 5, MAG: 0, SKL: 4, SPD: 5, DEF: 4, RES: 1, CON: 9
Hussar Bases [F]: HP: 17, STR: 5, MAG: 0, SKL: 5, SPD: 6, DEF: 4, RES: 1, CON: 8

Hussar Map Sprites:
Male (made by SALVAGED):
Cavalier (M) Sword {SALVAGED}-stand
Cavalier (M) Sword {SALVAGED}-walk

Female (made by SALVAGED and Pikmin):
Cavalier (F) Sword {SALVAGED, Pikmin}-stand
Cavalier (F) Sword {SALVAGED, Pikmin}-walk

Hussar Battle Animations:
Male: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Cavalier-Variant] [M] Leo's Sword Cavalier by Leo_Link at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Female: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Cavalier-Variant] [U] Leo's Sword Cavalier Long Hair by Leo_Link at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Cuirassier (C Rank Swords, Cavalry, 8 Mov, Avoid bonus, Can be promoted to by a Hussar)
Cuirassier Bases [M]: HP: 21, STR: 6, MAG: 1, SKL: 7, SPD: 9, DEF: 6, RES: 3, CON: 11
Cuirassier Bases [F]: HP: 20: STR: 6, MAG: 1, SKL: 8, SPD: 10, DEF: 6, RES: 3, CON: 10
Cuirassier Caps: HP: 60, STR 25, MAG: 20, SKL: 26, SPD: 27, DEF: 25, RES: 25, CON: 20
Cuirassier Promo Gains: HP: 3 Str: 1 Skl: 3 Spd: 4 Def: 2 Res: 2 Mag: 1 Con: 2

Cuirassier Map Sprites:
Male (made by milom):
Great Lord (M) Ephraim Sword {milom}-stand
Great Lord (M) Ephraim Sword {milom}-walk

Female (made by IS):
Great Lord (F) Eirika Sword {IS}-stand
Great Lord (F) Eirika Sword {IS}-walk

Cuirassier Battle Animations:
Male: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Ranger-Variant] [M] Leo-Style +Weapons at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Female: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Ranger-Variant] [F] Leo-Style +Weapons at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Petyhorzec (D Rank Lances, Cavalry, Promotes into Siegemaster and Leitis)
Petyhorzec Bases [M]: HP: 20, STR: 5, MAG: 0, SKL: 2, SPD: 5, DEF: 5, RES: 0, CON: 9
Petyhorzec Bases [F]: HP: 18, STR: 4, MAG: 0, SKL: 4, SPD: 6, DEF: 5, RES: 1, CON: 8

Petyhorzec Map Sprites:
Male (made by SALVAGED):
Cavalier (M) Lance {SALVAGED}-stand
Cavalier (M) Lance {SALVAGED}-walk

Female (made by SALVAGED and Pikmin):
Cavalier (F) Lance {SALVAGED, Pikmin}-stand
Cavalier (F) Lance {SALVAGED, Pikmin}-walk

Petyhorzec Battle Animations:
Male: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Cavalier-Variant] [M] Leo's Lance Cavalier Noble Repal by Leo_Link at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Female: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Cavalier-Variant] [F] Generic v2 by SALVAGED at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Leitis (C Rank Lances, Cavalry, 8 Mov, Avoid boost, Can be promoted to by a Petyhorzec)
Leitis Bases [M]: HP: 23, STR: 7, MAG: 0, SKL: 6, SPD: 8, DEF: 7, RES: 2, CON: 11
Leitis Bases [F]: HP: 21, STR: 6, MAG: 0, SKL: 8, SPD: 9, DEF: 7, RES: 3, CON: 10
Leitis Caps: HP: 60, STR: 26, MAG: 20, SKL: 25, SPD: 25, DEF: 28, RES: 24, CON: 20
Leitis Promo Gains: HP: 3 Str: 2 Skl: 4 Spd: 3 Def: 2 Res: 2 Mag: 0 Con: 2

Leitis Map Sprites:
Male (made by Pikmin):
Paladin (M) v2 Lance {Pikmin}-stand
Paladin (M) v2 Lance {Pikmin}-walk

Female (made by L95):
Paladin (F) Lance {L95}-stand
Paladin (F) Lance {L95}-walk

Leitis Battle Animations:
Male: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Paladin-Variant] [M] SALVAGED Repal at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Female: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Paladin-Variant] [F] SALVAGED-Style Titania (No Intro) at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

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and can I reserve 2 units, as it’s 2 units per day? if so, I would like to reserve Sain and Kent

there are no reservations, type faster XD

oh, well then

@tweetyboy The ‘Special Dance (Tune)’ skill is actually a class skill that Dancers/Bards gain when promoted, so you can freely change the T2 skill of Desmond to another one.

@czechball Yeah, like Wii said, since this PME will go by much faster there’s no reservations this time, but you can still make a post indirectly requesting it, if you’ll really need it.

@ColeTheOne Works very well, I can implement Jane np!

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Awesome, I had one in mind already I only did that to make him better! Thanks done!

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Slot: Isadora
Name: Jacquline
Gender: Female
Class: Baron
Affinity: Dark
Description: Personal Bodyguard to the Ruler of Renias
Portrait (milom)

Silver Sword


Growth Rates:

HP:  60
STR: 50
MAG: 50
SKL: 30
SPD: 40
LCK: 5
DEF: 40
RES: 50

Personal Skills:

S1: Wrath
S2: Intimidate
S3: Bless

Defeat Quote: Ugh…Milord…DAMN YOU BASTARDS!! I’ll KILL…you…alll

Personality: Beautiful woman who comes off docile and regal but ill tempered and quick to anger and spazz out on anyone before realizing herself again…may have a split personality


and before I forget:

Konnik (D Rank Axes, Cavalry, Promotes to Gendarme or Boyar)
Konnik Bases [M]: HP: 19, STR: 5, SKL: 2, SPD: 5, DEF: 6, RES: 0, CON: 9, MAG: 0
Konnik Bases [F]: HP: 18, STR: 4, SKL: 4, SPD: 6, DEF: 5, RES: 1, CON: 8, MAG: 0

Konnik Map Sprites:
Male (made by Siuloir):
Cavalier (M) Axe {Siuloir}-stand
Cavalier (M) Axe {Siuloir}-walk

Female (made by SALVAGED and Pikmin):
Cavalier (F) Axe {SALVAGED, Pikmin}-stand
Cavalier (F) Axe {SALVAGED, Pikmin}-walk

Konnik Battle Animations:
Male: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Cavalier-Variant] [M] Leo's Axe Cavalier by Leo_Link at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Female: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Cavalier-Variant] [U] Leo's Axe Cavalier Long Hair by Leo_Link at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Boyar (C Rank Axes, Cavalry, 8 Move, Avoid Boost, Can be promoted to by a Konnik)
Boyar Bases [M]: HP: 23, STR: 6, SKL: 3, SPD: 6, DEF: 8, RES: 2, CON: 11, MAG: 0
Boyar Bases [F]: HP: 22, STR: 5, SKL: 5, SPD: 7, DEF: 7, RES: 3, CON: 10, MAG: 0
Boyar Caps: HP: 60, STR: 28, SKL: 28, SPD: 28, DEF: 23, RES: 21, CON: 20, MAG: 20
Boyar Promo Gains: HP: 4, STR: 1, SKL: 1, SPD: 1, DEF: 2, RES: 2, CON: 2, MAG: 0

Boyar Map Sprites:
Male (made by RobertFPY):

Female (made by L95):
Paladin (F) Axe {L95}-stand
Paladin (F) Axe {L95}-walk

Boyar Battle Animations:
Male: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Paladin-Variant] [M] Kent by Greentea at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Female: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Paladin-Variant] [F] SALVAGED Alt at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

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