[FE8] Three Houses GBA Demake [All Chapters Available]

Hello hopefully this is not a bother but someone is making a randomizer and is missing a few characters from three houses some portraits from three houses I should say I noticed that you’ve done portraits for all the blue Lion Route and was wondering if you could help out if not that is perfectly fine I will link it here

You will be credited for any art that you made that shows up in here it’s just I couldn’t find many portraits for some of the characters for three houses and if you can’t help spreading the word will help a lot Dimitri already got one

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Made a post, hope it helps!


Yello! Is it okay if i use your rom as a basis for like a 3 houses alt story-line I’m working on?/steal some portraits from it

edit: nvm im stupid aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Is this completed?
This project looks awesome!