[FE8] The Dream Spirit (WIP Sequel to The Four Kings)


Four years since the release of Four Kings, and finally the sequel is in the works! Lionel sets sail into the unknown, accompanied by Regis, Terry, and the crew of the Mighty Mussel. What awaits them is a grand RPG adventure, and definitely NOT a traditionally structured Fire Emblem game!

I’ve been working on this story for a couple of years now, but only recently got to work on the project itself. I didn’t wanna get to work until I had the story completely mapped out, since this is a very narrative-driven game. The script is roughly twice the length of the Four Kings script! Hopefully I did a good job on it, at least.

To that end, since I’m putting so much focus on the story, one thing I really want to try with this game is to have a lot more CGs and custom artwork. Unfortunately, I am a terrible artist, as you’ll see in some pictures below. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN HELPING WITH ARTWORK FOR CUTSCENES AND/OR PORTRAITS, PLEASE REACH OUT!


  • A traditional RPG structure, most heavily inspired by Xenoblade Chronicles and Golden Sun (as well asa bit of Zelda). Instead of ~25 chapters, there will be ~10 islands to explore across the Polokus Archipelago!
  • Freeroaming in towns, fields, and dungeons! Talk to townsfolk, find secrets, and get into battles as you explore.
  • Dungeons! Puzzles, gimmicks, bosses, the works!
  • Explore the wider ocean freely! As you progress through the story and unlock more islands, you can backtrack to previous islands for sidequests or to access new areas.
  • A completely custom magic system courtesy of Scraiza. Magic provides a buff on hit (e.g. Fire gives +5 attack to the target), and following up with a physical attack will steal that buff. Combine multiple elements for larger buffs, and even fancy combo effects depending on the spells! For instance, combine Fire and Wind to give a bonus +3 strength to all your party members!
  • A much, much, MUCH more trimmed down cast of characters, and likewise a much more focused narrative around all of them.

FEE3 trailer:


FreeRoam_1-5 FreeRoam_1-1

FreeRoam_1-2 FreeRoam_1-3

FreeRoam_1-4 FreeRoam_1-10

FreeRoam_1-6 FreeRoam_1-7

FreeRoam_1-8 FreeRoam_1-9

FreeRoam_1-11 FreeRoam_1-12

FreeRoam_1-14 FreeRoam_1-15

FreeRoam_1-19 FreeRoam_1-16

FreeRoam_1-17 FreeRoam_1-18

The current patch covers the first island, which is pretty short compared to the other ones. This is just an introduction, and a very work-in-progress one at that. I got to this point a few months ago (at the time of writing this), but have not worked on this project because something came up. I caught wind of a new FE3 translation recently, so I’ve been putting all my efforts into that instead, which I consider a much higher priority. I should have that translation done by the end of the year, and then I’ll get back to work on The Dream Spirit.

Still, if you are at all interested in helping out with art or music or anything else, please let me know! I could sorely use the assistance on the visual side, if nothing else.

Download the current patch here!
Join my discord server to keep up with development!


cool hack idea krash can i do 1 CG

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Good luck with ur project, Krash.


Feel free to join the discord if you wanna talk further about helping, yeah.


Fire Emblem 2: The Great Escape

Do i need to have played 4 kings to know the story here?

That is not strictly necessary. While Lionel and a few other characters are from Four Kings, the plot is entirely disconnected from the first game. I still obviously recommend you play Four Kings, but you don’t have to in order to enjoy Dream Spirit’s story.

I can’t believe this is happening! Man, I’m real hyped for this one :heart_eyes:

Krash wants more echoes to play, so he’s doing it himself

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There is a issue. After you beat the bandit leader in the bandit base, if you save before interacting with his throne, that interaction point disappears, leaving you unable to get the red gem, which soft locks the game.

Thanks for the heads up! I’ll be sure to fix that.

Patch link in the main thread has been updated to fix the bug. Thanks for reporting it!

I think I still have that CG draft in my art folder that I gave up on because I wasn’t good enough for the composition at the time lol, if I finish it I’ll post it here

the magic system and the rpg elements are pretty fun, overall it has a unique system.
how long is the hack right now?

The current demo is very short. A quick tutorial battle + boat exploration segment, then the first island (which is how areas will typically be designed, i.e. freeroaming around an area, getting into short battles, interacting with the environment, etc). The boat segment after the first island is also implemented, but the second island isn’t made yet. Future islands will be much more substantial, usually with a town, a field area, and a dungeon.

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I see, that’s good to know, I was wondering why Terril couldn’t move in the second boat map.

Taking inspiration from FE2 at all? This looks amazing though! Love how you’re mixing it up to make a unique experience. Good luck in this project.

I’m always fond of non-traditional FE hacks, and since I liked Four Kings, I will give this one a shot.

If you had to compare it to any FE, Gaiden/Echoes would be the closest one. But this is more similar to traditional RPGs than any FE games, with Xenoblade being the biggest inspiration.

Alright, now that the new FE3 translation is done (which you should totally go play, FE3 needs more recognition!) and I’ve taken a bit of a break from serious hacking, it’s time to get back to work on this. To start, I made a couple of new portraits to round out the main cast, so now I can actually show them all off! All of these characters are introduced early, so there’s no real spoilers here (except for the one character I blocked out). Some of these are my own splices, some are from other people (zaim, n426, gold, pixelz).

With all these portraits done, I can get back to the main gameplay stuff. First actually substantial island is up next, which will include a town, a field area to explore, and a dungeon. About time I got back to mapping.